Wednesday 14 November 2018

What Everyone Needs to Understand

These type of things are normal. I know that most of you thought this was near-end of the Bear Market, especially the sentiment few days ago when I remember that most screamed "Here it comes" bull-run when the prices started to go up a bit.The truth is, digital assets are at a very ironic place right now. Especially the problems with the forking of BCH that are currently occuring. Digital assets are supposed to be the most decentralized type of assets, where in fact, they are severely centralized. Not to mention the possible 51% attacks in huge pools, but in the teams as well. One person decides to disagree with the team and chooses to fork the coin. Many types of this problems are occuring, and if everyone did stuff like that, behaving like children, we would have tons of forks. Oh wait, we already do?It's normal for the market to bottom down, especially with these kinds of uncertanties regarding general consensus of the crypto space, and the regulatory SEC issues.Don't forget what cryptocurrencies are here for, and don't get so involved in politics. Go with the project you trust and with who's sentiments you agree with. Don't panic sell when a price drops a couple percent. I understand that's much for Bitcoin's standards, but you have to understand that an even lower price is possible, and when you are prepared for that possibility, if it occurs, you won't sell out. Simple as that. via /r/Bitcoin

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