Saturday, 30 November 2019
Daily Discussion, December 01, 2019

American Citizen Arrested for Educating North Korea on Blockchain and Crypto
Submitted December 01, 2019 at 02:55PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2r52zbw
Bitcoin Fails to Break $7.8K and Now Risks Reversing to New Lows
Submitted December 01, 2019 at 02:56PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2OD14ue
Saw the German flag on the front page and thought it would be the right time to share this

Elites Create Money From Thin Air While we Have to Work for Ours - Bitcoin Fixes This

When you FOMO buy BTC at 20 k $ and panic sell at 3 k $
Submitted December 01, 2019 at 03:21AM by Ksenofanex http://bit.ly/2szRCPX
You guys loved the last clip from the bitcoin mobile game I'm working on, so heres another. (Questions for the community in the comments)
Submitted December 01, 2019 at 05:40AM by Oxygenjacket http://bit.ly/37RHyBH
Does this mean he bought this without BTC? Or he bought this and NOW he has zero BTC?
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 01:39PM by Mjabearman http://bit.ly/35MBQPQ
The best use of $s

What would you do today with free 20 kw/h electricity?
I'm in need of advice and any help would be much appreciated.
I've stumbled upon free electricity (college has renewable energy) and started research on crypto mining but since this territory is changing all the time I have trouble identifying the reliable source and I don't know anyone who is a miner.
What gear would you set up today with that available power and what would you mine if you have hands free to decide?
And yes, what online source do you use to make those decisions for the future?
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 06:48PM by Luk4_M http://bit.ly/37PnTT3
Jeffrey Epstein, Blackmail and a Lucrative ‘Hot List’

Bitcoin’s Initial Block Download Performance Tests
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 05:05AM by NimbleBodhi http://bit.ly/2L68SCI
Bitcoin Price Eyes $8,000 as Bloomberg Signals New Buying Trend
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 04:05PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2DxBYqd
Bitcoin Price Hits Tipping Point Above $7.6K — Pivotal Weekend Ahead
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 04:05PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2r2l8Nw
Dwight Shrutte from The Office is asking for your Bitcoins
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 06:17AM by qazwsx1112 http://bit.ly/2Y4G2aX
Ethereum developer arrested for traveling to North Korea, accused of assisting NK on how to evade sanctions via use of "blockchain technology" and "smart contracts".
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 06:13AM by StopAndDecrypt http://bit.ly/2OTqaE6
Growing pains. There will never be 21 million active Bitcoins.
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 06:41AM by ThrowAway34pl http://bit.ly/34AKK2H
How Well Do Americans Understand Money? 29% believe that the US dollar is backed by gold, 26% believe banks are required to keep 100% of the money deposited by customers, 54% of respondents believe that the Federal Reserve Banks are owned solely by the US government ....
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 07:39AM by bitsteiner http://bit.ly/2OYdcFe
nobody touch anything
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 08:46AM by btcmiss http://bit.ly/35NRVVr
Friday, 29 November 2019
HEX Is The 1st High Interest Paying Blockchain & Is 100% Free For All BTC Holders! CLAIM YOUR FREE HEX AIRDROP IN 3 DAYS (BTC SNAPSHOT 12/2, CLAIM AVAILABLE 12/3). Hex Was Designed By Crypto Vet Richard Heart To 1000x WHILE Paying You Interest. Use The Link Inside & GET 10% MORE HEX When Claiming!
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 02:09PM by FrenchCanadian7657 http://bit.ly/2OVsv1r
Bitcoin Gets a Big Boost in Germany After Banks Allowed to Offer Cryptocurrencies
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 02:16PM by Moustache_Group http://bit.ly/37R1oNx
Daily Discussion, November 30, 2019

Question by a newbie about power regulation on mining
Hi, I'm totally new to mining and I had a question. Does the software allow to regulate how intensely it's working? Or is it always automatically at maximum? Do I then have to use external methods to regulate power consumption?
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 12:56PM by Freschledditor http://bit.ly/2OyuFF1
Any online service to host miners?
Is there any online service where I can ship a miner to them or give them money to buy a miner and run it and I can pay them maintenance cost. Or any good cloud mining services for asic mining.
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 11:56AM by david55721 http://bit.ly/34zXdUm
How Well Do Americans Understand Money? 29% believe that the US dollar is backed by gold, 26% believe banks are required to keep 100% of the money deposited by customers, 54% of respondents believe that the Federal Reserve Banks are owned solely by the US government ....

