Tuesday 30 April 2019


http://bit.ly/2vt37GU via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PNnsAh

I figured this sub would appreciate this.

http://bit.ly/2vtOjbb via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PE2xPP

No Cash For Sale: In World First ‘Bitcoin’ City

The UK’s Sun newspaper is touting the ‘World’s first Bitcoin city’ today, where all cash is banned. Backers of the venture hope that Melaka Straits City in Malaysia will attract 3 million crypto-tourists per year. ...read more via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PHYmTk

Millennials Are the ‘Driving Force’ of Bitcoin Ownership: Survey

https://yhoo.it/2PBTZcn via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vuAn0v

The Nano hardware wallet from Ledger added support for the Binance Coin DEX. Investors can now trade assets through Binance DEX, taking advantage of the unprecedented security from Ledger


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:01PM by zonco http://bit.ly/2VxoA09

Introducing project micro to make lightning micropayments more convenient


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:07AM by rawtxapp http://bit.ly/2J3educ

Just saw this in Australia


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 07:07AM by BitcoinLongFTW http://bit.ly/2PDDMmR

"He who controls the bitcoin, controls the market."- Whanos


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:20AM by Fradno http://bit.ly/2DADFnp

Just saw this in Australia

http://bit.ly/2vwOvX4 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PDDMmR

A nice look at our Hodlonaut artwork on our metal panel medium. Note that we are donating all proceeds to Hodlonaut!

http://bit.ly/2WfrHH6 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2DEVLVm

"He who controls the bitcoin, controls the market."- Whanos

http://bit.ly/2WoII1m via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2DADFnp

Fourth lightning implementation to officially launch on bitcoin’s mainnet

http://bit.ly/2WhZteD via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2DHmkct

Did this android cloud miner pull an exit scam...had withdrawals of .0014BTC on 12/24/18 and 2/14/19...damn near another and they disappeared from Google play store and emails never returned...fuckers


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 07:44AM by kadog710 http://bit.ly/2ZLAq61

Bitcoin v0.18.0 has been tagged

http://bit.ly/2V8b8jS via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2GQafT5

Craig Wright faked an email to get out of billion-dollar lawsuit, expert claims in court


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 03:11AM by euphemized http://bit.ly/2UQcieL

Introducing project micro to make lightning micropayments more convenient

http://bit.ly/2IPhWwl via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2J3educ

Cryptocurrency Bot Insights Survey 2019 [Win $100 Amazon Giftcard + Select Charity of your Choice for another $20 per 100 entrants]

Do you trade crypto or work in a blockchain project, and would like to use a bot to detect upcoming pumps or get instant notifications whenever large amounts of crypto are moved on a blockchain?

We're a small software startup moving into the cryptocurrency bot production space - Help us to understand the solutions that need building, and get updates whenever we build the things you would like us to see.

- Survey running until 14th June 2019 across multiple channels and social platforms.

- Winner will be randomly selected and announced on all platforms on 17th June to receive a $100 Amazon Giftcard.

- Nominate charities to receive another $20 per 100 entrants, or select a single charity.

- All entries are fully confidential and entry for winning the Amazon Giftcard is optional.
Submit via https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TDYC3QR

Submitted May 01, 2019 at 04:51AM by apollo_road010 http://bit.ly/2vx5I2u

Cryptocurrency Thefts, Fraud Hit $1.2 Billion in First Quarter-Report

By Reuters via NYT Business Day https://nyti.ms/2PDoo9Z

Craig Wright faked an email to get out of billion-dollar lawsuit, expert claims in court

http://bit.ly/2ZIgu41 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2UQcieL

Survey Finds 27% Of Those Aged 18-34 Prefer Bitcoin Over Stocks


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 12:41AM by kyletorpey http://bit.ly/2PDae8W

Hodl Hodl's official announcement about Lightning support


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 08:58PM by artur97 http://bit.ly/2V5IsYH

Robert Kiyosaki: "The US Dollar Was Intentionally Designed To Steal Our Wealth And Our Lives" - AND THAT'S WHY WE NEED BITCOIN!


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:34PM by Roy1984 http://bit.ly/2ZN0U7a

Kleiman Case: "Craig's 'Exhibit A' is a forgery he created a year after Dave's death and which he only withdrew in the face of massive public condemnation for submitting fraudulent documents to this court."


