Saturday 25 August 2018

There has been a lot of talk about a Bitcoin ETF. As a result, I've posted the following open letter addressed to the SEC.


My name is Malcolm Rose and I run an educational website about cryptocurrencies. I'd like to talk for a moment about something that's been on all of our minds lately: the prospect of a Bitcoin ETF.

Hester Peirce is an SEC commissioner who has, unlike some of her colleagues, consistently expressed open minded and positive sentiments about cryptocurrency. When she posted this tweet indicating that the SEC was open to receiving responses from the public regarding various questions it had about cryptocurrency, I knew that I had to do my part.

I have emailed the following open letter and also posted it on my website. I don't know if they're going to bother reading it, but I am remaining optimistic; why else would they have asked for feedback from the public? In any event, if I can clear up any misinformation I will consider this to have been a worthwhile endeavor.

Please read my letter and let me know what you think. Signal boost this by tweeting about it or even writing your own letters. While I don't think a Bitcoin ETF is necessary for the success of Bitcoin, I do think it is of paramount importance to educate would-be regulators on these crucial topics.

Malcolm Rose

Submitted August 25, 2018 at 08:33AM by MalcolmRoseGaming

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