Tuesday 30 November 2021

At today's price 1 Bitcoin == 1 Kilogram of Gold.

At around ~$57,200 USD. One Bitcoin can fetch you 1 Kilogram of Gold. Not that I want that shiny yellow rock. But we have come a long way.In 5 years Bitcoin's superior deflation, stock 2 flow & adoption, should get us to 10 Kilogram of Gold. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/32O9AjH

For The First Time EVER - The Nation With The Most Bitcoin Mining Power Is The UNITED STATES!


Submitted December 01, 2021 at 08:25AM by Negatiesign80 https://bit.ly/3pfdMjX

scammer tried to steal my non-existing bitcoin by blackmailing me with a non-existing video

https://bit.ly/3E65alX via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3o99Ul4

Bitcoin Buying Strategies 101

https://bit.ly/3xEcNh8 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xFmGek

Daily Discussion, December 01, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3EaNBkB

Transitory inflation now (officially) declared as REAL inflation


Submitted December 01, 2021 at 05:27AM by order-odonata https://bit.ly/3xD8HFU

For The First Time EVER - The Nation With The Most Bitcoin Mining Power Is The UNITED STATES!

https://bit.ly/3o8LxE6 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3pfdMjX

Grayscale to sue SEC


Submitted December 01, 2021 at 03:47AM by Phreesion https://bit.ly/3xDetaG

Transitory inflation now (officially) declared as REAL inflation

https://bit.ly/3xDMebI via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xD8HFU

I just onboarded our elephant sanctuary. We are one of the first sanctuaries in the world to accept crypto donations! Hopefully this sets an example for other charities to follow! Happy Giving Tuesday!


Submitted December 01, 2021 at 01:20AM by PilgrimJohn https://bit.ly/3EcMYXP

Daily Discussion, November 30, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 01:10PM by rBitcoinMod https://bit.ly/2ZA0MMW

Do we have any Turks here that are using Bitcoin to protect themselves from inflation?

I'd love to hear some stories about how Bitcoin is helping you.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 09:49PM by plumberoncrack https://bit.ly/3lmc2o0

Grayscale to sue SEC

https://twitter.com/craigsalm/status/1465739799688626179?s=21 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xDetaG

German Inflation hits 6% for month of November


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 11:19PM by RedshiftOTF https://bit.ly/3I6Rxpa

/r/Bitcoin will be matching ~12BTC of your BTC donations. Made gains? Pay it forward, double!

The Bitcoin price has gone up a lot over the past year, so why not prove that the new economy is better than the old one by giving some of your gains to worthy causes? This year, /r/Bitcoin is a sponsor of The Giving Block's #BagSeason event, and the first ~12.155 BTC in donations made on this special page will be matched from the /r/Bitcoin ad fund. You can donate to any of the hundreds of charities supported by The Giving Block, and /r/Bitcoin will match it.

(There are also significant tax benefits to donating crypto.)

Let's change the world for the better! Donate here. Make sure that you donate on that specific page, or your donation won't be matched. Whether or not you donate, let us know in the comments which charities supported by The Giving Block you think are the best.

About the ad fund

In 2010-2011, the previous top mod of /r/Bitcoin collected BTC donations with a vague idea that this BTC would be used to promote /r/Bitcoin and/or Bitcoin itself using AdSense ads or something like that. About 22.5 BTC was collected, at the time worth less than $300. When he resigned and made me top mod, he also gave me the MyBitcoin account containing the ad fund. (I luckily moved the BTC out of MyBitcoin right away... a few weeks later they ran away with everyone's BTC.)

In the past, some of the other mods used parts of the ad fund to promote /r/Bitcoin by sponsoring some eSports tournaments and by buying some Reddit ads. But I was personally never very interested in the whole ad fund idea, and there haven't been many other people interested in spearheading ad-fund projects, so the remaining ~12 BTC has been sitting around collecting dust for the past several years. I decided this year to finally empty the ad fund, and this donation sponsorship/matching event seemed like a good way to use the BTC for something worthwhile while also maintaining the spirit of the ad fund.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 10:34PM by theymos https://bit.ly/3djZSrr

Michael Saylor on buying the next dog coin vs hodling BTC


Submitted December 01, 2021 at 01:36AM by teehugss https://bit.ly/3riCBhE

I just onboarded our elephant sanctuary. We are one of the first sanctuaries in the world to accept crypto donations! Hopefully this sets an example for other charities to follow! Happy Giving Tuesday!

https://bit.ly/3xE7H4o via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3EcMYXP

Michael Saylor on buying the next dog coin vs hodling BTC

https://bit.ly/3d6cQbW via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3riCBhE

I have found my tribe

I know, dopamine, hopium… wait until the bear market!

I lived the bear market. Lived through three actually. I got involved in 2011. I’ve seen the way our tribe has grown, and I’ve seen the way sentiment has shifted towards the shitcoin casino.

But in this subreddit, I feel ratified. After 12 years, here we are, still strong, the majority espousing the original ethos. I couldn’t be prouder.

We have a country behind us, soon to be countries. We have writers and philosophers. We have presidents, we have CEOs, we have economists. Hell, we even have city planners.

