Monday 31 January 2022

Made this Neon Bitcoin led light, what do you think? via /r/Bitcoin

Early day hodlers watching new people stress out and panic

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 09:32PM by Impossible_Smell_679

Bitcoin is Volatile via /r/Bitcoin

why didn't they just raise interest rates by 0.25% ??? via /r/Bitcoin

BEWARE: Coinbase caused me to be audited by the IRS and a lien & garnished wages imposed for income I didn't make

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 10:22PM by pineapplelavaplanet

El Salvador President: Bitcoin Will Witness “a Gigantic Price Increase” Soon via /r/Bitcoin

How to produce very cheap electricity for mining Bitcoin with a combined heat and power generator๐ŸŽป๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿš€

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 06:52AM by cryptobowzer

BEWARE: Coinbase caused me to be audited by the IRS and a lien & garnished wages imposed for income I didn't make via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 30 January 2022

Small uptick in "Bitcoin" google search term via /r/Bitcoin

Colorado Governor Jared Polis reiterates he will continue pushing for his proposal to accept state tax payments in Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Africa is leading the way for global Bitcoin adoption ๐ŸŒ via /r/Bitcoin

Why the Lightning Network is the most important thing in Bitcoin right now.

Here are five reasons for the title´s claim, ordered from most the significant to the least.1. Increases decentralizationTo run a Lightning Node, you have to also be running a fully synced Bitcoin Core node. This simple technical requirement means that the number of full Bitcoin nodes is going to explode. Bitcoin nodes are the most important part of the network since they enforce the consensus rules. Therefore, the more nodes, the better level of the decentralization and the more immune the Bitcoin Network will be to consensus rules change as we saw during the Blocksize war. For example, if someone wanted to change our beloved 21 million fixed supply, they would have to convince a substantial majority of people. The more nodes and the more spread out they are across the globe, the more impossible this tasks becomes.However, I've always felt that the incentives for an individual running a Bitcoin Node were never that strong. It was always sold as “having full sovereignty over your transactions by not needing to be trust any third party.” But this is only going to convince a small group of people. A second argument that does have a bit more reach is the altruistic argument, “you should run a bitcoin node to help out the network.” Many hardcore bitcoiners probably run their nodes for this reason, but it is not a sustainable value proposition for the long term and won´t allow us to reach the insanely high level of decentralization mandated by a global trustless currency.I believe the incentives for running a Lightning Node, which implies running a Bitcoin Node under the hood, are far far stronger. First of all, if you are an individual or medium to large business that is going to be making and/or receiving a lot of transactions, you can use your own lightning node to make sure you'll always be playing lowest possible fees. As a merchant with your own node, you can make sure your customers will pay the minimum fees for buying one of your products or if you are paying suppliers you can ensure that your node will search for the shortest route and minimize your fees paid. You can of course use a free custodial third party that avoids the hassle of installing your own lightning node but you will end up paying higher fees over the long run, that's how they make their money of course. So a very simple and selfish incentive emerges: people will run lightning nodes so that they can save money. A time tried incentive that is pretty effective.But an even stronger incentive than saving money is making money. Many people already run what are called routing nodes, with the only purpose of routing payments and taking a small fee every time. This is in fact the main reason why people are interested in running a Lightning node in order to generate a small secondary income stream.Finally, the third selfish incentive is that for some sad nerdy people, like myself, running a node actually is fun! There is a growing group of hobbyists that enjoy maintaining their nodes and participating in the network as a whole, just check out PlebNet for proof of this. Unlike running a simple Bitcoin node where you simply get up and running and then just watch it sit there, running a Lightning Network involves active maintanance by rebalancing channels or figuring which nodes to connect to. This community involvement effect as definitely been a driver for adoption.These three incentives are much stronger than anything preceding them, and it simply means that many more people will want to run a Lightning note and therefore as a by-product they will also be running a Bitcoin node, whether they want to or not and whether they even know it or not. The end result is a far more decentralized network which will take Bitcoin´s most valuable attribute, decentralization, to a whole new level.​2. Solves the privacy tradeoffThe criticism that both Edward Snowden and Eric Weinstein have made of Bitcoin, which is for me the only reasonable criticism of the protocol I have heard, is its lack of privacy on the base layer. The issue is that there needs to be a public record for every transaction as a by-product of having a decentralized blockchain. Buying Bitcoin without KYC is becoming increasingly a legal grey area, and the ability for people to track transactions threatens one of Bitcoin's most important features: fungibility. If certain coins have a shady history, they might be worth less, while freshly mined coins can be sold at a premium. This is not good.But the Lightning Network comes to the rescue. When you open a Lightning channel, you are sending funds to a 2 of 2 multisig address and from there they do not move, ever, until the channel is closed. Now with taproot, people won´t even be able to see that it´s a multisig, so they won´t even know that´s it problaby a channel opening transaction.You transact on the Lightning network by exchanging and updating IOUs with your channel peer, as many times as required. This is 100% private, these transactions are fully within your custody and nobody can ever know how or what you spent your money on. Even nodes re-routing payments cannot know the sender and the receiver.The Lightning Network does not increase the privacy of payment, it makes payments 100% private. Absolutely and unequivocally private. End of.This is an insane innovation when you think about it, not only are payments still permissionless and uncensorable, they are now also uncompromisingly private, no longer suffering from the trade-off of having to transact on a public ledger like the base Bitcoin layer does.And my favourite part of this is that when you take your funds back onto the Bitcoin network, their traceability have also almost been entirely eliminated. Imagine that you buy 1m Satoshis from a fully KYC´ed exchange