Tuesday 9 July 2019

With prices climbing again, I get caught up in the hype. Today Sci-Hub reminded me why I got into Bitcoin in the first place and why this matters.

While fetching yet another paper from sci-hub today, I was reminded about how important crypto is to the future of education, science, and the internet.Just as the financial world has been corrupted by rulers that we cannot trust (and often times didn't even elect) there are gatekeepers of knowledge who profit off of the backs of taxpayers and academics, all to great reward and zero accountability for locking out millions from scientific information.You may not agree with the ethics or intentions behind the actions of those that build and maintain Sci-hub (it's mostly just one person!) and that's fine, this post isn't about that. Bitcoin is about freedom from a broken banking system and freedom from censorship, freedom from having your finances surveilled and controlled when your corrupt leaders don't agree with your ideas, and when your laws and leaders are controlled by corporations, and those laws are no longer just or serving the interests of the public. Places like Sci-Hub can continue to operate because the modern world finally has an immutable payment network that is only getting off the ground and I once again feel excited about bitcoin because I'm reminded of what brought me here in the first place.EDIT: FWIW I was inspired to write this post after reading this: http://bit.ly/2XAf123 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2JvP6im

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