nobody touch anything

Coinbase patents platform to fight illegal bitcoin activity
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 01:12AM by Tennis3765 http://bit.ly/2OXGG5T
Bakkt CEO to Become a US Senator
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 05:02AM by krudler420 http://bit.ly/2DwneIl
Dwight Shrutte from The Office is asking for your Bitcoins

Ethereum developer arrested for traveling to North Korea, accused of assisting NK on how to evade sanctions via use of "blockchain technology" and "smart contracts".

Hodl Hodl now allows to exchange BTC on-chain for Lightning BTC
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 11:19PM by artur97 http://bit.ly/34z7U9N
My nocoiner mum just tried to call me at work. Didn’t expect this.
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 06:45PM by Devil_Hand http://bit.ly/2qYsWjn
New Law Proposed In Germany Would Legalize Banks Holding Bitcoin
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 07:27PM by Danirose182 http://bit.ly/2L4VOgO
What will happen when Bitcoin mining rewards go away / Boing Boing
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 07:46PM by montanezjeffreys http://bit.ly/33sbotn
German banks to offer Bitcoin custody by 2020
My nocoiner mum just tried to call me at work. Didn’t expect this.

Decided that I’m going to release my Bitcoin Bible Book I wrote as a 17 year old for free!
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 02:00AM by OGKebabEater http://bit.ly/2OXjfd0
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 10:17AM by Sheezos http://bit.ly/2rE3OyE
When I googled "where to sell precious metals for bitcoin" Apparently, the gold bugs have been joking about us since 2013. 🤣

A while ago I saw that a user posted one of my mugs on r/bitcoin. The communities response was amazing and it had me smiling for the rest of the day. Long story short, I'm giving away some mugs to fellow hodlers for the holidays.
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 02:19PM by dont_drink_the_milk http://bit.ly/2OtHjFw
Stocks Slip on Trade Worries as Record High Stays Elusive

Africa ‘Will Define’ the Future of Bitcoin - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 04:47PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2q0REPI
New EU law: Banks allowed to hold and sell Bitcoin as of 2020
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 04:53PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2OznnRH
Thursday, 28 November 2019
New Research Challenges Bitcoin Mining’s Impact on the Environment
New research published in the The New Scientist challenges previous research by arguing that Bitcoin mining has a smaller carbon footprint than previously thought.
The previous research accused Bitcoin mining of contributing as much as 63 megatonnes of CO2 per year, but Massimo Pizzol and Susanne Köhler at Denmark’s Aalborg University point out in their paper that the original research made too many assumptions about energy consumption. Pizzol and Köhler show that carbon emissions from electricity generation and mining fractions are not uniform across China, as the original findings argued. Instead, 12.3% of Bitcoin mining comes from Inner Mongolia, which relies on coal for energy production. This then translate to Mongolia contributing 26.2% to Bitcoin’s overall carbon footprint, which is then counterbalanced by mining contributions coming from Sichuan that is able to generate significant electrical supply via hydropower.
The authors also noted that while the carbon footprint of Bitcoin is on the rise, the statistics should be kept in perspective.“On the one hand, we have these alarmist voices saying we won’t hit the Paris agreement because of Bitcoin only. But on the other hand, there are a lot of voices from the Bitcoin community saying that most of the mining is done with green energy and that it’s not high impact.”
Proof-of-Stake provides potential alternative with tradeoffs
Processing transactions and validating the blockchain was originally only done via mining with computers solving complex algorithms, but proof-of-stake (POS) has since been developed as an alternative. POS leverages coins locked into a wallet (staked) by holders of the coin to validate other transactions on the network. This avoids the issue of consuming intense amounts of energy, but also raises additional concerns such as centralization and security risks.
POS coins tend to create most of their total coin supply at the creation of the coin, which means that it is often only early adopters that will have a large concentration of said coins, and thus, coins created for payouts to stakers will mostly go to early adopters. This means that there tends to remain a large centralization risk, as opposed to mining where, theoretically, anyone can buy a mining rig for a couple thousand USD and begin mining said cryptocurrency and get rewards for doing so. However, mining has also developed centralization risks due to the creation of large mining farms that make it very difficult for small players to see any significant returns.
The other risk of POS coins is a security concern since there have been attacks on proof-of-stake coins, including by “faking” staking data. Nevertheless, attack vulnerability isn’t exclusive to proof-of-stake coins since proof-of-work coins can also be attacked via various methods.
Dash provides a middle ground between the two
Dash secures its network via a mix between the two methods by using both proof-of-work through miners and proof-of-stake through masternodes that stake 1000 Dash. The network then pays both miners and masternodes 45% for doing work and the remaining 10% is allocated to the treasury each month. This helps ensure that the network can get the benefits of both methods to further secure the network without risking too much centralization as other coins have seen. As an example of its effectiveness, Dash was even ranked as the most decentralized coin earlier this year by Are We Decentralized Yet?
Dash then further enhances its security via ChainLocks that allows masternodes to lock-in the first seen transaction and this provides much more protections against 51% attacks than any other POW or POS coin. However, this has also prompted Dash Core Group to pose the question of reevaluating the block distribution split since miners might have become more redundant in the system.
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 02:43PM by Moustache_Group http://bit.ly/33rzc0h
A while ago I saw that a user posted one of my mugs on r/bitcoin. The communities response was amazing and it had me smiling for the rest of the day. Long story short, I'm giving away some mugs to fellow hodlers for the holidays.