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 08:12AM by StopAndDecrypt http://bit.ly/2WdrMv1

Bitcoin [BTC] Lightning network is doing spectacularly well, claims Andreas Antonopoulos

http://bit.ly/2vu8llF via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PFBofg

Bitcoin license plate


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 09:34PM by yahiag2000 http://bit.ly/2ZKGLP3

Survey Finds 27% Of Those Aged 18-34 Prefer Bitcoin Over Stocks

http://bit.ly/2V337wB via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PDae8W

Robert Kiyosaki: "The US Dollar Was Intentionally Designed To Steal Our Wealth And Our Lives" - AND THAT'S WHY WE NEED BITCOIN!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KxAsNCxIpk via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ZN0U7a

Exclusive Dialogue with Blockstream CEO Adam Back: Bitcoin to $250,000? Turing Completeness a Mistake?


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:57AM by eviade8btc http://bit.ly/2vtHQwQ

Bitcoin license plate

http://bit.ly/2UPB12P via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ZKGLP3

8 Key Factors for Choosing a Cryptocurrency Exchange


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 10:15PM by direscuvlad49 http://bit.ly/2UPplNz

Mastercard has approved the first crypto debit card in Europe


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 09:00PM by lobas http://bit.ly/2XQQAck

Not your keys, not your BTC


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:21PM by PrintingBTC http://bit.ly/2vzpwlL

Hodl Hodl's official announcement about Lightning support

http://bit.ly/2GLZG3r via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2V5IsYH

The team at Wasabi Wallet have delivered a product that is open-source, non-custodial and provides trustless coin shuffling with mathematically provable anonymity. Over 29000 BTC have been made fungible through Wasabi Wallet!


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:22PM by bitmerdir http://bit.ly/2vveRJ3

Which mobile wallets support bech32 send and receive?

I know Samourai wallet does. And Bitcoin Lightning Wallet only accepts bech32. Any others? How about on IOS? via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2GRG6DY

Mastercard has approved the first crypto debit card in Europe

http://bit.ly/2GRxEom via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2XQQAck

Finally a cold wallet that I can trust! :-)

http://bit.ly/2PG7YOq via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vqvSUK

The 'Amazon of Japan' enters the crypto space - as the nation's #1 online retailer, many believe they could trigger the next bull run...


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 05:34PM by maxman72go http://bit.ly/2vvCq4i

Microsoft Azure Now Supports RSK Smart Contracts


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:42PM by jsansevero http://bit.ly/2UOMNdZ

The first time I experienced how much more convenient Bitcoin is than a bank.

So, long story short, the wife and I are closing on our house this month. The builder needed x amount wired by monday. We were told this on a Saturday, after visiting the site. Great- banks are closed on the weekend, and the wife works monday. Fortunately, I was off duty that monday- otherwise, I'd have to use sick or vacation leave. The wife was able to leave the office early, and we were both able to wire money to their account by the day's end to satisfy the deadline. The entire time I'm doing this, I am thinking "Dude, if you had a bitcoin address I could just send you the money as soon as you told me." I wouldn't have had to stress about wiring the money in time, taking time off work, or waste time dealing with the bank.

After we were done, I was explaining this ordeal to my father and told him "This is exactly why we will have Bitcoin. This is so inconvenient." It kind of clicked for him too at that moment.


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:16AM by Dalidude http://bit.ly/2ZMhnbU

The team at Wasabi Wallet have delivered a product that is open-source, non-custodial and provides trustless coin shuffling with mathematically provable anonymity. Over 29000 BTC have been made fungible through Wasabi Wallet!

http://bit.ly/2PBDAoi via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vveRJ3

Not your keys, not your BTC

http://bit.ly/2PEbKaN via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vzpwlL

The 'Amazon of Japan' enters the crypto space - as the nation's #1 online retailer, many believe they could trigger the next bull run...

http://bit.ly/2PFkcXp via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vvCq4i

Good news! BTC can now be used to buy & sell everything on WSWC, an eBay-like Marketplace for Crypto users. Just bought a book with my sweet BTC lol

http://bit.ly/2ZGZprb via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2UQHV86

Bitfinex Once Again Withdrew Massive Amount of BTC (12.8K) From It's Cold Wallet

http://bit.ly/2ZLYNAo via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2UKT8qJ

Microsoft Azure Now Supports RSK Smart Contracts

http://bit.ly/2ZOfzPg via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2UOMNdZ

Finished a project for my above my desk.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 07:12PM by jimmypesto2121 http://bit.ly/2VynEIH

Why does the current AML/KYC system assume everyone is guilty by default?

