Wednesday 4 March 2020

Vitalik on Twitter: not sure if the main purpose of bitcoin is to check government monetary policy ??

This is truly unbelievable. In fact, trying to decrease the power of government to arbitrarily inflate the currency is the MAIN REASON why bitcoin (and therefore blockchain) was developed. Vitalik says he is not sure it belongs among the 'top five' reasons. In fact, it is reason #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 !!! Here is the tweet:

The reason I posted this here is because many people may not realize that Vitalik was once a true bitcoin OG. However, like many of those early bitcoiners he really DID NOT truly understand what bitcoin was all about. It's now painfully obvious that many of those guys missed the big picture of viewing bitcoin as a new type of money and instead viewed bitcoin as just another payment system.

Submitted March 03, 2020 at 10:35PM by bjman22

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