Daily Discussion, November 29, 2019

Bitcoin is the largest peaceful protest in history.
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 06:17AM by RhythmTrader http://bit.ly/2OtfZqU
Two of my favorite pieces of technology.
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 08:10AM by Bitcoin1776 http://bit.ly/2rBUsDc

Bitcoin is the largest peaceful protest in history.

Two of my favorite pieces of technology.

We are just in the beginning of next cycle!

We are just in the beginning of next cycle!
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 07:44AM by 8w2e5s6h8r6a5n9e0a3s http://bit.ly/2DpAkqJ
KYC measures in this space are extreme and beyond what’s required by law. Where does the line get drawn?
Coinbase just applied for a patent on a KYC process that’s far more draconian than required. https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-patents-automated-kyc-enforcement-tool
At what point do people stand for privacy anymore? These measures take control away from individuals and give them to financial establishments whose goals are self serving. Do people just simply not care about individual liberties anymore? If people do care, why are we collectively being so silent while this occurs?
Submitted November 29, 2019 at 05:14AM by Zinclepto http://bit.ly/2XUpse1
Survey: 17% of U.K Investors With Assets Above £10,000 Hold Cryptocurrency

Bring On Black Friday!

Coldcard, Opendime, Blockclock and all products other Coinkite products for 20% OFF this week. 🔥
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 03:38AM by rnvk http://bit.ly/2KZrdRP
Bakkt Futures Set New Record, 3151 Bitcoin Worth $23M Traded

Gold or bitcoins?

Trade volume on Bakkt is at new highs.


