Tuesday 31 May 2016

Rusty Russell on lightning routing: Routing, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford and BFG!

http://bit.ly/1P3t94J via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1WXZfGN

We need a SilkRoad for food in Venezuela.


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 04:52AM by fiatfail http://bit.ly/1TVDFPH

PSA: Bitcoin newbies will be flooding in, play nice and don't be know it alls. I know it's tempting but please be inclusive.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1VuItxO

[part 2 of 5] Xthin blocks are faster than standard blocks--from the 'Block Propagation Results With Xthin' series


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 02:48AM by s1ckpig http://bit.ly/1O2KEY5

Bitstamp brings bitcoin to the $5+ trillion daily FOREX market by launching EUR/USD trading pair


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 03:16AM by Coinosphere http://bit.ly/1O2KT5g

Andreas M. Antonopoulos on Deloitte FinTech Talks, massive speech on Bitcoin vs Blockchain

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRQs9Y6CUSU/ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1sJX7G4

Technical Questions about Blockchain

Hello, I was hoping someone on this sub could answer a couple questions for me about how the blockchain works. I'm not really interested in mining but want to know how this all works. I've been trying to read up on it from various sources but have had trouble finding answers to these:

  • When one is trying various nonces and running the hash, are the transactions contained in that original data that is being hashed?

  • Are those transactions just being broadcast to miners and they know which is the first one they must include in the next block?

  • Is your solution not accepted if you skip a transaction or something?

  • Is it just up to the miner to decide how many of the pending transactions they wish to include?

  • The hash solution that is found is essentially meaningless and not used for anything other than it must appear in the next header, correct? Just to keep the chain going.

  • I assume when a solution is found, a majority of the other miners must agree it is correct. Is there any incentive to performing that check? I guess maybe it gives you a head start on the next solution?

I guess that's a lot of questions already so I'll stop. If there's a better sub for questions on the inner workings please let me know. Thanks for any responses.

Submitted June 01, 2016 at 07:17AM by monstimal http://bit.ly/1RKEO8p

More from Seeking Alpha: Bitcoin's Rise To A Major Currency

http://bit.ly/1sZUtwt via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/24i1jbR

We need a SilkRoad for food in Venezuela.

http://lat.ms/1PhpSnL via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1TVDFPH

CoinKing.IO Not Cashing Out

I'm posting this because for months now the site CoinKing.IO which can be used to mine a variety of cryptocurrency has not allowed myself and others to cash out particular currencies. For example, I have 41 LTC being held hostage on the site and the site no longer has a help desk portal nor any Facebook or Twitter accounts to report issues to. I have written the owner of the site reporting these issues without response. Please help get the word out so that others do not use this website until the admins do something about this unpaid cryptocurrency!

Submitted June 01, 2016 at 06:21AM by bakersoft http://bit.ly/1Xdmhdn

Recent Andreas talk on the difference between bitcoin and blockchain.


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 12:28AM by calaber24p http://bit.ly/1XcDi7v

Large Online Sportsbook & Casino, Bovada, Just Sent Out This Email


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 01:01AM by whipfixed http://bit.ly/1VtedU4

{sigh} Good times


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 04:48AM by frankenmint http://bit.ly/1P20Tj0

Three reasons why bitcoin’s price is surging higher


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 11:21PM by kenashe http://bit.ly/25yGRt6

It's one thing when Andreas M. takes a group of techie/young/libertarian/college-kids down the bitcoin rabbit hole with his magnificent, eye-opening speeches. But this... this is something else.


Submitted June 01, 2016 at 02:03AM by DaggerHashimoto http://bit.ly/1P1B5DE

Bitstamp brings bitcoin to the $5+ trillion daily FOREX market by launching EUR/USD trading pair

http://bit.ly/1sJhxPm via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1O2KT5g

[part 2 of 5] Xthin blocks are faster than standard blocks--from the 'Block Propagation Results With Xthin' series

http://bit.ly/1sJhAuw via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1O2KEY5

Who Wants Slave Dollars Anymore?