I just want to share this feeling. We have created a movement. In the face of hurricane headwinds, we persevere. Because Bitcoin is antifragile, because Satoshi saw what we all see now.

I will die on this hill brothers and sisters. I’m here til the end. And what a glorious end, I truly believe, we will have.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 08:04PM by vvillehelm https://bit.ly/3D5XPSc

Shitcoin chart


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 06:20PM by Bitcoin_is_plan_A https://bit.ly/3o7Pzg1

Do we have any Turks here that are using Bitcoin to protect themselves from inflation?

I'd love to hear some stories about how Bitcoin is helping you. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3lmc2o0

After a year and a half of scrimping and saving and dca’ing I am finally have 1 bitcoin

Now what? Keep on scrimping and saving and dca-ing, that’s what.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 10:45PM by Moar_Donuts https://bit.ly/3G0pXbb

German Inflation hits 6% for month of November

https://bloom.bg/3Iacrn2 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3I6Rxpa

Monday 29 November 2021

Bitcoin spends as much on electricity as Americans spend on Halloween costumes.


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 01:36AM by 2176 https://bit.ly/3D9KHLE

Bitcoin could be exempt from capital gains tax in the UK because it is now legal tender in El Salvador.


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 05:04AM by Phreesion https://bit.ly/3rkNy2j

Wyoming Aiming For 5% Of The U.S. Bitcoin Mining Hashrate By Next Halvening

https://bit.ly/3FZUGoU via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3cZGlwf

My friend who considered Bitcoin “too risky” just lost 50% of his net worth because of a bad divorce without a prenup.

…. Ey, it is what it is.

Risk Management is a priority.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 05:06AM by Hilarious_x https://bit.ly/3xz5BCO

Jack Dorsey to fully focus on Bitcoin after announcing Twitter departure

"Jack Dorsey to fully focus on Bitcoin after announcing Twitter departure" https://www.cityam.com/jack-dorsey-to-fully-focus-on-bitcoin-after-announcing-twitter-departure/

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 03:24AM by AdAstraSA80 https://bit.ly/31dVaZJ

My friend who considered Bitcoin “too risky” just lost 50% of his net worth because of a bad divorce without a prenup.

…. Ey, it is what it is.Risk Management is a priority. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xz5BCO

I'm from El Salvador...UPDATE 5

Hi, it’s time for another update!

At this point in time the hype is fading away and things are settling down.

For starters, the chivo app still have problems doing transactions (tx) to external wallets like muun or coinomi. Tx between chivo wallets are fine, although they use a btc L1 QR code, the transactions are instant and without any issue, so it’s logic to assume chivo doesn’t use the btc blockchain at all.

I personally think chivo app is becoming something similar to a bank app, you can send and receive money, it has 0 fees between the same app, you contact customer support for any issues, and it’s a pain in the ass to make transaction to other banks (external wallets)…

Many of you might say this is just the beginning and that things will change…and you’re probably right, I also hope the development of btc as currency take a step forward.

Moreover, I imagine what many of you are thinking, why do you need to use chivo? Just use another wallet.

Yes, I can use other LN wallets, however the main issue is the fee, a $0.50 coke can become $1.50, all of you already know how fees work. So, by using chivo app you omit paying fees and the transaction is instant…

The most used wallets aside chivo are muun and wallet of Satoshi, only on the beach and nearby places you might find bitcoin beach wallet. Many people asked me about strike, but no one really use it, it requires your ID to register aside other personal information, you also can´t send less than $5 so…it’s not a wallet for daily use.

Some people also asked about the implementation of other crypto currencies, there are some interesting projects like nano but as long the coin doesn´t show any advantage in a daily use I find it harder to succeed.


Probably the big news as for today is bitcoin city, since I don´t have more information than what Bukele explain I’ll only share what people is saying…

As always, there are many who thinks this will help develop the country attracting investors and foreigners, I think this is true. On the other hand, there’s also people who claim the country need investment in areas like education, security and so on rather than building btc city which probably only benefit a small group of people…I also think this is true.

El Salvador needs to improve in many ways, government needs to plan in short and long term. There´s no good or wrong answer at the moment, after all you do what you can and what you think will bring the best outcome.

Fun fact, the image of bitcoin city is actually a stock image with a volcano over it…this became trendy in social media days ago.

Probably the most eye-catching feature is the tax exemption, bitcoin city seems to be a haven for local and foreign investors, I personally think Salvadoran government is saying “I don’t care how you get the bitcoin…just come”.

Will btc city became a crypto version of Las Vegas? What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below!


There’re also some people who asked me about land and the safest locations in my country, it´s hard to answer in detail to everyone so I will create a post around Friday titled

“Almost everything you need to know to buy land in El Salvador and not dying (literally) in the process”

With such a catchy title it will be difficult to miss it….

I will try to summarize the most relevant information about my country geography and social context. There are many misconceptions about how dangerous El Salvador is. I´ll also give you some insights about real state, I wonder if anyone is interested where btc city will be built.

As always, I’ll try to answer all your questions.