Literally everyone has to provide documents for amounts above X dollars. Even if there is no tangible evidence that the funds are illicit in any way.

Have we come to a time where everyone is assumed guilty unless proven otherwise?

This seems like a massive loss of trust to me. Not everyone is a criminal, and not everyone should be treated as such.

It also seems like a massive loss of resources as the vast majority of these transactions are legit. Most people are law-abiding citizens, after all.

And in spite of these extremely tight controls, billions of dollars are still getting laundered (just check the Danske Bank scandal last year). The criminals will simply use fake ID's and fake personas. Do these controls actually prevent anything or do they just waste a massive amount of time and resources?

Storing all those documents in a central location is also a massive security risk with huge implications if the place is hacked.

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:16PM by maclauren3 http://bit.ly/2ZHC3Sa

Exclusive Dialogue with Blockstream CEO Adam Back: Bitcoin to $250,000? Turing Completeness a Mistake?

http://bit.ly/2PBgi1L via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vtHQwQ

Daily Discussion, April 30, 2019

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.We have a couple chat rooms now!GeneralPrice TalkPlease check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vv235r

Monday 29 April 2019

Kleiman Case: "Craig's 'Exhibit A' is a forgery he created a year after Dave's death and which he only withdrew in the face of massive public condemnation for submitting fraudulent documents to this court."

http://bit.ly/2DAzTtZ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2WdrMv1

London toilets accept Bitcoin?


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:11AM by GoldCatch22 http://bit.ly/2J3yEqM

Wasabi Wallet just did a CoinJoin - with 92 Participants! (Cross Post)

Hey Wasabikas (& Bitcoincers!),

Just thought I would share this with you guys, since it looks like we are all excited about privacy in Bitcoin. Since the recent new release of the Wasabi wallet, the total number of peers that are required for registration is 100, but if more than a couple of hours go by without a CoinJoin, the peers do one anyway. This is quite a big leap from before the update, where Wasabi would wait for 70 peers.

So hopefully we will see some big CoinJoins in the next few days, but the biggest one (I have come across) is this beauty right here:https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/transaction/39f791a562f61a9ad19851429f92ffc45ea2ca18a799dea2738215427c5a30c0

This beast of a CoinJoin had an anonymity set of 92(!) for the lowest denomination of ~0.1 BTC, here are the anon sets for higher denominations:
~0.1 BTC = 92 Participants
~0.2 BTC = 29 Participants
~0.4 BTC = 15 Participants
~0.8 BTC = 8 Participants

If you spot a Wasabi CoinJoin with better numbers than this guy, post them in the comments. If you want, throw a lightning invoice for 1,000 Satoshis and I will happily pay it for your efforts.

Questions encouraged! Have a great day folks.
Original post can be found on the wasabi subreddit. r/wasabiwallet - come check us out!

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:08AM by iLoveStableCoins http://bit.ly/2DEFn7n

howmanyconfs.com - How does the security of different Proof-of-Work blockchains compare to Bitcoin?


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 07:51PM by dyslexiccoder http://bit.ly/2vtGQZD

Las principales noticias del martes

By Por Marina Franco via NYT Universal https://nyti.ms/2LbicaP

The first time I experienced how much more convenient Bitcoin is than a bank.

So, long story short, the wife and I are closing on our house this month. The builder needed x amount wired by monday. We were told this on a Saturday, after visiting the site. Great- banks are closed on the weekend, and the wife works monday. Fortunately, I was off duty that monday- otherwise, I'd have to use sick or vacation leave. The wife was able to leave the office early, and we were both able to wire money to their account by the day's end to satisfy the deadline. The entire time I'm doing this, I am thinking "Dude, if you had a bitcoin address I could just send you the money as soon as you told me." I wouldn't have had to stress about wiring the money in time, taking time off work, or waste time dealing with the bank.After we were done, I was explaining this ordeal to my father and told him "This is exactly why we will have Bitcoin. This is so inconvenient." It kind of clicked for him too at that moment.IBWT! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ZMhnbU



Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:59AM by decentralife_ http://bit.ly/2UKdXCJ

Looking through old emails...


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:15AM by Rbotiq http://bit.ly/2J3yD6c

Windows character map has Bitcoin symbol..

​http://bit.ly/2IQK9To via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2J2YNWJ

London toilets accept Bitcoin?

http://bit.ly/2IRLclN via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2J3yEqM

Looking through old emails...

http://bit.ly/2IPeZMe via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2J3yD6c

Multiparty S6 - The multiparty symmetrical Schnorr signature scriptless script shuffle | waxwing's blog

http://bit.ly/2VC1Ls1 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2LdrMtF

Why does the current AML/KYC system assume everyone is guilty by default?