When we break the previous all-time-high there will be an energy and momentum that could carry Bitcoin into the $5,000 - $10,000 range; and extremely quickly.

I have to stress this point; Bitcoin behaves extremely different than other finite assets like stocks, gold, silver, and resources.

The first reason it behaves differently is simply its extremely finite supply. There are about 300million people in the US alone. If just Americans decided they wanted Bitcoin they could each have ~0.052BTC . Bitcoin is not intended for a single locale or country, it is a globally distributed currency available to everyone, the potential market is the 1billion people connected to the internet.

The second reason it behaves differently is that Bitcoin has its own transaction network. Stocks, gold, silver, etc, all these must be traded through trusted intermediaries; which means you aren't actually trading them you are trading representations of these goods. If you are trading a representation of a good the trusted intermediary is often a bank that can legally use fractional reserve. This means that asset prices can be kept artificially lower because the fractional reserve nature allows an artificial inflation of the supply.

Long story short, because of fractional reserve, banks can inflate the available supply of assets at will, thus deflating prices.

When you buy Bitcoin you aren't buying a representation of a Bitcoin, you are receiving the actual underlying asset. Institutions simply cannot send you a Bitcoin IOU to your wallet. They must send you an actual bitcoin, which immediately reduces their available supply. This is the main reason Bitcoin is so insanely volatile, we are actually seeing a RAW battle between supply and demand in real-time. Imagine how the gold market would behave is everytime gold was traded it was physically transferred rather than just IOU's backed by supposed vaults like Fort Knox.

With other markets the changes are often delayed and smoothed over, they kick the can down the road borrowing from one institution to the next until they get to the end of the line and there is nothing to borrow, and then thats when big changes manifest in the stock market.

Bitcoin is much more direct. Part of its design is to create a global bank run. We will reach an inflection point where every single day bitcoin rises in value compared to every fiat currency on the planet. As people begin to notice this, they will begin storing more and more of their savings in bitcoin, which will cause the price to rise even greater, causing more investment. As demand for Bitcoin grows, so will acceptance. When everyone wants to store their wealth as digital gold, business will accept it for goods and services, which creates a closed loop.

The scary part is getting caught on the wrong side of the Bank run. If for instance you observe what is happening in Venezuela, their currency the Bolivar is inflating nearly 1000% this year, causing prices of everything to increase significantly every single day. The Bolivar is rapidly becoming worthless, as supply increases exponentially, demand is also diminishing. Who wants to hold money that is worth significantly less tomorrow? Which raises the question, who in their right mind would sell their Bitcoin for Bolivars? The answer is, somebody who is forced to pay bills or taxes in Bolivars, which then begs the question, where did they get the Bitcoin in the first place? The obvious and sad reality is that only Miners in Venezuela (who have bills and taxes to pay in Bolivars) would have any interest selling Bitcoins in exchange for Bolivars.

The picture I am painting here is thus: When the inflection point is reached it means that global currencies are losing consistently in value to Bitcoin, when people like me see this inflection point, we will not sell a single Satoshi unless we have to acquire USD for bills or taxes. Which will further reduce the available supply. The moral of the story is: By the time most people want Bitcoin and decide to buy some, nobody will want their violence-fueled slave dollars anymore.

Bitcoin is an entirely Binary bet. In 16 years it will either be worth $0 or $1million+ each.

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 07:24PM by 45sbvad http://bit.ly/1qZRyC5

Recent Andreas talk on the difference between bitcoin and blockchain.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRQs9Y6CUSU via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1XcDi7v

It's one thing when Andreas M. takes a group of techie/young/libertarian/college-kids down the bitcoin rabbit hole with his magnificent, eye-opening speeches. But this... this is something else.

http://bit.ly/1XcAyXG via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1P1B5DE

Large Online Sportsbook & Casino, Bovada, Just Sent Out This Email

http://bit.ly/1TUTXZ4 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1VtedU4

Bitmain launches the Antminer S9! 16nm, 14TH, utilizes half the power of S7. Ideal insurance plan for upcoming halvening.