Tales from the Crypt: Bisq. A must listen to all noobs
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 02:14AM by Mr--Robot http://bit.ly/2OUWvKy
Institutional Investors Are Pouring Into Bitcoin Derivatives
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 04:22PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2shUTD4
Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #74
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 09:05PM by chiefy81 http://bit.ly/2XOMfry
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
PlusToken Scam Selling Could Dump BTC Price For the Next Two Months
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 02:57PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2qSf9ei
Bitcoin mining is sucking Georgia’s vitality grid dry — on the other hand it doesn’t subject
Bitcoin BTC mining in the Eurasian country of Georgia is reportedly “sucking its power grid dry,” but it doesn’t matter because the country has reserves of hydroelectric power. According to BBC Sounds podcast, Business Daily, Georgia is now the world’s third largest miner of Bitcoin, behind China and Venezuela. However, it’s not good news for…
Bitcoin BTC mining within the Eurasian country of Georgia is reportedly “sucking its vitality grid dry,” on the other hand it doesn’t subject on narrative of the country has reserves of hydroelectric vitality.
In step with BBC Sounds podcast, Industry Day by day, Georgia is now the arena’s third finest miner of Bitcoin, within the relieve of China and Venezuela.
Nonetheless, it’s no longer moral news for some. David Chapashvili from Inexperienced Vitality, an environmental rigidity neighborhood, criticizes the put collectively for how worthy electricity it consumes.
Bitcoin mining is Gulping up electricity
Paperwork proven to Industry Day by day by the environmental neighborhood listing that one BitFury-owned Bitcoin mining farm is “guzzling” up 4 percent of the country’s electricity. That’s bigger than 389 million kilowatt hours in raw numbers.
However this is graceful one manufacturing facility. Chapashvili says the country in actuality has no figuring out of the total affect cryptocurrency mining is having on Georgia’s vitality consumption.
“There are moderately a number of micro-miners,” he said. “Even as you occur to request a moderately easy query to the ministry admire which sector is ingesting [energy] Georgia doesn’t possess this more or less prognosis.”
“Without a doubt, undoubtedly we don’t know what’s going on or what number of customers are [mining Bitcoin],” Chapashvili added.
The environmental rigidity neighborhood estimates that Bitcoin mining is the utilization of larger than 10 percent of the country’s vitality presents.
Nonetheless, representatives from BitFury mutter its vitality utilize isn’t worthy in case you compare it to the vitality required to mine pale precious steel mining.
However it’s a more or less non-field.
Most of Georgia is in actuality powered by renewable vitality. In step with statistics from the Global Vitality Company (IEA), bigger than 80 percent of the country’s vitality comes from hydro vitality.
There’s additionally an vitality surplus within the country, so it’s some distance prone to be argued that it doesn’t in actuality subject hat Bitcoin mining makes utilize of so worthy of its vitality.
Georgia, Vitality, hydro
Credit: IEA
Electrical energy skills by source in Georgia from 1990 to 2017
What’s more, in response to government sustainable building neighborhood Make investments In Georgia, the country is easiest exploiting 25 percent of its ability in the case of renewable vitality manufacturing.
BitFury even says the presence of cryptocurrency miners within the country is in actuality using make stronger for renewable vitality.
Inserting mining centers next to hydroelectric vegetation to use the extra of renewable vitality in actuality puts the vitality to moral utilize. Within the intervening time, the country can develop the infrastructure required to profit from of it.
If the leisure, it’s a moral enlighten that Bitcoin miners are utilizing the green, hydroelectric vitality. It’s turning what might be in some other case unused, surplus vitality into a transferable store of value that might traipse spherical the arena.
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 02:47PM by Moustache_Group http://bit.ly/34nQZH3
Bitcoin isn't a substitute for a career that most people need to be able to stack sats in the first place, ffs.

Daily Discussion, November 28, 2019

#Bitcoin is a Monetary Batman
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 05:46PM by eljaboom http://bit.ly/2ryQ1ta
Daily Discussion, November 27, 2019
Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!
If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.
We have a couple chat rooms now!
Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 03:00PM by rBitcoinMod http://bit.ly/33ooJ5R
[Lightning Network] Tippin button to get Bitcoin tips on your own web/blog/whatever, through LN (UPDATE)
Hi all!
A few months back, I released this button as an option to receive Lightning Network tips on your Tippin account easily: You sign up at Tippin, you copy the button code & paste it on your web, and you are all set.
However, there were some bugs and incompatibilities that should be fixed with this update. Also, now there is a *Dark mode*, in case the pink button was a little too much for your web color scheme.
Here you have a short video showing the new design: https://twitter.com/tippin_me/status/1199798669211578368
(The updated code is live on Tippin.me)
Hope you enjoy it!
PS: As a bonus, know that if you have your own node linked to Tippin (A beta feature announced from time to time), you will be receiving those tips on your own node, by just placing this button whenever you want!
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 05:20AM by Eiprol http://bit.ly/2qHJEUl
in light of Upbit hack...
today, a major South Korean exchange Upbit was hacked and there's report that ~$50M worth of Ethereum is lost.
multiple studies show that a lot of people store their Bitcoin/crypto on the exchange, never bothering to secure it themselves.
this is wrong way to do Bitcoin. yes, i'm aware that it's been said numerous times before, but even if 10 people read it and do it properly, i'll take it as an achievement.
you shouldn't trust your exchange with more than you're changing for your monthly needs.
time to make your own wallet, maybe even invest into hardware wallet if you have more than you can afford to loose.
do your own security research and do it now. multiple articles on the net on how to secure coins properly. don't wait for "proof of keys" day, do it today. exchanges are not bank accounts and not there for you to store your wealth.
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 06:21PM by btcluvr http://bit.ly/34qvGol
Someone is DDoS http://bit.ly/2j03jYy .... Holly fuck, someone must be pissed for me to fight the BitLicense. Can't be Anonymous so must be the corporate overload.

