Thursday 28 October 2021

Am I crazy for holding 90% cash : 10% BTC?

I’m very bullish for BTC, particularly over the next few months after recently discovering Plan B’s stock 2 flow model and his predictions for Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec.However, I’m also wary of something I don’t know about cropping up and causing a crash in the price. Like what? IDK, the US banning it, or thousands of wallets being emptied because of a flaw that no one knew about the day before. Basically any unknown unknown.As the title says, I’ve got 10% BTC and 90% cash (getting zero interest).If I increased the ratio of BTC, I’m not sure I’d sleep at night (already a long term insomnia sufferer).So, is 10% the right amount for me? What would you do in my situation? via /r/Bitcoin

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