Tuesday 19 October 2021

The US wants to raise its debt limit to $28.9T. How much money is that?…

Let’s add up all ten of the world’s top assets.Gold - $11.2T Apple - $2.5T Microsoft - $2.3T Saudi Amaraco - $2T Google - $1.9T Amazon - $1.7T Silver - $1.3T Bitcoin - $1.1T Facebook - $0.9T Tesla - $0.8TTogether, these assets total just $25.7T and much of that wealth exists outside the USA. Even if they confiscated all this wealth, who’s underlying assets would immediately lose tremendous value, they’d still be $4.2T short of being able to pay off the debt, which is more money than all of the US billionaires own combined.The point of this is to demonstrate that there is almost no way to pay back $28.9T. We could raise taxes and “eat the rich” but that won’t even make a dent. The only feasible way to pay off the debt is to print more US Dollars until it’s value is near zero. To make things worse, our government hasn’t even proposed a viable solution to fix the problem.Protect yourself from currency debasement and buy Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3vyOY9l

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