and then move your Sats from the exchange to your wallet and then from there you open a Lightning channel with a well-connected node in order to spend your Bitcoin. Let's say you go on a bit of a shopping spree and you end up spending around 800K Satoshis. You decide that it would be wiser to save your remaining 200,000 sats by sending to your cold storage, so you close your Lightning channel, which means you move that amount from the multisig address to your cold wallet address. If you use a fresh address (which wallets will almost always generate automatically even if you are sending back to the same wallet), then there is absolutely no way on-chain analysis can know which UXTO is yours and which belongs to the other channel peer. They will see two transactions on the Blockchain with no idea which belongs to who. And funnily enough, if you spent the entire amount you put in to channel, when closing it there would only be one transaction on the blockchain and again nobody will know if those Sats are going back to you in or to the other owner of the node, and so nobody knows if you spent the entirety o none of your coins. What in essence you have done is an ad hoc CoinJoin which severs the relationship between your KYC account and your Bitcoin. (As along as you do not use the same address as you opened the channel with, it goes without saying).Even if the chain analysis makes the assumption that you spent all your Bitcoin,it is impossible for them to know what you spent it on and where those Satoshis now are.Privacy solved.​​3. Makes every altcoin irrelevantOne way of understanding s*** coins is to think of them as being a counterfeit copy of the Bitcoin protocole and token, pretending to offer a better or more specialized version of it when in reality they only dillute the value of Bitcoin´s market cap and serve as a very pesky distraction for many newcomers. This is an unfortunate consequence of Bitcoin´s open source nature, and the threat posed by s*** coins in the short to medium term is far larger than what many think.However, the traction already garnered by the Lightning network and it's capabilities really do put the shame all other coins that supposedly are solving Bitcoins scalability limitations. Many s*** coins sacrifice decentralization for more transactional efficiency. Meanwhile, the Lightning network achieves the highest speed of transaction at a ridiculously low costs without sacrificing in any shape or form the decentralized and secure properties of the underlying Bitcoin network. This makes other sh**coins completely irrelevant. And the number of users between both is an undeniable proof of this. Millions of people use the Lightning network to make transactions everyday. And when I say millions I am not exaggerating. No other s*** coin even comes close to this number.Another subset of sh** coins claim to use blockchain technologies for non-monetary use cases such as messaging or logistics or art. The whole Web 3.0 blurb. However, every single one of these ideas can be built far more easily on the Lightning network, and they already are. They are known as LAPPS. These are considered as layer 3 solutions and tackle specific problems. Of course many of these will fail just like in any free market but at least they won´t be stealing people's money when doing so, since investing in these solutions will go through the traditional private market. There is no publicly available token for people to be swindled into buying.Sphinx and Zion are a great example of this. Again I'm not saying that these are going to be successful, but they are proof that we do not need to be creating completely new chains and pouring capital into them in order to try use cases that by definition are aimed at a small niche of users. I really hope the Lightning Network exposes the Altcoin ecosystem for the inefficient capital draining and overhyped speculation that it really is. Smart entrepreneurs will soon understand that it is far cheaper and efficient to build and fail and iterate on the Lightning network. And in the long term, only smart entrepreneurs win.​​4. Offers a Proof-of-Stake AlternativeThis rarely gets mentioned, but it's simple enough to understand. Imagine you could lock up your Bitcoin and get rewarded on a percentage basis for processing transactions. Sounds very much like proof of stake, right?Well, the Lightning network offers you that option. Nodes can charge a small transaction fee for routing payments between unconnected nodes. This means you get a small financial reward for providing the liquidity the network needs. This offers pretty clear competition to what Ethereum is trying so hard and yet failing so far to implement. And unlike Ethereum, the Lightning´s network equivalent of staking is available today.Imagine you were a large whale, and you wanted to earn a predictable yield on your Bitcoin while retaining custody (this last bit is key). The Lightning Network, unlike anything else in the ecosystem, would allow you to do this. Right now the fees a node can obtain for routing are very low, but this is because for now supply outstrips demand, but if the Lightning Network´s adoption continues at the rate it's at, then this will soon change.I can envision a near future where there are staking pools which groups together people's liquidity to create a very well-connected routing node and collect fees, redistributing them out to their clients after taking a small commission for managing the node.​​5. Makes price volatility irrelevant.Bitcoin's critics cite volatility as an unsurmountable problem which means it will never become a viable currency , when in fact its volatility is just a temporary feature caused by its insanely fast monetization.But anyway, I understand the frustration of making an on-chain transaction and having for wait 6 confirmations (roughly 1 hour) during which Bitcoin´s fiat price could have drastically shifted. This is not great for international transactions or any circumstance where you are using Bitcoin as a bridge between two fiat currencies. (Far better than anything the legacy financial system can offer, mind you).Again problem solved with the Lightning Network, the instantaneous nature of its transactions mean that you convert instantly in fiat, locking in your agreed price. Strike and OpenNode have shown that this is a key advantage of using the Lightning Network around which they are building their business models.How you can helpSo to close out, if this little post has got you more curious about the Lightning network, here are a few things you can do to help out.Run your own node (it´s fun I promise)Show friends, families, local business how the Lightning Network works and give them a demonstration. Most people are genuinely impressed by its speed and low transaction cost when they see it with their own eyes.Contribute to open source code or create services for the growing community of node runners. There is so much still to build.Reimagine how existing services could be improved when powered by the Lightning Network. Pay-Per-Second Podcasting, Reddit comment tipping with microSats, Fully custodial online poker… So many fun things to launch! via /r/Bitcoin