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 07:54PM by pimpingken http://bit.ly/1XLQIWG

Fortune.com on Bitcoin's Boom

http://for.tn/1Ub73Pd via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1O2i7BU

Bitcoin Margin Long: All Time High

http://bit.ly/1Xcf7Gc via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1P1irvt

Satoshi on Bitcoin production cost and halving

"The price of any commodity tends to gravitate toward the production cost. If the price is below cost, then production slows down. If the price is above cost, profit can be made by generating and selling more. At the same time, the increased production would increase the difficulty, pushing the cost of generating towards the price." - Satoshi Nakamoto

There are some beginners in the Bitcoin community confused about why the halving would increase the value of coins. This Satoshi quote sums it up perfectly. As the network power grows, the halving will result in more expensive coins through the natural dynamics of the market to compensate miners for their increased costs. If not, miners will drop out of the race, the difficulty will drop and coins will become easier to mine. Bitcoin is a self-balancing system, the fact that the halving is on the horizon is testament to a healthy and expanding network.

And why do we see pre-halving bubbles? In anticipation of future returns.

"A rational market price for something that is expected to increase in value will already reflect the present value of the expected future increases. In your head, you do a probability estimate balancing the odds that it keeps increasing." - Satoshi Nakamoto

As the halving approaches, the market participants start to realize that they can expect increased future returns. It is a wise move to leave the halving buying to the last minute provided you can get a cheap price, in order to minimize risk in the event of unforseen network circumstances. Naturally, as the price rises, FOMO kicks in, as those with more faith are willing to buy in earlier and cause an increase in price. This causes a run-away buying effect. The bubble results in the less-knowledgeable market participants concluding that either Bitcoin is worth more than it really is, or are unfamiliar with bubble dynamics and are not aware of the fact that all bubbles pop. Bitcoin may already be at its true-value peak at this point, but these less-knowledgeable participants cause an overshoot in the price, and as a result, an ensuing bubble-crash back to equilibrium after the fact.

The point is, bubbles are natural market movement and the halving is a better catalyst than any other.

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 01:40PM by blackbaronstux http://bit.ly/1qZjXYS

Hyperledger trying to pull community members from Coinscrum London event. starts at 7pm, they're offering Taxi's to pick people up at 7:15pm to take them to their event.

http://bit.ly/25yGpv7 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1r0From

Three reasons why bitcoin’s price is surging higher

http://yhoo.it/1r0G4OA via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/25yGRt6

A prominent author on Seeking Alpha (investing site) recommending to buy Bitcoin. Normally the site does not publish about Bitcoin.


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 08:12PM by Feelsgood767 http://bit.ly/22vwelK

Australian Government selling Bitcoin for fiat, which they can print an infinite amount of.


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 05:54AM by llortoftrolls http://bit.ly/1sHH4se

Trading Volume Drops But Bitcoin Price Remains Bullish

http://bit.ly/1VswtNs via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1RITMvB

[WARNING] Fake Poloniex windows trading software email being sent out. Do not download it.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1sICGcp

S9 is here, what do you all think? (2.1k$ 14th 1.3kw .1w/gh)


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 08:47PM by QuentinZRC http://bit.ly/1Uf2jb1

Earn Bitcoin for streaming videos of BetKing.io, the most trusted Bitcoin casino

http://bit.ly/1TU1KGN via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1PfwMtC

2 years and $50,000 spent and I'm now in profit.

