Wednesday 29 September 2021

Don't be fooled by the CCP, they are

So, as it turns out, China's government is the second biggest Bitcoin whale, only second to Grayscale.

The whole "governments will ban Bitcoin" is bullshit. They just want your bitcoin for themselves. China has over 8.1 billion in BTC (at $42k) it seized from "illegal" mining operations and trades. They didn't sell it, they didn't auction it. They kept it, then they cracked down on it.

You think they wouldn't have cashed out 8.1 billion if they really thought about banning it "forever"?

They want your coins, and they know they can't take them. Which is why they will try to make you believe anything and make you panic to force you to give it to them willingly.


Submitted September 30, 2021 at 12:27AM by TheCryptoAdvocate

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