Literally everyone has to provide documents for amounts above X dollars. Even if there is no tangible evidence that the funds are illicit in any way.​Have we come to a time where everyone is assumed guilty unless proven otherwise?​This seems like a massive loss of trust to me. Not everyone is a criminal, and not everyone should be treated as such.​It also seems like a massive loss of resources as the vast majority of these transactions are legit. Most people are law-abiding citizens, after all.​And in spite of these extremely tight controls, billions of dollars are still getting laundered (just check the Danske Bank scandal last year). The criminals will simply use fake ID's and fake personas. Do these controls actually prevent anything or do they just waste a massive amount of time and resources?Storing all those documents in a central location is also a massive security risk with huge implications if the place is hacked. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ZHC3Sa


http://bit.ly/2ZLgvnO via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2UKdXCJ

CoinJoins as a Percentage of All Bitcoin Payments Have Tripled to 4.09% Over the Past Year


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:52PM by kyletorpey http://bit.ly/2GIs9Hc

NYSE Owner ICE Buys Crypto Custodian "Digital Asset Custody Company" (DACC) in Latest Bakkt Bitcoin Push


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:21PM by nederhandal http://bit.ly/2Wg5sRs

It’s nice to have a lot of money, but you know, you don’t want to keep it around forever. Wise people prefer buying things. Otherwise, it’s a little like saving beauty for your old age.


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:58AM by BitHash4u http://bit.ly/2GQWdBH

Bitmain Aims to Leapfrog Competition With Its Next-Gen Bitcoin Miner


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:04AM by raaner12 http://bit.ly/2GR1fhJ

We built a comprehensive management suite for all sorts of crypto miners. Participate in our alpha test and get 3 month free!

Dear r/BitcoinMining community,

We are happy to announce the alpha test phase of our miner management software „Steiger“!

We are a small company that started as miners ourselves. We developed the software for our own operations but it has matured to a level where we believe it is time to let others benefit, too.

What our software does:

  • easy, tool-driven setup process, no need to login on the miner GUI
  • automated configuration of all your miners (pool settings, network settings, firmware update)
  • monitoring of all parameters, like hashrate, temperature, active hashing boards
  • QR-code based inventarisation of all miners and their location

We are finally able to let you guys take part in our closed test. The only requirement to take part as a tester is that you run at least one miner that is not included in the list below:

  • Antminer S9/S9i/S9j
  • Antminer L3+
  • Ebit E9+
  • Ebit E9
  • Innosilicon A6
  • Innosilicon A5+
  • Baikal Giant B

If you meet the requirements and are interested in testing the Steiger miner management software just PM me including the following information:

  • Miner types you are running
  • Amount of units you run
  • Country you are from

All participants in this testing phase will be rewarded with a 3 month free membership after our go live. There will also be a forever free version of the software so you do not have to pay or switch off of our software solution after the test phase ends.

Check us out if you want to know more: https://www.hashtrend.ch

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Join our Discord and bombard us with your questions: https://discord.gg/GKb3exF

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:02AM by hashtrend_mn http://bit.ly/2GPSpRa

How do you safely turn off your miner and reboot it (antminer) and what happens if you just pull the plug out directly?

Or just safely turn off the miner?

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:19AM by trilloctopus_ http://bit.ly/2XUg3BH

Wasabi Wallet just did a CoinJoin - with 92 Participants! (Cross Post)

Hey Wasabikas (& Bitcoincers!),Just thought I would share this with you guys, since it looks like we are all excited about privacy in Bitcoin. Since the recent new release of the Wasabi wallet, the total number of peers that are required for registration is 100, but if more than a couple of hours go by without a CoinJoin, the peers do one anyway. This is quite a big leap from before the update, where Wasabi would wait for 70 peers.So hopefully we will see some big CoinJoins in the next few days, but the biggest one (I have come across) is this beauty right here:http://bit.ly/2WdhFWZ beast of a CoinJoin had an anonymity set of 92(!) for the lowest denomination of ~0.1 BTC, here are the anon sets for higher denominations:~0.1 BTC = 92 Participants~0.2 BTC = 29 Participants~0.4 BTC = 15 Participants~0.8 BTC = 8 ParticipantsIf you spot a Wasabi CoinJoin with better numbers than this guy, post them in the comments. If you want, throw a lightning invoice for 1,000 Satoshis and I will happily pay it for your efforts.Questions encouraged! Have a great day folks.Original post can be found on the wasabi subreddit. r/wasabiwallet - come check us out! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2DEFn7n

