Saturday 6 July 2019

My short story with bitcoin

Hello All just wanted to share my story in here.

For the last 2 years I would put anything i got into Bitcoin hoping it will pay me back one day, I’m all by myself so sometimes I would sleep on the streets, sometimes I would work for $2 per hour for a 12-14 hours job, and i was all ok with it, I’d keep some cash for food and other needs and walk miles to find someone who would sell me BTC with small fees for cash, Sometimes I would exchange some satoshis for food and other things but otherwise I wouldn’t sell what I’ve got in BTC because I believe in it, but i realized that i can no longer do this it’s just tough living like this I barely make some money and when i get it i keep %30 because I don’t smoke or drink alcohol or drugs so i needed a little amount of cash for daily life and other %70 into btc, so finally I decided to sell my btc and study in an European country that is cheap, and hopefully get a degree and find a good job, i did some calculations and the amount i got from my btc will be enough for 1.5 years and for the other 1.5 hopefully i will find a job while studying,

I just wanted to share my story in here, anyway i don’t have anyone else to tell lol because most of the people don’t want to be friends with u when you are having hardships so they just leave you all alone. It’s heartbreaking (at least for me) but hopefully i will be back and start all over and one day have my own bitcoin or more. Wish me luck.

Submitted July 06, 2019 at 10:48PM by Sal_A21

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