I bought and held, I don't really follow btc too much as the plan was long term holding anyway. I did have a brief period of trading that in the end I felt wasn't worth the time/hassle. I think I made about 3 btc from that, I've not accounted for that here.3/12/2014 - $638.55 - 10 coins = $6,3853/13/2014 - $642.33 - 20 coins = $12,8464/3/2014 - $447.25 - 24.9 coins = $11,1368/20/2014 -$515.46 - 32.1 coins = $16,54611/4/2014 -$328.02 - 9.96 coins = $3,267——— 97 coins = $50,180today, 97 coins = 541.7 x 97 = $52,544 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1qZXafI

Bitmain launches the Antminer S9! 16nm, 14TH, utilizes half the power of S7. Ideal insurance plan for upcoming halvening.

http://bit.ly/1qZXBGP via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1XLQIWG

A prominent author on Seeking Alpha (investing site) recommending to buy Bitcoin. Normally the site does not publish about Bitcoin.

http://bit.ly/1XLQPRQ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/22vwelK

Mr. Robot Now Accepting Bitcoin [Not Fake]


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 11:58AM by Bidofthis http://bit.ly/25vCGLf

Who Wants Slave Dollars Anymore?

When we break the previous all-time-high there will be an energy and momentum that could carry Bitcoin into the $5,000 - $10,000 range; and extremely quickly.I have to stress this point; Bitcoin behaves extremely different than other finite assets like stocks, gold, silver, and resources.The first reason it behaves differently is simply its extremely finite supply. There are about 300million people in the US alone. If just Americans decided they wanted Bitcoin they could each have ~0.052BTC . Bitcoin is not intended for a single locale or country, it is a globally distributed currency available to everyone, the potential market is the 1billion people connected to the internet.The second reason it behaves differently is that Bitcoin has its own transaction network. Stocks, gold, silver, etc, all these must be traded through trusted intermediaries; which means you aren't actually trading them you are trading representations of these goods. If you are trading a representation of a good the trusted intermediary is often a bank that can legally use fractional reserve. This means that asset prices can be kept artificially lower because the fractional reserve nature allows an artificial inflation of the supply.Long story short, because of fractional reserve, banks can inflate the available supply of assets at will, thus deflating prices.When you buy Bitcoin you aren't buying a representation of a Bitcoin, you are receiving the actual underlying asset. Institutions simply cannot send you a Bitcoin IOU to your wallet. They must send you an actual bitcoin, which immediately reduces their available supply. This is the main reason Bitcoin is so insanely volatile, we are actually seeing a RAW battle between supply and demand in real-time. Imagine how the gold market would behave is everytime gold was traded it was physically transferred rather than just IOU's backed by supposed vaults like Fort Knox.With other markets the changes are often delayed and smoothed over, they kick the can down the road borrowing from one institution to the next until they get to the end of the line and there is nothing to borrow, and then thats when big changes manifest in the stock market.Bitcoin is much more direct. Part of its design is to create a global bank run. We will reach an inflection point where every single day bitcoin rises in value compared to every fiat currency on the planet. As people begin to notice this, they will begin storing more and more of their savings in bitcoin, which will cause the price to rise even greater, causing more investment. As demand for Bitcoin grows, so will acceptance. When everyone wants to store their wealth as digital gold, business will accept it for goods and services, which creates a closed loop.The scary part is getting caught on the wrong side of the Bank run. If for instance you observe what is happening in Venezuela, their currency the Bolivar is inflating nearly 1000% this year, causing prices of everything to increase significantly every single day. The Bolivar is rapidly becoming worthless, as supply increases exponentially, demand is also diminishing. Who wants to hold money that is worth significantly less tomorrow? Which raises the question, who in their right mind would sell their Bitcoin for Bolivars? The answer is, somebody who is forced to pay bills or taxes in Bolivars, which then begs the question, where did they get the Bitcoin in the first place? The obvious and sad reality is that only Miners in Venezuela (who have bills and taxes to pay in Bolivars) would have any interest selling Bitcoins in exchange for Bolivars.The picture I am painting here is thus: When the inflection point is reached it means that global currencies are losing consistently in value to Bitcoin, when people like me see this inflection point, we will not sell a single Satoshi unless we have to acquire USD for bills or taxes. Which will further reduce the available supply. The moral of the story is: By the time most people want Bitcoin and decide to buy some, nobody will want their violence-fueled slave dollars anymore.Bitcoin is an entirely Binary bet. In 16 years it will either be worth $0 or $1million+ each. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1qZRyC5

Australian govt is selling 24,000 bitcoins. Will they charge GST?