January Market via /r/Bitcoin

January Market

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 11:13PM by NeedleworkerNo2874

My friend's fortune cookie knows things...

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 01:23PM by DiegoIsahi

Saturday 29 January 2022

Reached 1 million Satoshis.

I’ve been humbly buying BTC during dips. Seeing 1 mil Satoshis made me proud.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 04:39PM by defpotek

Bill Maher continues with anti crypto monologues. "People in metaverse are jumping off virtual buildings "

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 01:07PM by maruf_gr

Bitcoin is the life boat. Don't miss it.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 12:13PM by ShotBot

it's taken a week but by tomorrow im gonna be running a full node from my laptop (it aint much but it's hones work - wish me luck) via /r/Bitcoin

IMF & ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ป El Hodlador

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 11:16PM by NeedleworkerNo2874

Belgian politician Christophe De Beukelaer becomes the first EU official to be paid a salary in Bitcoin ๐Ÿš€

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 08:43PM by Lucky-Ad-709

Turkey’s Erdogan fires statistics chief after inflation data shows 19-year high via /r/Bitcoin

IMF & ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ป El Hodlador via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 28 January 2022

Portnoy in via /r/Bitcoin

Arizona has introduced a bill to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender via /r/Bitcoin

US Gov't is about to invest in bitcoin. Putin just "directed the Central Bank of Russia not to neglect the advantages of Bitcoin mining." Biden's executive order of national security is not to regulate bitcoin. It's to buy bitcoin in the name of national security. My source is my ass.