Submitted November 30, 2021 at 03:49AM by Tux_fan https://bit.ly/3I6Qwgu

Bitcoin could be exempt from capital gains tax in the UK because it is now legal tender in El Salvador.

https://bit.ly/3xxQARO via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3rkNy2j

Bitcoin: Tech company buys $400 million in crypto as price dramatically recovers


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 09:32PM by theindependentonline https://bit.ly/3lEL6QD

Jack Dorsey to fully focus on Bitcoin after announcing Twitter departure

"Jack Dorsey to fully focus on Bitcoin after announcing Twitter departure" https://bit.ly/3CZkVd2 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/31dVaZJ

Bitcoin CEO responds to the Fed with brazen cartoon


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 03:40AM by Marcion_Sinope https://bit.ly/3CZ0XPG

I'm from El Salvador...UPDATE 5

Hi, it’s time for another update!At this point in time the hype is fading away and things are settling down.For starters, the chivo app still have problems doing transactions (tx) to external wallets like muun or coinomi. Tx between chivo wallets are fine, although they use a btc L1 QR code, the transactions are instant and without any issue, so it’s logic to assume chivo doesn’t use the btc blockchain at all.I personally think chivo app is becoming something similar to a bank app, you can send and receive money, it has 0 fees between the same app, you contact customer support for any issues, and it’s a pain in the ass to make transaction to other banks (external wallets)…Many of you might say this is just the beginning and that things will change…and you’re probably right, I also hope the development of btc as currency take a step forward.Moreover, I imagine what many of you are thinking, why do you need to use chivo? Just use another wallet.Yes, I can use other LN wallets, however the main issue is the fee, a $0.50 coke can become $1.50, all of you already know how fees work. So, by using chivo app you omit paying fees and the transaction is instant…The most used wallets aside chivo are muun and wallet of Satoshi, only on the beach and nearby places you might find bitcoin beach wallet. Many people asked me about strike, but no one really use it, it requires your ID to register aside other personal information, you also can´t send less than $5 so…it’s not a wallet for daily use.Some people also asked about the implementation of other crypto currencies, there are some interesting projects like nano but as long the coin doesn´t show any advantage in a daily use I find it harder to succeed.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probably the big news as for today is bitcoin city, since I don´t have more information than what Bukele explain I’ll only share what people is saying…As always, there are many who thinks this will help develop the country attracting investors and foreigners, I think this is true. On the other hand, there’s also people who claim the country need investment in areas like education, security and so on rather than building btc city which probably only benefit a small group of people…I also think this is true.El Salvador needs to improve in many ways, government needs to plan in short and long term. There´s no good or wrong answer at the moment, after all you do what you can and what you think will bring the best outcome.Fun fact, the image of bitcoin city is actually a stock image with a volcano over it…this became trendy in social media days ago.Probably the most eye-catching feature is the tax exemption, bitcoin city seems to be a haven for local and foreign investors, I personally think Salvadoran government is saying “I don’t care how you get the bitcoin…just come”.Will btc city became a crypto version of Las Vegas? What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There’re also some people who asked me about land and the safest locations in my country, it´s hard to answer in detail to everyone so I will create a post around Friday titled“Almost everything you need to know to buy land in El Salvador and not dying (literally) in the process”With such a catchy title it will be difficult to miss it….I will try to summarize the most relevant information about my country geography and social context. There are many misconceptions about how dangerous El Salvador is. I´ll also give you some insights about real state, I wonder if anyone is interested where btc city will be built.As always, I’ll try to answer all your questions. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3I6Qwgu

MicroStrategy Buys The Dip, Shows Weak-Handed Wall Street How Whales Eat, Purchases 7002 Additional Bitcoins


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 01:21AM by CRYPTOsauceNews https://bit.ly/3EkR8ND

Full list of blows dealt to crypto by the Infrastructure bill

Most of us know that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, part of the Build Back Better Plan), signed by President Biden on Nov 15, 2021, has expanded the definition of "broker" in a way that might target miners, stakers, and DeFi platforms.Some of us may know that it has also criminalized as a felony not reporting receipt of over $10k worth of digital assets within 15 days.But there are three more important changes that apply to crypto [1][2][3], which I haven't seen discussed at all on this sub:Exchanges will have to report to the IRS transfers to wallets (and to any address that's not another exchange) [discussion]You'll no longer be allowed to close a losing position and claim the capital loss, if you reopen it within 30 days. This means the "wash sale" rule now applies to crypto, which is a problem for "gateway" coins like BTC and ETH, which are used to access many other protocols, not necessarily as investments. [discussion]Exchanges will have to explicitly demand your SSN, address, and other information via forms W-9, even if you're a grandfathered customer without these details on file. [discussion]Which of these changes did you guys know about? Here's a one-question poll. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3FXvBuz

Bitcoin CEO responds to the Fed with brazen cartoon

https://bit.ly/2ZE33H8 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3CZ0XPG

MicroStrategy Buys The Dip, Shows Weak-Handed Wall Street How Whales Eat, Purchases 7002 Additional Bitcoins

https://bit.ly/3xycJPQ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3EkR8ND

Bitcoin Advocate Jack Dorsey Steps Down as Twitter CEO


Submitted November 30, 2021 at 12:03AM by angelwriter https://bit.ly/3I4eitF

Bitcoin: Tech company buys $400 million in crypto as price dramatically recovers

https://bit.ly/3p4zlU8 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3lEL6QD

Deflation is a good thing

How the hell have we all been lied to and convinced that steadily rising prices would ever be a benefit to an economy? Isn't the whole point of technological and societal advancement to make things cheaper? Just like in technology, shouldn't we be rooting for a deflation in prices of healthcare, housing, and food?