No text found via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1Y0Jf6k

Startups & Pendulum Swings w/ 21 Inc's Balaji Srinivasan & a16z's Marc Andreessen

http://bit.ly/1VsdZg3 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1sItp4i

PayPal halts operations in Turkey


thousands of people are now not sure what to do and how to receive payments.

http://bit.ly/1WVM4G8 http://bit.ly/22v4m13 http://etsy.me/1WVM4WG

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 11:23AM by TRNC http://bit.ly/22v4GwX

How easy or hard is it to tie a BitCoin purchase to a particular user?

No text found via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1Xb1gQs

The answer to who owned the mining address 1PAaZVfEzjL58UCWjWujZrW8rXUsyNzhB2, involved with MTGox

Typed it all up on FBhttps://www.facebook.com/Hashr-Syndicate-1399007627020257/ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1U9PEqj

Satoshi on Bitcoin production cost and halving

"The price of any commodity tends to gravitate toward the production cost. If the price is below cost, then production slows down. If the price is above cost, profit can be made by generating and selling more. At the same time, the increased production would increase the difficulty, pushing the cost of generating towards the price." - Satoshi NakamotoThere are some beginners in the Bitcoin community confused about why the halving would increase the value of coins. This Satoshi quote sums it up perfectly. As the network power grows, the halving will result in more expensive coins through the natural dynamics of the market to compensate miners for their increased costs. If not, miners will drop out of the race, the difficulty will drop and coins will become easier to mine. Bitcoin is a self-balancing system, the fact that the halving is on the horizon is testament to a healthy and expanding network.And why do we see pre-halving bubbles? In anticipation of future returns."A rational market price for something that is expected to increase in value will already reflect the present value of the expected future increases. In your head, you do a probability estimate balancing the odds that it keeps increasing." - Satoshi NakamotoAs the halving approaches, the market participants start to realize that they can expect increased future returns. It is a wise move to leave the halving buying to the last minute provided you can get a cheap price, in order to minimize risk in the event of unforseen network circumstances. Naturally, as the price rises, FOMO kicks in, as those with more faith are willing to buy in earlier and cause an increase in price. This causes a run-away buying effect. The bubble results in the less-knowledgeable market participants concluding that either Bitcoin is worth more than it really is, or are unfamiliar with bubble dynamics and are not aware of the fact that all bubbles pop. Bitcoin may already be at its true-value peak at this point, but these less-knowledgeable participants cause an overshoot in the price, and as a result, an ensuing bubble-crash back to equilibrium after the fact.The point is, bubbles are natural market movement and the halving is a better catalyst than any other. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1qZjXYS

Monday 30 May 2016

PayPal halts operations in Turkey

http://bit.ly/1Pesx1t of people are now not sure what to do and how to receive payments.http://bit.ly/1WVM4G8 http://bit.ly/22v4m13 http://etsy.me/1WVM4WG via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/22v4GwX

Bitcoin price jumps 21 percent over 4 days, reaching a 21-month high


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 02:31AM by elux http://bit.ly/1O03FKH

Mr. Robot Now Accepting Bitcoin [Not Fake]

http://bit.ly/1WulDaM via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/25vCGLf

Mystery Solved: $6.6 Million Bitcoin Theft That Brought Down Dark Web Site Tied To 2 Florida Men


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 06:51AM by bitbon http://bit.ly/27ZzJ7S

Cloud mining: SHA-256 vs Scrypt, what's the difference?