Putin Says Russia Has a “Competitive Advantage” in Crypto Mining

Putin said, "The central bank does not stand in our way of technical progress and is making the necessary efforts to introduce the latest technologies in this area of ​​activity." The US has no choice but to allow bitcoin.

My conspiracy theory:

After Putin said for the Russian Central banks to mine bitcoin, Biden's military advisers gave the green light for Biden to issue an exec order is to print money to buy bitcoin. It will also to start building nuclear power plants to mine bitcoin.

Logic and game theory dictates this action.

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 09:58PM by baronofbitcoin

A bill introduced in Arizona to make Bitcoin legal tender! via /r/Bitcoin

Trezor does and about turn on their decision on AOPP "We will remove AOPP in our next Trezor Suite update in February. " via /r/Bitcoin

Food for thought

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 09:08PM by Melo2D

Thursday 27 January 2022

America’s Five Star Bank Is Now Allowing Its Clients to Buy, Sell, and Hold Bitcoin

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 07:48PM by probebeta

Did you know that if you moved your bitcoins into a wallet, that prevents shorts from borrowing them?

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Submitted January 27, 2022 at 08:04AM by Temporary-Valuable47

SEC repeatedly rejecting spot ETF while approving Futures is a blatant attempt to grab regulatory authority. The SEC is not acting in the interests of the people it is sworn to protect

Just now the SEC rejected the Fidelity spot ETF application, with the usual concerns about manipulation.How can the spot ETF suffer from manipulation risk when the SEC themselves allowed the futures ETF which according to them doesnt suffer from manipulation? Both of them are the same market.Lets say US retail and institutions, who the SEC wants to protect, have invested in BITO.. and over the weekend when BITO isn't traded, someone unknown to the market borrows a ton of money and also dumps million BTC on Bitfinex and crashes the price. Manipulation.. probably? But it doesn't make BITO free from manipulation, on Monday when it trades, BITO will just follow the spot price and dumps as well.Even BITO would be manipulated.So manipulation in spot - the SEC must protect, but manipulation in CME futures as a result of spot manipulation is fine? How does it even make sense?"Manipulation" bs is just a big smokescreen to hide what the SEC really wants..The real reason is that the SEC wants to control and exert authority over spot exchanges. Thats what DADDY gensler wants, and this is all soft power play from a corrupt regulator acting in his own interest, not in the interest of the people. Spot exchanges unless they are trading securities are not under the purview of the SECURITIES exchange commission. Bitcoin is not a security, and does not fall under SEC"s purview under any stretch of mental gymnastics. Bitcoin futures have already been held as commodities. It literally makes zero sense that CFTC regulates Bitcoin futures, but SEC regulates spot.Yet, the SEC is trying to arm twist both the people and Congress to give regulatory authority over spot exchanges to the SEC.A regulator must act in the interests of the people, not in the interest of the office. A regulator cant make power play so that the regulator gets more authority from Congress.Imagine if the last mile electricity supply company cut off power supply to the city because they dont have the authority to fix prices? Everyone would be up in arms. via /r/Bitcoin

this woman has resparked the sats vs bits debate on twitter, is sats confusing for new comers?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 06:07AM by gonnadeleteso

Aerial view of Riot Blockchain, the largest Bitcoin miner in Texas.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 07:15AM by DocumentingBitcoin

How coordinated, bunch of fud .