Submitted November 29, 2021 at 12:01PM by ZForce89 https://bit.ly/3E6R9V3

Bitcoin is the Mycelium of Money (Documentary)


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 08:01AM by PsychoComet https://bit.ly/3o410FK

Ponzi scheme - Watch out - Indians in the action


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 05:27AM by ShadowRo69 https://bit.ly/3xyh8SX

Bitcoin Advocate Jack Dorsey Steps Down as Twitter CEO

https://bit.ly/3llEKVQ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3I4eitF

Bitcoin in EGYPT is banned and Haram

As we all know crypto is bad for government's .The government in Egypt control religion so they banned it and made it Haram

EDIT: Guys stop down voting I'm not hating on Islam I'm hating on the government Wich uses Islam to control the masses

Submitted November 29, 2021 at 09:08PM by PretendJackfruit9113 https://bit.ly/3GduZBp

Sunday 28 November 2021

Bet my entire future on crypto


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 06:25AM by carboonpn https://bit.ly/3FYdvse

Thailand Lays Groundwork for Crypto Tourism to Revive Industry


Submitted November 28, 2021 at 11:35AM by bitsteiner https://bit.ly/3FUBrNd

Chinese ignore government restrictions and are using crypto to send money to Japan


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 05:11AM by thefoodboylover https://bit.ly/3E1HQFP

Classroom in Slovakia learning the basics of Bitcoin

https://bit.ly/2Zv0jeW via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3nY89r2

Why does the 5 year bitcoin chart look so similar to the 50 year gold chart?

Here is btc from 2016-2021 and Gold from 1970-2021I’m a bozo and I really don’t know what to make of this, tbh probably just a visual correlation. ButI think its pretty cool.https://bit.ly/3xyxB9R via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3p7ddbY

Turkish Lira Collapses Under Erdogan’s Rule: Can Bitcoin Be a Lifeboat for Locals?


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 12:48AM by Phreesion https://bit.ly/3rgWS7l

Ponzi scheme - Watch out - Indians in the action

https://bit.ly/3E4naNp via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xyh8SX

Bet my entire future on crypto

https://bit.ly/3D0CMAu via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3FYdvse

Some Amazing Jeff Booth Clips From His Talk on Technology Deflation Driving Monetary Inflation & Bitcoin - Nov 3 2021


Submitted November 28, 2021 at 10:49PM by Fiach_Dubh https://bit.ly/3FUy09r

Chinese ignore government restrictions and are using crypto to send money to Japan

https://bit.ly/3E17udS via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3E1HQFP

Beware: There's a group of people around this sub creating a sense of FUD because they are quite likely shorting the market

You can clearly tell there was a massive sell off before the weekend. Also, there's been a ton of posts going around how you should sell. Most likely a group of people who are creating a sense of FUD so they can buy in lower (in other words, shorting)Example:https://bit.ly/2ZvdH2I out this guy is not even from El Salvador. So don't believe everything that is posted in this sub. This is basically an attack and trying to create insecurity in people who believe in Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3d3rO2h

Young Lebanese driving crypto 'revolution' after banks go bust


Submitted November 29, 2021 at 12:49AM by Phreesion https://bit.ly/3pbZzo5

Turkey Makes the Case for Bitcoin as Erdogan Runs the Autocrat’s Inflation Playbook


Submitted November 28, 2021 at 12:56PM by Phreesion https://bit.ly/3xuKQs5

I am thinking about putting my saving into BitCoin during this dip

I don't want to be specific, but I have four digits worth of FIAT that I'm saving for UNI. This money is in my bank doing nothing.

Considering that BitCoin has high chances of being more valuable in the future, instead of having my saving be eaten by inflation wouldn't better to put it into my exchange and let it grow in value?

The only problem is that I'm a bit anxious about the idea, I don't want mom to be disappointed in me. :(

PS.: What I would to have this one's courage!

Submitted November 28, 2021 at 05:49PM by PontificeMaximos https://bit.ly/3p66yyO

You’ll get it if you’re a Bitcoin HODLer 😇

https://bit.ly/3FY2k2K via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/318wdye

Just a friendly reminder: If you're currently selling Bitcoin....YOU WILL REGRET IT!

