Sunday 17 October 2021

Jamie Dimon's embarrassing lack of knowledge, logic and common sense openly shown to the public. The desperate "Donald Trump of banking" proves how detached from reality he is.

He said [1]: "I'll just challenge the group to one other thing. How do you know it ends at 21 million [bitcoins]? You all read algorithms? You guys all believe that? I don't know, I've always been a sceptic of stuff like that."

Yes Jamie, we all read algorithms, and it is no rocket science. If Jamie himself does not read the algorithm, why doesn't he do so instead of embarrassing himself by proving how retarded he is? Because he is a "sceptic" of the computer language C++ and "stuff like that". Interesting.

Jamie, the Bitcoin code is open to the public since 12 years, easy to understand and was peer-reviewed AND TESTED(!) 1000s of times by experts, incl. academia and IT experts working for banks or governments all around the world. Not a single reviewer has pointed to any lack of the 21 Million cap in the code. If you cannot trust your own IT experts, you should step back as CEO due to loss of authority.

Jamie has lost his connection to reality and manipulates the masses with evil lies, turns out he is to banking what Donald Trump is to society and politics. An evil clown - someone who should not and could not be taken seriously, if he weren't such an influential public person.

Reference: [1]

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 07:18PM by Amichateur

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