Thursday 20 October 2022

I took a job 1200 miles from home and now I repair Bitcoin machines. AMA

I took a job 1200 miles from home. AMA

Let me put the setting down. I'm 25 M. Lives in central Ohio. Huge nerd when it comes to anything technology based. I have a family of 2 kids and one loving fiancee.

So. It's July. Money's running tight. I can no longer be a stay at home dad so I get a job working at a hotel chain. My job was to fold towels and get the House keeping carts stocked for the next day. Super lame. Didn't pay much it and was 3rd shift so I never was able to see my family. Few months go by. One night I take a poop and sit down open reddit like we all do. I start scrolling. 10 mins go by. I'm about done and I see this post on r/Bitcoinmining "now hiring in FWD area." (Fort worth Dallas I had to Google it). They where in need of some one to work on machines and help get caught up on tickets. It's 16 hours from my house. For shits and giggle not expecting it to actually hit.i out my self out there.

"Mining since 2012, fixing machines since 2015 managed my own mine with over 150 machines. I'm willing to make the drive to work this job." I press send and continue about my shift and forgot I even sent it.

I get home about 8am and a message comes into my DMs something along the lines "hey I'm Chris. Owner of Mining Syndicate." We chat for a bit. I tell him I would walk out of my job right now if I had the gas money to get down there right now and prove my self. The world stopped for a moment in my life with the next reply being "what's your Venmo?"

I gave him the information and he sends me 200$ with the reply. See you soon. I kinda lost it for a bit. I called my mom my grandma my GF was extremely excited I called my discord friends screaming. I was so excited and seriously couldn't contain my self. Now. I will make a note. Almost everyone I knew was telling me, they are gonna harvest your organs or kidnap you. I said good point. Let me roll on it. (When I can't decide something I roll a D20)

Well my dice hate me so I rolled 3 of them.

If it's high. I go.

If it's low. I return the money and keep the hotel job.

17, 9, 19

I sat there with a smile on my face for like 10 mins looking at these dice. Son of a bitch. I'm going. I called my boss. I said I unfortunately can't continue working here. I grabbed my Gaming PC my GF packed my suitcase. And left that next morning.

1 stop at an old friends house in AR and I was in Texas at 7am the next morning. 2 hours of sleep in the car. I roll up and get out of the car. I walk in the building and I'm nervous. I left my firearm in the car. Am I going to get my kidney yoinked? Then Chris walks out from his office and he introduces himself. Boom. Kidneys secure.

A few hours pass by we are interviewing. Getting into buckets of information left and right. Very unconventional compared to other companies interviewing. But I dig it.

I'm now in my 3 day trial. I start fixing machines left and right getting stuff on track. I'm feeling the old energy pumping things are clicking. Time passes

6 hours into my trial. I am hired on the spot. I'm flabbergasted. I seriously tried so hard not to tear up. The job of a life time is now mine. We discuss pay the next day. I won't get into actual dollar amounts. But he immediately offers paid travel, an onsite RV, wear and tear on the car and a bit more from what I was making at the hotel. I have been working here for now 2-3 months and every day is a joy to get out of bed. I absolutely love this job and this company.

My first week I got my first compliment from a big client. I was stunned. "nice hire Chris"

So. It's 3 weeks in Dallas. And 1 week home with the family. Both ways paid for. Is that hard. Yes. I miss my family terribly. But they understand this is the job I have been waiting for and I can't thank them enough for letting me do it.

This is my story. I wrote it at 1am. So I might add some more details In the morning. Ask me anything.

Edit: grammar

Submitted October 20, 2022 at 09:43PM by MaiRufu

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