So stop it slaps on the wrist via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3o1qweC

Turkish Lira Collapses Under Erdogan’s Rule: Can Bitcoin Be a Lifeboat for Locals?

https://bit.ly/3xuu38m via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3rgWS7l

Nocoiner of wallstreet [MEME]


Submitted November 28, 2021 at 04:25AM by redditormento https://bit.ly/3cTeSw6

Young Lebanese driving crypto 'revolution' after banks go bust

https://reut.rs/3FRwmp5 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3pbZzo5

Bitcoin total Supply estimated to shrink upto 10-12 Million in 10 Years just due to people losing their crypto Wallets,sending crypto to wrong addresses , losing seed phrase, etc.What's the best way to way to avoid this? Looking for an updated guide "How to Store your Bitcoin assets the safest way?"

We’ve all lost money. It’s a hard pill to swallow. And we know there is absolutely no way of getting our money back. However, with Bitcoin or crypto, it’s so much worse because you know the money is there, but completely irretrievable because you’ve forgotten a simple password. Ouch!!

Programmer, Stefan Thomas has been locked out of his Bitcoin wallet. Thomas had 7,002 bitcoins stored on a secure hard drive and he can’t access them because he forgot the password.

The value of the inaccessible Bitcoin is said to be around $220 million. The coins were stored safely with an IronKey device that gives you 10 chances to enter your password correctly. Thomas had tried several times, with no luck and the last update in January 2021, was that he had 2 attempts left.

He’s made peace with the potential loss, but we’re not sure we have. It’s a shame there is no prompting question, like what is the name of your first pet? Or what was your favourite toy as a child?

We all Heard "Not your keys, Not your Coins". Well let's break it down what's the best way to Store your Bitcoin. Exchanges, Hot, cold Wallets etc.. What's the best?

Submitted November 28, 2021 at 12:01PM by Next_Foundation_3892 https://bit.ly/3o1a9Pc

Salvador's Bitcoin Fund bought an additional 100 BTC

Given the new investment, there are 1220 BTC on the balance sheet of the state fund (about $ 67.3 million at the rate at the time of writing). “100 additional coins were bought at a discount,” wrote Bukele.


Submitted November 28, 2021 at 07:34AM by mirmirov1984 https://bit.ly/3HXi1t0

Some Amazing Jeff Booth Clips From His Talk on Technology Deflation Driving Monetary Inflation & Bitcoin - Nov 3 2021

https://bit.ly/32Hn8NV via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3FUy09r

Open letter to all tourism based economies looking to revive their economy.

Maldives, Carribean Islands, Macao, Seychelles, Fiji, Thailand, Dubai.These are just some of the economies that have been hit hardest by border closures.At the same time many regular people around the world have lost jobs and if they managed to keep their job inflation is currently erroding the amount of money they have available to spend on tourism. Bitcoin and crypto holders however have seen their networth increase 15x (1,500%) since March 2020.Because of this bitcoin holders have become a desired tourism cohort that countries want to attract because they have money to spend.Bitcoiners love travel but they dislike banks. Therefore the only thing countries need to do to attract bitcoiners to their shore is to make it easy for them to travel without needing a bank or bank card.Bitcoiners want to be able to travel to a destination with nothing but a crypto wallet, they do not want to rely on any form of bank or bank card.In cash based societies like Thailand this can be easily achieved by making every ATM also accept bitcoin for cash without any identity requirements. In the same way I can walk up to an ATM with a card and get cash I should be able to walk up to an ATM with a bitcoin wallet and get cash. This one change would make Thailand extremely desirable to bitcoin tourists.In resort based societies like the Maldives all that needs to happen is to allow for hotel bills to be settled with bitcoin. So allow hotels to accept bitcoin as legal tender and help provide them with exchange services to allow this.In advanced societies like Dubai making bitcoin legal tender and following similar steps to El Salvador would be the way to go. The department of technology could develop a lightning point of sale app for use by businesses where sats are converted to AED dirhams and deposited into a specified bank account.These are some simple steps each of these types of economies could take in order to leverage 2022 and 2023 as a way to out compete all other tourism destinations and attract the now 200 million bitcoin holders around the world who have new found riches to spend.It really is simple. Create an environment that allows people to travel to and enjoy your country with nothing but a bitcoin wallet, no banks or bank cards needed at all. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3123bRx

Saturday 27 November 2021

Others will get Bitcoin... when it's too late

The other day I happen to mention to my manager that I was in to Bitcoin, his reply was 'Bitcoin is the biggest ponzi scheme ever and I won't be touching it, people must be stupid to buy it.' I just smiled and stayed silent, no need to try and change his mind, I'll look forward to when Bitcoin is $1 Million, quit my job and enjoy watching the sorry look on his face 😁 See ya!

Submitted November 28, 2021 at 04:07AM by No-Energy4550 https://bit.ly/3xuXG9t

When are they going to add a Bitcoin symbol to the keyboard?

When they finally add the Bitcoin symbol to the keyboard, you know we've made it!!! The question is, where to put the key? Just replace the $ as the shift+4 key? Or make a whole new key for it? It's gotta go somewhere, what do you guys think.

Submitted November 27, 2021 at 10:36PM by RonPaulWasR1ght https://bit.ly/3CZT1xJ

Just YOLO’ed my inheritance into BTC.

