Saturday 30 January 2016

[Serious] Is it possible that nodes could be expanded to accept lighting transactions throughput, and provide a financial incentive for their use?

There's a lot of discussion about the gradual reduction in nodes. There are obviously very large issues with changing the existing mining reward model such that there would be any reduction to that incentive. In short, this seems like something you would put in the 'very hard' basket.

Serious question... is it possible to configure the lightning network such that nodes can be used as a form of 'clearing house' transactions that happen off-chain? Wouldn't this provide a separate, and smaller fee, abstraction that would mean that nodes could facilitate consumer transactions, and that blocks/miners would be the settlement layer? Wouldn't this be a viable method of expanding the requirement for nodes, while at the same time supporting the existing infrastructure of mining and blocks? Don't wanna pay lightning fees? Own your own node?

Submitted January 31, 2016 at 09:12AM by Frogolocalypse

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