Wednesday 4 March 2020

Bisq - First Liquidity Day of March is Tomorrow (Thursday)!

This week, Bisq launched a marathon month-long effort with the intention of boosting liquidity to higher levels than ever before.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is the first liquidity day of the month, with subsequent liquidity days every Thursday throughout the month.

Each week, we're hoping to build on the previous week's success and end March in a strong way. February was nearly a record-setting month for Bisq, so there's already strong momentum for March to be even better.

You're highly encouraged to post offers tomorrow! Not only would it be good for the network, but probably for you as well—the concerted publicity drive means more eyeballs than usual, so offers will be more likely than ever to be taken.

We're shooting to hit 200 trades and 1000+ offers tomorrow, which is close to our all-time record...and hoping to beat that in the following weeks to hit new all-time highs.

We're also experimenting with helping core markets in other ways...for example, there's currently bots for reddit Twitter, Telegram in development, so that anyone can easily see offer books without having to open Bisq.

We'll also make a post soon analyzing the most successful trends in Bisq trading in general, including what tends to make USD and EUR offers successful.

And lastly -- tomorrow we'll have a call tomorrow (Thursday) at 8:15pm CET to debrief and discuss subsequent plans for the month. You're all welcome to join :)

Submitted March 05, 2020 at 02:19AM by m52go

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