Thanks memaw.Edit: for those wondering how much I don’t want to say exactly…but it was either all-in on BTC or I could have bought 100,000 cans of tennis balls. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3o0fgiO

Support Your Local Cantillonaire, Donate to the Printon Foundation Today!

https://bit.ly/3nXVlAZ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3CYS4Wl

Others will get Bitcoin... when it's too late

The other day I happen to mention to my manager that I was in to Bitcoin, his reply was 'Bitcoin is the biggest ponzi scheme ever and I won't be touching it, people must be stupid to buy it.' I just smiled and stayed silent, no need to try and change his mind, I'll look forward to when Bitcoin is $1 Million, quit my job and enjoy watching the sorry look on his face 😁 See ya! via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xuXG9t

It's a lifestyle, babe.


Submitted November 28, 2021 at 01:11AM by nowuknoimpaperthin https://bit.ly/3HRIIiG

Found someone's wallet and did the best thing with the outcome.

So I was sitting on the porcelain throne at work doing my business when I noticed someone's wallet sitting next to me. Good noodle me I decide to find the owner of it and return it. I managed to find him and I could clearly tell how grateful he was that I found it. Well fast forward 2 hours and he walks up to me and hands all the cash inside and I told him "not to worry about it."I initially refused but he insisted and continued to walk back to his area. I decided to take that money and bought $116 worth of bitcoin. That little bit helped me breach into the 1%er of a bitcoin. Thanks Ricky for helping me especially with this black Friday sale going on. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3E20bm7

How would you respond to someone that says Bitcoin isn't real, it is iust an abstract idea that exists only because some people believe it has value?

No text found

Submitted November 28, 2021 at 01:29AM by Crohnies https://bit.ly/3FPGGOk

I think it's time to remind Hilary clinton just how oblivious she is to the words coming out of her own mouth. Article from 1992 about her husband's administration leading to the 2008 financial crisis inside + a short manifesto.

Forenote: I identify as a lefty as I believe in improving society as a whole, but Hilary was just absolutely clueless in her remarks about cryptocurrency.

https://youtu.be/CpryzusXnHM?t=179 - 2:59 for the time stamp...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXqUQq7z2YY - her echoing similar

"Cryptocurrencies may destabilize the dollar." hmmm... is that so?

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-12-27-op-4906-story.html - this is the story where her husband's administration enabled banks to give out predatory bank loans that eventually became the entire plot behind the film The Big Short. This, in turn, led to an entirely necessary initial bail-out package from the U.S. Government, and then a series of quantitative easing that I think would have come regardless of red or blue parties holding the white house and the senate.

Hilary: Your husband enabled destabilization of the dollar! The dollar itself will continue to destabilize! Do not be so oblivious! Please learn, at the very least, what bitcoin is as a store of value and how it functions and get your eyes off of money that comes from your campaign trails!