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 03:48PM by insweatpantsprob

Ask Mr. Putin via /r/Bitcoin

Linus Torvald inventor of Linux and Git modified a single line in the Linux Kernel makefile NAME = I am Satoshi via /r/Bitcoin

Speculation : Russia to use bitcoin for natural resources trades

Hi everyone,Just a thought I had this morning while reading some news.With the Ukraine situation, US and EU are setting up some sanctions towards Russia, Putin and Russian politicians.Those sanctions are mainly targeting :The trade of assets owned Russian politicians,The trade of natural resources, making most of Russia's GDP,The ability of Russian banks to use the SWIFT network (info in the first link also) to settle international trades.Moreover, trades of natural resources and the SWIFT network use mainly the US dollar has the mean to transact.With these informations, and the fact that coming from nowhere, Putin is speaking about Russia to start mining Bitcoin and no longer ban cryptocurrencies, I think that maybe there is a chance that he wants to use the Bitcoin network and bitcoin to trade natural resources.What do you think ? Would love to have your insights :) via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 25 January 2022

I'm a stupid single mom

I am finally beginning to grasp this whole btc business. I don't have much money to send anywhere but to essentials so I am starting small. Y'all are the pros here. Don't laugh but I put $75 in btc but also try to maintain regular deposits to a high yield savings. So, I will probably never own 1 btc... is it worth it being a poor dumbo like myself if I cannot attain just 1?

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 11:33PM by TreatFull3692

Stop Panic Selling Your #Bitcoin to This Guy. He’s Been Buying $2-18 Million Worth Every Few Hours via /r/Bitcoin

Join the club

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 09:40PM by Amoci

The energy consumption argument against Bitcoin is a nonsensical attempt to obscure the real authoritarian desire to control currency | via /r/Bitcoin

Royal Bank of Canada running a Bitcoin-Node

Recorded on 17th of January through

Despite people saying Banks don't get into crypto, it's interesting to see the Royal Bank of Canada running a Bitcoin-Node.

Also to note is the statement from RBC's website regarding cryptocurrencies:

"Important Information regarding cryptocurrency transactions

Effective immediately, RBC will no longer be allowing the use of RBC credit cards for transactions involving cryptocurrency. We regret any inconvenience this may cause."

Why should the RBC run a Bitcoin-Node and not allow it's own customers to trade cryptos?

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 09:27PM by shibahofer

I'm a stupid single mom

I am finally beginning to grasp this whole btc business. I don't have much money to send anywhere but to essentials so I am starting small. Y'all are the pros here. Don't laugh but I put $75 in btc but also try to maintain regular deposits to a high yield savings. So, I will probably never own 1 btc... is it worth it being a poor dumbo like myself if I cannot attain just 1? via /r/Bitcoin

El Salvador Bought Yet Another Dip, Total Reserve Reaches 1801 Bitcoins

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 10:08AM by LuckyHash-

Monday 24 January 2022

Daily Discussion, January 24, 2022

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 01:09PM by rBitcoinMod

Someone with 3 TH/s of USB ASICs solved a Bitcoin block solo. via /r/Bitcoin

Everybody Knows

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 06:51AM by Mari0805

Comforting words for these hard times!!! via /r/Bitcoin

How many "full-coiners" are there?

Does anyone know, or is there any on-chain analytical way to know, how many people own at least 1 full Bitcoin or more? There are about 18.94 million BTC in circulation right now, but certainly nowhere near that many full-coiners. Anyone have any idea? Asking because I plan to be a full-coiner one day. It's my dream.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 09:03AM by RonPaulWasR1ght

Sunday 23 January 2022

For all my dear friends. We are still UP via /r/Bitcoin

Today I converted my shitcoins to BTC.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 12:13AM by hubbitron

How many of you are actually in it for life changing money

I did the maths the other day. With what I have invested so far life-changing money is not even on the table. Even if btc hits 1mil I'll still be going to work. Which I don't mind I'm not here for life changing money. But it made me curious as to how many of you are actually expecting to get massive gains after Only throwing in a 100 or a 1000 to btc and waiting for a 10xYeah it's cool to get the gains but the word about us being early just isn't true for most of the casual investorsEdit: I'm not saying it's impossible to make money from investing in btc we all know it's gonna go up I'm just saying we have to be honest with ourselves about the amount of gains we will make via /r/Bitcoin

2013 BTC hodler POV

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 10:42PM by mfilatius

Buying the Dip... via /r/Bitcoin

Today I converted my shitcoins to BTC. via /r/Bitcoin

2013 BTC hodler POV via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 22 January 2022

This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last - a visualisation

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 09:14PM by Knillish

Find a woman like this and put a ring on it via /r/Bitcoin

One nice thing about Dips is that the TA videos stop for a while...