Hi, I want to start investing in bitcoins with HashFlare.io and they have options to mine using SHA-256 or Scrypt, but what is the difference?

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 11:05AM by NoFuckingOne http://bit.ly/1sHUbcW

Why Bitcoin is China's latest craze

http://bit.ly/1qYTTgy via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1XKK9DF

Just bought lunch at Adirondack Coffee in Nisswa, MN with #bitcoin


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 04:18AM by Dougscrib http://bit.ly/25uHtN8

Help starting mining for bitcoins

I have 400 dollars what asic miner should i buy?

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 09:44AM by ryrod311 http://bit.ly/1WVsVnM

Australia to Sell Bitcoins Confiscated as Proceeds of Crime

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS via NYT World http://nyti.ms/1sHOwU5

Bitstamp launches EUR/USD trading


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 03:21AM by freakyfractal http://bit.ly/1qY3jJh

Mystery Solved: $6.6 Million Bitcoin Theft That Brought Down Dark Web Site Tied To 2 Florida Men

http://onforb.es/1RGZQEW via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/27ZzJ7S

Australian Government selling Bitcoin for fiat, which they can print an infinite amount of.

http://bbc.in/1X9IKrR via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1sHH4se

Deconstructing the Bitcoin Market Cap


Submitted May 31, 2016 at 12:42AM by VinnyatGyft http://bit.ly/1NZxNpt

Bitcoin price jumps 21 percent over 4 days, reaching a 21-month high

http://tcrn.ch/1U8KSt0 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1O03FKH

"We cannot possibly see how the Chinese can get a return on their investment." /CEO KNC miner

"We have tried to calculate the amount of money that the Chinese have invested in mining, we estimate it to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Even with free electricity we cannot see how they will ever get this money back. Either they don't know what they are doing, but that is not very likely at this scale or they have some secret advantage that we don't know about."


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 08:32PM by kristoffernolgren http://bit.ly/1Vqas1O

Srinivasan and Andreessen talk Bitcoin

http://bit.ly/22uAcLr via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/25wRdK8

Just bought lunch at Adirondack Coffee in Nisswa, MN with #bitcoin

http://bit.ly/1snY5rI via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/25uHtN8

Update on Bitcoin ETNs

We are meeting with Nasdaq today at 13.00 Swedish time to get our ETNs, Bitcoin Tracker One and Bitcoin Tracker EUR, online again.

We have received many questions whether investors funds are still fracking the price movements of bitcoin while our instruments are offline, and I can assure you that they are.

Your investments are 100 percent hedged and thus follows the price movements of bitcoin 1:1 less our 1 percent annual fee.

As soon as we have any information available we will update it on Reddit, Twitter and on our website.

In the meantime and if you have any concerns whatsoever, please contact us here, on Twitter or via email.

Submitted May 30, 2016 at 06:14PM by XBTProvider http://bit.ly/1XZrJiX

Today in Barcelona I've purchased ______ with Bitcoin:

1) Some fish and salad 2) Lots of good coffee 3) A hotel room 4) A taxi 5) A bottle of wine 6) Ham and cheese empanada 7) Some lemon beerOnly spending BTC on this trip and Xapo has made it not just possible, but easy. Highly recommend Xapo today! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1VqTDnf

Towards Massive On-Chain Scaling: Presenting Our Block Propagation Results With Xthin


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 11:37PM by s1ckpig http://bit.ly/1TSQbAI

Buy used S7 and start now?

I saw one guy is offering 5 of his used antminer s7 for $3000 USD, including power supply for each unit.

I know the halving is coming in like 1 month, so is this a good idea? (without considering electricity).

A quick calculation indicates I can break even in 112 days, under current exchange rate.