Submitted November 27, 2021 at 09:44PM by sgtslaughterTV https://bit.ly/3nZpjoi

[HowTo] Create and use a Taproot wallet on Testnet in Bitcoin Core v22.0

Disclaimer: This guide describes a Windows-10 setup, uses the Testnet network and requires an external tool to generate a BIP32 extended private key \"xprv" / "tprv"). If you know a good way to generate a "tprv" in v22.0, please let me know.)With the activation of Taproot, it is likely a good time to get familiar with the taproot addresses and wallets. Since the surfacing of taproot in the bitcoin-core GUI is still in the early stages, some of this how-to will feel a bit kludgey. Things will get simpler in subsequent releases I'm sure.The basic goal of this walkthrough will be to create a Taproot wallet using the descriptor wallet feature and the bech32m config option. This is in no way "required", it is simply a way to familiarize yourself with the new features released this year in bitcoin core.Here are the general steps. Feel free to skip ahead as needed:[0] TLDR; This got longer than I intendedInstall bitcoin v22Launch in testnetCreate a new descriptor walletUse importdescriptors to make a Taproot descriptorProfitIf that makes perfect sense, your done, if not, read the detailed steps.I. Download Bitcoin-Core v22.0If you are already at version 22.0 or v0.21 you can skip this step. This will layout the steps for Window-10. Obviously you shouldn't trust my links, but I'll provide them anyway. The installer hash should be: 9169989d649937c0f9ebccd3ab088501328aa319fe9e91fc7ea8e8cf0fcccedeDownload Bitcoin-Core version 22.0 Installer \Onion link for UK folks))Download the v22.0 checksum file \Onion link for UK folks))Download the v22.0 checksum signature file \Onion link for UK folks))Verify the installer download \Onion link for UK folks))II. Install Bitcoin-Core v22.0The Authenticode thumbprint on the installer should be: 47cda868c6e7c97b54963041922cfd283c2c961dIf this is an upgrade, close any existing copy of bitcoin in execution.Launch bitcoin-22.0-win64-setup.exe downloaded previouslyOn the installer UAC verification warning click Show more detailsIn the expanded details click Show information about publisher's certificateIn the certificate page, click the Details tabIn the details list, click Thumbprint near the bottomVerify the Thumbprint matches 47cda868c6e7c97b54963041922cfd283c2c961dClose the certificate window and accept the warning to start the installIII. Launch Bitcoin-Core v22.0 on TestnetWe will run and configure on testnet since the coins have no cost. In step #5, you will need to add the following lines to the bitcoin.conf file:test.addresstype=bech32m test.changetype=bech32m On the start menu, search or run "Bitcoin Core (testnet, 64-bit)"Once loaded, select Options from the Settings menuClick Open Configuration File and accept the warningA text editor should open with a blank file called bitcoin.conf.In the bitcoin.conf file, add the two lines mentioned above, save, and close the fileExit, close and and restart "Bitcoin Core (testnet, 64-bit)"If you are stuck downloading testnet blocks, you can still proceed through step IV and step VIV. Generate a testnet tprv to use in Bitcoin Core v22.0You can make a tprv any way you want, this is one of the easier ways I know of. For this section, open a blank text file and copy the following three lines to it, we will edit it as we progress.your_mnemonic: __mnemo__ getdescriptorinfo "tr(__tprv__/86'/1'/0'/0/*)" importdescriptors "[{\"desc\":\"tr(__tprv__/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#__chksum__\",\"active\":true,\"timestamp\":\"now\",\"range\":[0,1000],\"next_index\":1}]" Go to Ian's BIP39 siteChange the "Words" selection from 15 to 12 and click GenerateChange the "Coin" selector to BTC - Bitcoin TestnetIn your text file replace __mnemo__ with the text in "BIP39 Mnemonic"In your text file replace both instances of __tprv__ with the text in "BIP32 Root Key"V. Create a Taproot WalletWe will make one final edit to your text file so keep it open...Back in Bitcoin-Core, pick Create Wallet from the File menuName your wallet descwalletSelect the "Make Blank Wallet" and "Make Descriptor Wallet" checkboxes, then click CreatePick Console from the Window menuAt the top of the console window, set the wallet selector to descwalletFrom your text file copy the completed getdescriptorinfo command (second line) and paste it in the console (hit enter)You'll get an 8 character checksum from the command, use it to replace the __chksum__ tag in your text fileFrom your text file copy the completed importdescriptors command (third line) and paste it in the console (hit enter)If you get a "success": true response, it worked, you can close your console window.For reference, your final importdescriptors command should look something like this, though the __tprv__, and __chksum__ fields will be different, obviously.importdescriptors "[{\"desc\":\"tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdD3rvZEHuMSXTFGG399p6rMxnqyqFnDuNbMLc7xCfLUryJnLqYUHUiRFJKhDpGXJyz5nVsgkidh65PDC5AVWoNEKA2XLSLf/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#czml648s\",\"active\":true,\"timestamp\":\"now\",\"range\":[0,1000],\"next_index\":1}]" VI. Get some Testnet coins from a faucetYou will need to have completed your testnet block download, so if it is still downloading, go to bed and resume this in the morning. If you don't like sketchy faucet sites, just post a testnet-bech32 or testnet-bech32m address and maybe someone on thread will send you some.From the main Bitcoin-core wallet screen, set the wallet selector (in top right) to descwalletClick the Receive tab on the mail wallet screenMake sure to UNCHECK Generate native segwit (Bech32) addressClick Create new receiving address to get a taproot bech32m address (starts with tb1p)Visit https://bit.ly/3CT8Gih and answer the captcha (hint: the "plus" sign often looks like "x")Use the tb1p address you just generated to receive coins from the faucetConclusionThis was as thorough and simple an explanation as I could manage for using the importdescriptors command to make a Taproot wallet. Ultimately you will likely want to generate some change-addresses and possibly do a keypoolrefill, but if you got this far you can likely figure the rest out. Credit for all of this goes to u/pwuille and bitcoin-dev mailing list for pointing me in the right direction on my previous thread. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3D04mOe

PlanB acknowledged its first mistake on BTC

PlanB's popular cryptanalyst recognized his “first miss” because bitcoin in November never reached its target of $ 98,000.

A popular analyst known in the cryptocommunication community as PlanB predicted that in late November, the Bitcoin (BTC) would reach $ 98,000. Now he admitted that this could become his "first miss.".


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 07:46AM by mirmirov1984 https://bit.ly/3rfHqIk

Man sells his 1,000 BTC for shitcoins on advice of a "crypto investor," then proceeds to lose all of his money. He then tracked down the investor, kidnapped him, and extorted his family in an attempt to get the money back.


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 10:50PM by polloponzi https://bit.ly/3xtTRRU

Central Bankers want a CBDC so they can control your life.


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 10:41PM by Horsegoats https://bit.ly/3rfTGsG

When are they going to add a Bitcoin symbol to the keyboard?

When they finally add the Bitcoin symbol to the keyboard, you know we've made it!!! The question is, where to put the key? Just replace the $ as the shift+4 key? Or make a whole new key for it? It's gotta go somewhere, what do you guys think. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3CZT1xJ

How would you respond to someone that says Bitcoin isn't real, it is iust an abstract idea that exists only because some people believe it has value?

No text found via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3FPGGOk

It's a lifestyle, babe.

https://bit.ly/3xvBzjp via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3HRIIiG

If you're worried about the price too much today, watch this. Bitcoin is about to fly! HODL


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 04:08AM by Amber_Sam https://bit.ly/3CXFhUb

You people are seriously not thinking clearly.