Crypto community urges Jack Dorsey to memorialize Bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney’s Twitter account

Crypto community urges Jack Dorsey to memorialize Bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney’s Twitter account
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 01:40AM by lo8 http://bit.ly/2sme52B
Retweet and @jack with hashtags to #memorialize #halfinney #runningbitcoin to save this account
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 01:52AM by OttoMoneyWars2028 http://bit.ly/2QVh78k
Soon we will have Bisq on mobile!
Submitted November 28, 2019 at 01:46AM by Mr--Robot http://bit.ly/33r7Wz4
Does anyone know where I could pick up one of these? Looking to get robbed.

Cgminer 3.7.2 Error
whenever I try to run it I get the error "Invalid config option --kernel: Cannot specify a kernel with scrypt". My current file looks like this: https://pastebin.com/PnQGzZg1. May someone please tell me how I can fix this error.
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 03:28PM by Poll_astre http://bit.ly/2ONqPXF
Bitcoin Versus Big Brother: Financial Rights Are Human Rights - Alex Gladstein, SlushHQ
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 02:38AM by BashCo http://bit.ly/34mDuY1
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
My Kinda Dinner!

Daily Discussion, November 27, 2019

6 Most Weird Techniques Used For Bitcoin Mining So Far
This news comes from https://www.livebitcoinnews.com
Bitcoin continues hitting the news for a variety of reasons. It is the most popular cryptocurrency and with increasing acceptance across industries, more people want to enjoy a piece of the pie.By the end of 2018, the global value of Bitcoin reached 66 billion U.S. dollars.
One of the greatest offshoots of Bitcoin’s growth is Bitcoin mining. It is essential for the survival of the cryptocurrency as it deals with creating new bitcoins. It is one of the most popular activities with techies seeking to cash in on the Bitcoin craze. The idea of mining cryptocurrency might sound farfetched, but the investments going into this activity are enormous.
Success as a Bitcoin Miner
The hardware and software required for Bitcoin mining are expensive and this has seen investors injecting millions of dollars into their projects. Miners require specialized computers and software to get the job done. There’s also the high cost of electricity and bandwidth which makes it difficult for everyone to join the fray.
How does Bitcoin mining work? If you want to succeed in Bitcoin mining, you need dedicated processing power, a lot of energy supply, cutting-edge ASIC mining hardware, and a lot of time. In a slow global economy, Bitcoin mining remains a viable income-generating activity. You enjoy insulation from inflation and you don’t have to worry about capital controls.
As the interest around Bitcoin continues, it is interesting to note some of the most brazen techniques Bitcoin miners have tried so far.
1.Using the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
The creation of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was solely to guide U.S rockets to the moon. It was one of the earliest computers made and it was huge and slow. With computing power in high demand for Bitcoin mining, a restoration team consisting of Ken Shirriff, Carl Claunch, Marc Verdiell and Mike Stewart tried reviving the AGCA for this task. The AGC team was however disappointed by the results. At a hash rate of 10.3 seconds per Bitcoin hash, the team discovered it would take billions of years to mine a Bitcoin block.
2.Mobile Data Mining With Waste Gas
The idea is to install Bitcoin data-mining centers at oil rigs which has a need to vent gas. The data center developers argue that this would generate more revenue than selling fuel. It is also an easier way to reduce carbon print. The Ohmm® mining data center is an alluring proposition and one most miners would pick up.
3.Nuclear Reactors
A report on Forbes says Bitcoin miners harnessing power in a nuclear reactor compromised one of these sensitive installations in Ukraine. Nuclear reactors produce excess energy due to their sheer size. Using this exceeds energy on a profitable venture such as mining bitcoins is a great idea but only with a clear framework.
4.Mosque Data Mining
Bitcoin miners will go to any lengths to find the energy to power their supercomputers. A mosque is an unlikely palace for such an activity but due to a government subsidy of free electricity, Iranian Bitcoin miners now work from these holy places. A government crackdown has not managed to kill the practice.
While most online hackers want to steal your identity or harm you, crypto-jackers are a different breed. These are hackers interested in the computing power of your network. These computer geeks are so suave that some even hacked the Tesla company cloud and tapped computing power for Bitcoin mining.
6.Leveraging Bitcoin Mining Byproducts
Bitcoin mining systems generate a lot of heat and creative miners now use this to do other things. Some innovative miners heat their homes using this byproduct while others use the same for rum making among other tasks.
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 02:33PM by Moustache_Group http://bit.ly/2XRIema
I made 1 million dollars in the last year trading crypto, this is how I made it...
I invested 1 Billion dollars
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 12:44PM by valentino99 http://bit.ly/2KZj7IR
Estimates for Cost of Production to Mine 1 Bitcoin?
Anybody have estimates for the current cost of production to mine one bitcoin based on hardware and electricity cost as changing variables?
An analyst has estimated that Hut8 is mining at a cost of $7.1 k based on their financial reports but I believe this would be close to the upper bound of estimates.
I believe miners with access to cheap electricity and latest-gen hardware are likely still mining at high margins.
This would explain why we are not observing a significant drop in hash rate estimates after the price drops last week.
With miners still profitable, it is unlikely many are turning off their equipment.
However, if prices drop another 20-60%, we may see a drastically different story where hash rate comes offline and we observe a number of consecutive difficulty decreases.
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 01:59PM by johnleequigley1 http://bit.ly/2QRoVrH
Bitcoin ATM Firm Partners With Largest Shopping Mall Operator in US
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 01:35PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/33jdw6w
If You Bought Bitcoin Each Week in 2019, You’d Be up 49%
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 01:36PM by cryptosyringe http://bit.ly/2XRD7lY
I made 1 million dollars in the last year trading crypto, this is how I made it...

