Sunday 28 November 2021

Open letter to all tourism based economies looking to revive their economy.

Maldives, Carribean Islands, Macao, Seychelles, Fiji, Thailand, Dubai.These are just some of the economies that have been hit hardest by border closures.At the same time many regular people around the world have lost jobs and if they managed to keep their job inflation is currently erroding the amount of money they have available to spend on tourism. Bitcoin and crypto holders however have seen their networth increase 15x (1,500%) since March 2020.Because of this bitcoin holders have become a desired tourism cohort that countries want to attract because they have money to spend.Bitcoiners love travel but they dislike banks. Therefore the only thing countries need to do to attract bitcoiners to their shore is to make it easy for them to travel without needing a bank or bank card.Bitcoiners want to be able to travel to a destination with nothing but a crypto wallet, they do not want to rely on any form of bank or bank card.In cash based societies like Thailand this can be easily achieved by making every ATM also accept bitcoin for cash without any identity requirements. In the same way I can walk up to an ATM with a card and get cash I should be able to walk up to an ATM with a bitcoin wallet and get cash. This one change would make Thailand extremely desirable to bitcoin tourists.In resort based societies like the Maldives all that needs to happen is to allow for hotel bills to be settled with bitcoin. So allow hotels to accept bitcoin as legal tender and help provide them with exchange services to allow this.In advanced societies like Dubai making bitcoin legal tender and following similar steps to El Salvador would be the way to go. The department of technology could develop a lightning point of sale app for use by businesses where sats are converted to AED dirhams and deposited into a specified bank account.These are some simple steps each of these types of economies could take in order to leverage 2022 and 2023 as a way to out compete all other tourism destinations and attract the now 200 million bitcoin holders around the world who have new found riches to spend.It really is simple. Create an environment that allows people to travel to and enjoy your country with nothing but a bitcoin wallet, no banks or bank cards needed at all. via /r/Bitcoin

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