Spend Bitcoin on Amazon, Thanks to Moon and the Lightning Network


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:44PM by jackabon http://bit.ly/2PDBgNG

Bitcoin ATM comes to Glasgow


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:30AM by Bitcoin420 http://bit.ly/2DGeRKF

Bitcoin Dominance is on the rise


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 03:05PM by santoterracomputing http://bit.ly/2ZKIRyC

NYSE Owner ICE Buys Crypto Custodian "Digital Asset Custody Company" (DACC) in Latest Bakkt Bitcoin Push

http://bit.ly/2DCrbeY via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2Wg5sRs

CoinJoins as a Percentage of All Bitcoin Payments Have Tripled to 4.09% Over the Past Year

http://bit.ly/2V8wKg9 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2GIs9Hc

Trust as a currency.... the USA $ is based on trust alone. Nothing else. That trust can fade just like in 2008 when banks halted lending. MATH can never lose trust.

Inflation is a hidden tax. Good money replaces bad money. Don’t you want a currency based on the ultimate trust (math) and agreed upon inflation that decreases till 2140 unless consensus agrees to do a 0.5%. We are in the early days and don’t need to worry about inflation. We get to enjoy the adoption years.

Future generations that aren’t born yet will look back on this thread to see how we judged bitcoin in its early days. We relied on math as trust over human judgment (central banks).

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 08:09AM by KalEll66 http://bit.ly/2UKhr8i

Bitcoin is Following Gold's Path of Discovery, Value, and Utility


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:58AM by crypt0sparta http://bit.ly/2J0e4YA

Bitmain’s Antminer T17 Available for Purchase, Claimed to Improve Profitability


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 09:19PM by 8BTCblockchainNEWS http://bit.ly/2V1QWAc

Finished a project for my above my desk.

http://bit.ly/2L8RhfP via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2VynEIH

howmanyconfs.com - How does the security of different Proof-of-Work blockchains compare to Bitcoin?

http://bit.ly/2PD5Iaz via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2vtGQZD

The World’s Most Power-Efficient CryptoNight algorithm Miner


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 08:41PM by ledzep2223 http://bit.ly/2GRjy6k

Think for a second how crazy using credit is. Every purchase is literally creating more money, diluting the value of everyone else’s money.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ILGKoZ

Brazilian Police Accidentally Discover Money Laundering Bitcoin Mining Farm - TTRNews


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 07:31PM by davit13882 http://bit.ly/2vxMdGZ

Former U.S. CFTC Commissioner and Bitcoin Defender Bart Chilton Dies at Age 58


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:33AM by bitsteiner http://bit.ly/2GPMpYP

Bitcoin ATM in Athens Greece, near the Acropolis.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 07:11AM by admiralCeres http://bit.ly/2XPSbzl

Before Raid,' Seasteaders' Planned Floating Resort Off Thailand

By REUTERS via NYT World https://nyti.ms/2UIEEHT

Spend Bitcoin on Amazon, Thanks to Moon and the Lightning Network

https://yhoo.it/2vtNLBU via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2PDBgNG

Bitcoin Dominance is on the rise

http://bit.ly/2UI05J2 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ZKIRyC

Now You Can Buy Kebabs Using Bitcoin


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:43PM by Crypto_guide http://bit.ly/2J0OCSJ

Bitmain’s Antminer T17 Available for Purchase, Claimed to Improve Profitability


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:53PM by raaner12 http://bit.ly/2J4iRrR

Bitmain’s Antminer T17 Available for Purchase, Claimed to Improve Profitability


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:09PM by eviade8btc http://bit.ly/2IN6Ck3

Some Bitcoin Propaganda


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 02:10PM by PrintingBTC http://bit.ly/2XQjPfB

Think for a second about how crazy using a credit card is. Every time you make a purchase online, you literally type in your private keys and pray someone doesn’t steal it. At restaurants you hand your private keys to your waiter and they walk off. This is why we Bitcoin.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:24AM by Kashpantz http://bit.ly/2PBuHem

Some Bitcoin Propaganda

http://bit.ly/2GPWyET via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2XQjPfB

Daily Discussion, April 29, 2019

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.We have a couple chat rooms now!GeneralPrice TalkPlease check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2XQDCeJ