All of the 'Last chance to buy before 100K' videos have stopped coming out lately, I can't imagine why.

If looking to past movements could really predict the future then casinos wouldn't give you cards to write down the winning roulette spins.

How many crossing double ball-bag indicators or lagging sixty-nine day moving averages have failed to predict this wee drop in the bucket. I can't wait to see how the gaggle of click-bait shooting turd polishers justify missing this.

Sadly they'll be back though.

...and that people of Quahog is what grinds my gears. Let's be careful out there.

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 04:53PM by wesleyD777

Wait, you guys stopped buying? via /r/Bitcoin

To anyone panicking, just remember that the absolute most that bitcoin can drop from here would be another 38k, but the absolute most that bitcoin can go up from here is infinite

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Submitted January 22, 2022 at 04:38AM by Expired_Lizard_Milk

I bought Bitcoin for the first time today. Wish me luck, everyone!

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 10:18PM by VengefulGh0st

So much for going to the moon. Do u want to upgrade your fries to a large for a dollar? via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 21 January 2022

My average is $58k. And I am not selling until 2030. I own more than 1 btc.

I am just posting this to make others feel better who are panicking. Trust me if you truly understand what BTC is then you won’t care about short term price action. Traditionally 2014 and 2018 had negative returns for BTC and chance is 2022 will give negative returns but if you plan to hold for 4 years minimum and ideally 10 years and continue to do DCA monthly or weekly you will be just fine.

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 12:51AM by Impossible-Tap-7820

Sell me this dip - make me buy the dip. In one sentence! via /r/Bitcoin

My average is $58k. And I am not selling until 2030. I own more than 1 btc.

I am just posting this to make others feel better who are panicking. Trust me if you truly understand what BTC is then you won’t care about short term price action. Traditionally 2014 and 2018 had negative returns for BTC and chance is 2022 will give negative returns but if you plan to hold for 4 years minimum and ideally 10 years and continue to do DCA monthly or weekly you will be just fine. via /r/Bitcoin

Bought at 60k and panicking

ok so I was very new to crypto and a victim of thanksgiving dinner,but I need help should I sell or hold.

ok guys I'll HODL but I cant afford to buy a lot more rn,ill just be using the DCA strategy 4 now.

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 09:20PM by Learaaa

This new correlation is bugging me out via /r/Bitcoin

The market right now.. via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 20 January 2022

$8.1 trillion Charles Schwab CEO: We would "welcome the chance" to offer direct trading of bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Russian Central Bank Calls For Ban of Cryptocurrency Mining

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 09:50PM by Supermann- admits over $30 million stolen by hackers via /r/Bitcoin

Wiki continues to accept bitcoin donations despite pressure to stop via /r/Bitcoin

I know is silly but I leave here this funny stuff I found on twitter

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 11:05PM by shopping-strawberry2

Jack Mallers 'orange-pilling' on TV mainstream media via /r/Bitcoin

Intel has officially entered the cryptomining business. Their Bitcoin-Mining 'Bonanza Mine' Chip Bags First Big Customer

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 07:19AM by CoinCorner_Sam

I know is silly but I leave here this funny stuff I found on twitter via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Jack Dorsey Backed Cash App Integrates Bitcoin Lightning Network

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 09:37PM by Glass_Pace_2200

Craig Wright sues Bitcoin SV devs and demands coin access via /r/Bitcoin

Following a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, more than $40,000 in Bitcoin donations were made to Tonga.

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 10:04PM by RepulsiveFishing-91

Jack Dorsey Backed Cash App Integrates Bitcoin Lightning Network via /r/Bitcoin

Some friends are the first to remind me when Bitcoin goes down...

But very quiet when it goes up.

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 04:15AM by MustyBlumpkin

Dont trust, verify! #BTC #bitcoin

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 08:30PM by petererch

You wake up from a 1000 years coma. It's 3022, and people still speak English. What's your first question ?

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Submitted January 19, 2022 at 10:34AM by wisaunders