Last week was an impressive week for HK and SG fintech industry! Did anyone manage to attend the event? It was nice to see HK as an international financial city has finally released the regulatory mainframe for crypto& blockchain industry. Definitely a big step to stay competitive on the market.
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 11:14AM by emanchan1026 http://bit.ly/2Om4fGC
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 08:32AM by _pope1 http://bit.ly/2pY88rW
All these ‘Investors’ made money on Bitcoin

Trezor now running a 30% off Black Friday sale. Code, "TRZ30"


Sound and unbiased reporting as always!
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 05:12AM by tobypettit517 http://bit.ly/2Dm8jAp
Peter Schiff thinks Bitcoiners want/need to sell BTC for USD to lock in “profits”. That’s what he doesn’t get. Most Bitcoiners never want to sell their BTC back for USD. I guess goldbugs plan on cashing out for dollars one day?
What’s the point of hedging against monetary collapse if your end game is to sell back into the currency (USD) that is collapsing??
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 05:52AM by the420chronicler http://bit.ly/2XU03Rt
have a GPU mining setup with 2 1070's and one motherboard. I want to mine! Whats the easiest setup ?
I want something where we can join a pool and all try to gain a btc. did this around year 2010 but forgot my key or never got around to doing it. I don't care if it is not sustainable, just want to see how to setup a system. I am comfortable with Linux and want to mine bitcoin or btc
Submitted November 27, 2019 at 08:42AM by rickspick http://bit.ly/34qnjsK
Is Walmart the most important company in crypto right now?

Pay with Bitcoin. Fold App Emerges From Beta, Adds Delta, Domino’s and Others for Sats-Back Rewards. “We are not only bringing bitcoin to payments and rewards, but also the values the underpin Bitcoin as well; creating a better way to pay: one that keeps your data safe and your sats stacked”
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 09:53PM by elizapetrovska http://bit.ly/2R3vsjh
Sound and unbiased reporting as always!

Peter Schiff thinks Bitcoiners want/need to sell BTC for USD to lock in “profits”. That’s what he doesn’t get. Most Bitcoiners never want to sell their BTC back for USD. I guess goldbugs plan on cashing out for dollars one day?

Anyone know what's planned for the 0.20 release of bitcoin in 6 months time?

