Tuesday 22 November 2022

Wholecoiner brag post

I know these kinds of posts are lame, but I didn’t anticipate that it would feel like such an accomplishment, and obviously I’m not about to go sharing the news with anyone I know irl. So thanks for indulging me.

After about three years of steady DCA, in which I managed to quit a financially self-destructive bad habit and start two side hustles, I was able to cross the whole coin threshold today.

Yes, this is an alt account I created just to make this post. No, I did not leave a single sat on any CEX. If any of you are like me, and barely have two nickels to rub together after buying food for the month, paying bills, and raising kids, I would just encourage you to keep slowly and steadily DCAing, because the future arrives quickly. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Submitted November 22, 2022 at 04:47AM by McGoobis https://bit.ly/3U2B4XA

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