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 03:08AM by unknowngas http://bit.ly/1VqNjft

Bitstamp launches EUR/USD trading

http://bit.ly/1WV5OtK via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1qY3jJh

Barry Silbert on Twitter: "Bitcoin market cap ($8 billion) as a percent of gold in circulation ($7 trillion) = 0.114%"


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 10:18PM by BrainDamageLDN http://bit.ly/22udBhU

WSJ: China Buying Sparks Bitcoin Surge


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 09:12PM by granatheus http://bit.ly/1smXaYo

Deconstructing the Bitcoin Market Cap

http://bit.ly/1TRS9jw via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1NZxNpt

Bitstamp now offers CC purchase in 28 EU states!


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 07:27PM by Invictus07 http://bit.ly/1WUxlLG

Towards Massive On-Chain Scaling: Presenting Our Block Propagation Results With Xthin

http://bit.ly/1UoWSt1 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1TSQbAI

Barry Silbert on Twitter: "Bitcoin market cap ($8 billion) as a percent of gold in circulation ($7 trillion) = 0.114%"

https://twitter.com/barrysilbert/status/736681783933194245 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/22udBhU

WSJ: China Buying Sparks Bitcoin Surge

http://on.wsj.com/1UoE9h8 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1smXaYo

What if I only want to make a few pennies a week?

I have 2 old ASIC miners (total of about 800 Mhz power). Now realizing that I will be paying much more for the power than will be returned in BTC, can someone recommend the best mining pool to join where I could at least earn very tiny slivers of BTC on a regular basis?

Submitted May 30, 2016 at 10:00PM by errandwolfe http://bit.ly/1smQTfo

Bitcoin needed here ASAP: How long must Nigerians live with currency controls?

http://bit.ly/1U7CYQF via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1NYW3Ic

"We cannot possibly see how the Chinese can get a return on their investment." /CEO KNC miner

"We have tried to calculate the amount of money that the Chinese have invested in mining, we estimate it to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Even with free electricity we cannot see how they will ever get this money back. Either they don't know what they are doing, but that is not very likely at this scale or they have some secret advantage that we don't know about."http://bit.ly/24gFn0F via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1Vqas1O

Back in "green" after two years


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 06:40PM by classna http://bit.ly/1XIDauW

LocalBitcoins volume in Russia hits another all-time high


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 11:44AM by Goowsim http://bit.ly/1XZdbQk

Bitstamp now offers CC purchase in 28 EU states!

http://bit.ly/1U7oWOQ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1WUxlLG

Australia to auction confiscated bitcoins as price surges

http://bit.ly/1WtEYsG via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/25tgamn

Ceo Coinbase did not pay the bank fees he promised me in earlier post I made.

Submitted May 30, 2016 at 02:00PM by VGNPWR http://bit.ly/1sGydqO

It's been two years since I've made this animation. Still loving the wild ride that is Bitcoin! Time for a sequel I think.


Submitted May 30, 2016 at 05:14AM by MovieBlast http://bit.ly/1Z7weX7

Back in "green" after two years

http://bit.ly/1qWR27M via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1XIDauW

Update on Bitcoin ETNs

We are meeting with Nasdaq today at 13.00 Swedish time to get our ETNs, Bitcoin Tracker One and Bitcoin Tracker EUR, online again.We have received many questions whether investors funds are still fracking the price movements of bitcoin while our instruments are offline, and I can assure you that they are.Your investments are 100 percent hedged and thus follows the price movements of bitcoin 1:1 less our 1 percent annual fee.As soon as we have any information available we will update it on Reddit, Twitter and on our website.In the meantime and if you have any concerns whatsoever, please contact us here, on Twitter or via email. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1XZrJiX

What is going on at Bitstamp? One second it is trading at 530, the next it is trading at 470.

http://bit.ly/1sWQG35 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/25t1xj0

Bitcoin on C-SPAN

http://cs.pn/1smcioQ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1TQHLZx

Ceo Coinbase did not pay the bank fees he promised me in earlier post I made.

http://bit.ly/1NY8Dri via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1sGydqO