Saturday, 19 December 2020

My lucky Bitcoin story

I’ll start by saying I’m a grandmother, or at least old enough to be one. In 2014, I had a couple of grand in the bank so I asked a grower friend how could I invest in the newly legalized cannabis industry.Ive never been much of a saver, more of an impulsive spender, and never made much money either. Retirement age was looming and I knew I’d blown it. I was one of the majority of Americans, facing the possibility of living on a tiny social security wage, or working into my seventies. I needed something that would bring the biggest yields possible. I needed a miracle.My cannabis friend told me about Bitcoin. I spent my spare time over the next few days devouring every video, every article I could find (thank you Andreas Antonopoulos you are my hero).I found someone in my county, went to my bank and wired him some money, and he sent me a small amount of Bitcoin. I did this again and again (dude I don’t remember your name, but I hope you didn’t get in too much trouble for operating a money changing business back in the day).I watched my $210 Bitcoin jump to over $1000. I was glued to the price ticker, and I sold the 20 bitcoins I’d accumulated at $880. Oh how I wish I’d have HODL’d at that price!I started buying again at 440, then at 560, then at 900, 1100, 2200, etc. I set up an automatic buy at Coinbase for $50/week for a good year or two. An unexpected breakup led me at stop that auto buy, but I later resumed it at $10 week. I still have my $10/week buy. I call it my “gambling money”.Eventually I transferred my Bitcoin onto a hardware wallet, stamped out my keys onto a brass plate, and stashed them away in a safe. I keep a little bit on an exchange, and have cashed out drips and drabs to pay for my daughter’s college tuition and expenses.I’ve paid taxes on the gains I’ve taken.This week for the first time it hit me. I’m not going to retire poor. I don’t have to worry. I don’t yet have enough for a full retirement, but there is no doubt in my mind that my little HODL’d stash will grow and grow. What a huge relief.I owe a lot to this sub. I’ve been subscribed since 2014, and I’ve learned a ton. A GIANT THANK YOU to all the contributors and the mods. You the real MVP’s! via /r/Bitcoin

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