Hodl Hodl now partners with Bitcoin Du Liban to provide tools for exploring Bitcoin and buying and selling it on the local market

I'm getting rekt both ways simultaneously.
I have 2 trading accounts one is always long the other is always short. They are now both 30% in the red. I didnt even know that was possible. FML
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 01:10AM by omnifecint http://bit.ly/35GYhpL
The only chart I care about
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 08:16AM by zenethics http://bit.ly/2KTD0kA
2019 Xmas will be for strong hands that accumulate. Enjoy the discount!
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 07:33AM by Henrythe1st http://bit.ly/2Oiy8aE
ZXMiner ZX 1 – A Fake Nervos (CKB) ASIC Miner for Eaglesong?
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 07:32PM by raaner12 http://bit.ly/34onB3h
SCAM - Bitcoin Miner GroupFabric Inc
SCAM - Bitcoin Miner GroupFabric Inc
I see some people still using this app in Windows Store. Please don't. Here's some help to show it's a scam:
Min. payout was 1,500 satoshi. I reached that, but then Min. payout changed to 5,000 satoshi.
After this, my account balance lost satoshi. DEV forum posts all over the net are locked/removed, no email replies.
AND then, my account starts to get drained:
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 05:26PM by Haze_TM http://bit.ly/2XO6g1f
Everything You Need To Know About Bitcoin Mining
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 05:00PM by newsbtclbn http://bit.ly/2siDH0p
Poland Repatriates 100 Tons of Gold From Bank of England Storage. Nothing unusual, right?

I want to get into bitcoin after watching for awhile

Aluminum Plant Gone Bitcoin Mining Center: Bitriver Deemed the Largest Data Center in Russia
This news comes from https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/
City of Bratsk in Russia is home to one of the biggest bitcoin mining facilities in the world and has attracted clients globally as Bitriver turns water into electricity to mine cryptos.
Opened a year ago, Bitriver is recognized as one of the largest Bitcoin mining facilities in Russia. As per news outlet, Bloomberg, the data center has garnered the attention of many countries to date, including the likes of the U.S., Japan, and China among others.
Once an aluminum plant in Bratsk, Oleg Deripaska and team decided the location was ideal for bitcoin mining some five years ago. Why? The first argument made is the existence of a hydropower plant nearby and the second simply rests in the Siberian weather. This region is specifically known for its long and cold winters and preferred low temperatures for such activities.
Upon making the decision, the implementation came to life with local energy firm, En+ having partnered with them. Given that the latter focuses on the aforementioned hydroelectric power, it naturally made sense to come together to sell its services.
That said, Bitriver isn’t in the business of bitcoin mining, but instead offers technical services, cheap electricity, and equipment to those who are in the business. As per the report, En+ equips Bitriver with up to 100 megawatts yearly so that the latter can diversify its clientele.
Bitriver Only Makes up a Fraction of All Power Consumed
As per Bitcoinist, Bitriver is still small despite being a big shot in Russia. This is stated when comparing Bitriver’s 100 megawatts of power per year to the entirety of the Bitcoin network’s 73 terawatts annually. En+ supposedly produces 22.5 TW/h, however, it isn’t all consumed for bitcoin (but instead for other industrial purposes).
This could potentially change as we watch the crypto market unfold some more. Russia is allegedly on the list of top ten countries with the most bitcoin mining nodes in the world (243 nodes to date), which goes to show how far we’ve come since Bitcoin’s existence.
While mining has witnessed a downfall since the earlier times, not to mention the recent drop in Bitcoin’s price, miners are anticipating big things for the soon-approaching halving event and thus are continuing their activities at full force. Coin Telegraph referenced Alistair Milne, who expounded on the increase in network hash rate and mentioned:“They are acutely aware of the upcoming halving and are apparently unphased by the recent dip.”
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 02:32PM by Moustache_Group http://bit.ly/35yMyct
Monday, 25 November 2019
Daily Discussion, November 26, 2019

Asian Stocks Cheer Warming Trade Talks, Alibaba's Strong Hong Kong Debut

I am really frustrated that i can't buy bitcoin.
In india, bitcoin is illegal. i have been wanting to buy bitcoin for good 2 weeks but its just not happening for me. my sister is a country where its legal has refused to buy it for me. she thinks i am investing in a get rich quick scheme. I know she is trying to protect me as her little brother(12 year age difference) but i have made my mind to buy some but i Cant :((
at the minimum i want to buy 2/max 4.
Submitted November 26, 2019 at 12:40AM by lolnotthatguy http://bit.ly/35xE9pN
The only chart I care about

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