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 07:40AM by sha256bro https://bit.ly/3nYkOua

Countries with confirmed double digit inflation, representing more than 1 billion of people - this is why the world needs Bitcoin! Credit: @SDWouters


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 07:31PM by Amber_Sam https://bit.ly/3lavKDa

Man sells his 1,000 BTC for shitcoins on advice of a "crypto investor," then proceeds to lose all of his money. He then tracked down the investor, kidnapped him, and extorted his family in an attempt to get the money back.

https://bit.ly/3E0STPN via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xtTRRU

Buy Bitcoin, it is the new gold, says Mexican billionaire Ricardo Salinas Pliego


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 05:43PM by parakite https://bit.ly/3E5ydGs

Central Bankers want a CBDC so they can control your life.

https://bit.ly/2ZwKwMQ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3rfTGsG

I think it's time to remind Hilary clinton just how oblivious she is to the words coming out of her own mouth. Article from 1992 about her husband's administration leading to the 2008 financial crisis inside + a short manifesto.

Forenote: I identify as a lefty as I believe in improving society as a whole, but Hilary was just absolutely clueless in her remarks about cryptocurrency.https://youtu.be/CpryzusXnHM?t=179 - 2:59 for the time stamp...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXqUQq7z2YY - her echoing similar"Cryptocurrencies may destabilize the dollar." hmmm... is that so?https://lat.ms/3cS68Gj - this is the story where her husband's administration enabled banks to give out predatory bank loans that eventually became the entire plot behind the film The Big Short. This, in turn, led to an entirely necessary initial bail-out package from the U.S. Government, and then a series of quantitative easing that I think would have come regardless of red or blue parties holding the white house and the senate.Hilary: Your husband enabled destabilization of the dollar! The dollar itself will continue to destabilize! Do not be so oblivious! Please learn, at the very least, what bitcoin is as a store of value and how it functions and get your eyes off of money that comes from your campaign trails! via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3nZpjoi

Friday 26 November 2021

My bank isn't letting me invest in crypto

Title says it all, to name and shame its HSBC, won't even let me put £20 in a week.. haha what a joke. Im jn the UK, does anybody know a good bank that will let me invest in crypto? Ofcourse they had to stop me RIGHT AT A 10% SALE lol, so frustrating, any help will be appreciated as I am closing my account with them :)

Submitted November 26, 2021 at 07:19PM by Expensive_Coyote6301 https://bit.ly/3cU1R5r

Still young, and could only afford $1000 but I finally took advantage of the dip and bought in!

It’s gonna do more in Bitcoin than sitting in my savings account losing value!Excited to see what the future holds. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3E4KkDG

El Salvador just bought the dip


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 03:26AM by Miladran https://bit.ly/3FTSuiK

Mexico’s Third Richest Person: Buy Bitcoin Right Now

https://bit.ly/3xz92JJ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xpOgfq

Hillary Clinton spreading FUD on crypto... can someone explain it to her how it works?


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 02:26AM by D_Center https://bit.ly/3DYbThO

If you're worried about the price too much today, watch this. Bitcoin is about to fly! HODL

https://bit.ly/3nW28v2 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3CXFhUb

Singapore approves Bitcoin fund that trades physical BTC

Submitted November 27, 2021 at 12:49AM by sslavi https://bit.ly/3FW1SSZ

El Salvador just bought the dip

https://twitter.com/nayibbukele/status/1464307422793715716 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3FTSuiK

Hillary Clinton spreading FUD on crypto... can someone explain it to her how it works?

https://bit.ly/315zE9a via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3DYbThO

Nayib Bukele El salvador's president announces his new plan for "Bitcoin City" including buying $500 million worth of crypto.


Submitted November 27, 2021 at 12:21AM by Qzuco https://bit.ly/3nSjb0Y

When an asset drops 10% in a matter of minutes, here's what happened:

Step 1: Corporations with large amounts of money borrow thousands of BTC.

Step 2: They take the BTC and dump it on the market. This blows through buy walls and causes leverage traders to be liquidated.

Step 3: Fear and panic spread through the market. Shills and salty traders alike will flood social media with FUD. The price further dips.

Step 4: The hedge funds close the loop: they buy back the BTC they borrowed, pay back their lenders, and generate a profit.

They can do this because they have capital that you and I do not have. And they do it over and over.

Don't fall for their tricks. Just hodl. Or better, buy whenever you see a -10% price dip. You can be assured that this was NOT a bunch of ordinary individuals, who happen to take profits at the same time.

Bitcoin is truth.

Submitted November 27, 2021 at 01:50AM by nonce--sense https://bit.ly/3E3K87G

Daily Discussion, November 26, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted November 26, 2021 at 01:03PM by rBitcoinMod https://bit.ly/3HUkMvb

You know what time it is


Submitted November 26, 2021 at 11:29PM by ohnoh18 https://bit.ly/3xsyVL2

Singapore approves Bitcoin fund that trades physical BTC

https://yhoo.it/3cTgXIs via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/2ZwY1w4