Thursday 27 January 2022

Speculation : Russia to use bitcoin for natural resources trades

Hi everyone,Just a thought I had this morning while reading some news.With the Ukraine situation, US and EU are setting up some sanctions towards Russia, Putin and Russian politicians.Those sanctions are mainly targeting :The trade of assets owned Russian politicians,The trade of natural resources, making most of Russia's GDP,The ability of Russian banks to use the SWIFT network (info in the first link also) to settle international trades.Moreover, trades of natural resources and the SWIFT network use mainly the US dollar has the mean to transact.With these informations, and the fact that coming from nowhere, Putin is speaking about Russia to start mining Bitcoin and no longer ban cryptocurrencies, I think that maybe there is a chance that he wants to use the Bitcoin network and bitcoin to trade natural resources.What do you think ? Would love to have your insights :) via /r/Bitcoin

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