Tuesday 26 February 2019

ASIC hosting in USA + profit-sharing - power contracts between $.028 and $.041 kWh. Ideal model for ASIC owners who are mining for little gain or have turned off miners.

Our mining data center in Atlanta, GA has exclusive power contracts between $.028 and $.041 kWh.

We are able to offer ASIC hosting that is once again profitable for miners. Our power rates are unmatched in the southeastern USA, and our facility is among the best anywhere in North America.

The company & facility is https://vcitadel.com.

This model is ideal for anyone who is either mining at a loss or who is not mining at all (due to costs being greater than returns).

The model effectively converts your ownership in mining hardware to:

  1. Monthly cash flow from mining.
  2. Equity in a Mining Entity.
  3. Tax deductions for loss in hardware value.
  4. Upside in the equity ownership (although risk does continue to exist and there is no assurance of a gain, this is a better alternative than turning off your hardware and mining for a loss).

The "Mining Entity" mentioned below is the company that owns and operates the data center facility (Virtual Citadel Inc.).


  • Customer machines will be contributed to the Mining Entity at current Fair Market Value (FMV).
  • Customer will receive shares in Mining Entity based on the value of their contribution. For example, we will value an S9 with Power Supply at $300 today.
  • The Mining Entity is currently under letter to sell the business at a $10MM valuation. New shares will be issued at this valuation. For example, a customer contributing $500,000 worth of mining equipment will be issued approximately 5% of the company’s fully diluted outstanding equity.
  • Assuming machine FMV today is less than original purchase price, a documented sale would allow the customer to take a tax deduction for the loss.
  • Contributed equipment will now mine for the Mining Entity account.
  • The Mining Entity will deduct a fixed operating charge of $58/month for each machine mining for its account.

Gross profit will be calculated each month using the following formula:

  • Total Miners * $58 = Opex
  • Total Earnings for Total Miners – Opex = Gross Profit.
  • Gross Profit * .50 = Mining Entity Retained Margin.
  • Gross Profit * .50 = Shareholder Monthly Distribution.
  • Shareholder Monthly Distribution * [Any Shareholder owned Percentage] = prorated distribution.


  • 1000 Total Miners * $58 = $58,000 in Opex
  • Total Earnings for Total Miners @ $70 = $70,000
  • Earnings – Opex [$70,000-$58,000 = $12,000]
  • $12,000 * .50 = $6,000 in Retained Margin and $6,000
  • A 5% Shareholder would receive their pro-rated distribution of $300.
  • Further, at the current valuation, the customer would receive the full FMV of their machines in the Mining Entity and the subsequent acquirers stock.

In addition to the monthly mining income and equity, there may be a significant tax benefit. For example, if a customer purchased machines in January of 2018 at the market high of $2300, and current FMV is $300, the tax loss would be $2000 per machine, or $200,000 per 100 machines. This can be used to potentially offset mining and other income.

About our facility

Our facility is world class and the leading mining entity in the southeastern US.

  • 20 MW of available power
  • 50,000 sq. ft. purpose-built facility
  • 20kW racks
  • Multiple dark fiber rings
  • Technicians and security on-site 24/7
  • Bitmain certified engineers

For more information or to schedule on-site visits of the facility, please visit https://vcitadel.com or PM me.

Submitted February 27, 2019 at 09:45AM by bitcoince http://bit.ly/2IGAyiD

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