Friday 29 September 2017

List of NO2X Exchanges, Wallets, Brokers, and ATMs

i've seen a lot of bitcoiners ask how to avoid segwit2x and the companies that support it. i've tried to include the most pertinent ones below along with their services:Company/ProjectService(s)Bitcoiniacs (Canada)atmBitStop (US - florida)atmBitcoin Brains (Canada)atm / brokerBitsquare [now Bisq]decentralized exchangeLocalBitcoinsdecentralized exchangeÉchange de Montréal (Canada)exchangeBitcoin Outlet (Canada)exchangeBitonic (Netherlands)exchangeQuickBT (Canada)exchangeWalltime (Brazil)exchangePrasos (Finland)exchange / broker / atmVaultoro (Germany)exchange / web walletHoly Transaction (Luxembourg)exchange / web walletWayniloans (Argentina)lending platformBTCPaypayment service providermyBylls (Canada)payment service providerBitwala (Germany)payment service provider / bitcoin debit cardDigitalbitboxwallet - hardwareOpenDimewallet - hardwareSamourai Wallet‏wallet - mobileCiphrexwallet - software​Other lists: via /r/Bitcoin

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