Saturday 9 May 2020

Research For Comment


The logic of decentralised consensus ensured by proof of work protocols is sophisticated, but the currently known process of requirements of state transitions on blockchains (mining) is primitive. I have started to elaborate a conceptual model, that attempts to identify and systematically organise the logic fundamentals and applied computational solutions with the help of which the dialogue on constructing an unusual mining device may be opened.

Limits of technology

The basics strictly of a number theory nature, with the help of which the solutions may be devised, may be regarded as given. However, since the efficiency of our computers cannot exceed the known restrictions imposed by the laws of physics, the framework of the actual implementation is outside the domain of a conventional Turing machine. The presently known concept of quantum computers seemed promising, but the breakthrough of research is unjustifiably delayed. Putting it simply, mathematical knowledge is way ahead of its time, but we lack the “engineering” perspective required to tap the potential of these theories.


One key idea of implementation is that the state of quantum superposition cannot be compared to a blackbox-type of “mysterious” space in which the quantum algorithms running in a rather obscure fashion “disintegrate” after having completed a certain number of computational steps. As I see it, the main obstacle to practical implementation is in the phenomena arising from the observation of quantum states as it is so unusual that they made us owe the world the elaboration of a logical apparatus - much more consistent in IT terms - that would draw inspiration from the aforementioned subatomic spectrum.

As a first step to the complex solution, I think it’s necessary to redefine the laws of subatomic mechanics relevant from the IT perspective. This seemingly immodest proposal does not state naturalistic level of realism among its prerequisites, as we may very well create a simulated mathematical layer following the laws of quantum mechanics in a more consistent way, which is none other than a reduced “hyperspace”, optimised for arbitrary computational purposes.

It follows that although the solution’s lion share is of hardware nature, this must definitely be preceded by the finalisation of a notation system that may be understood as a prerequisite to a structure similar to an enhanced electrical circuit – not equivalent to the quantum circuits – that may provide a robust base layer to a physical structure suitable for the task.

Following the solution to the theoretical idea briefly outlined above, the experimental development of a hardware implementation may begin, the details of which at this point must completely be left to one’s imaginative power.


1) The level of efficiency of our computing systems corresponds to the level of our knowledge of the consistent physical laws that describe the reality we live in.

2) The limits of applicability of these laws may be extended and simulated in an abstract computational layer.

3) The targeted experimentation of the solution to a complex practical problem (proof of work) has a better chance to establish the implementation of a computational mechanism, based on the laws of a simulated “mathematical” reality.

4) The practical implementation of the aforementioned solution – also resulting from the proof of work functionality – raises the question of long-term financial profitability and even the feasibility of an independent research laboratory.

I have worked on this theory for quite some time, but I plan to share a research documentation meeting academic requirements on 24.06.2020. With this post, my goal is to see if there is anyone who would be interested in following the steps of such research in the future.

I’m more than happy to receive comments and questions, in private messages as well. Thank you for your attention!

Submitted May 10, 2020 at 08:48AM by vincent_szalma

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