Sunday 24 November 2019

Who cares what the price is?

Nobody can time the market. Yah I’ve lost money, yah if I’d had sold a couple days ago would have made some money. But if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.Get a grip folks. Last time I saw this many shaky hands was at a retirement home. You all knew what you were getting into. This is the big leagues. If you want out, no ones stopping you. I will tell you most people who have sold bitcoin (particularly a few years ago) regret it every day of their lives. Imagine having the keys to the kingdom and throwing it away because of a price drop from $10 to $8. Everyone who did that would be filthy rich right now if they didn’t sell. Instead they can only dream of what could have been if they didn’t sell.Moral of the story. HODL via /r/Bitcoin

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