Monday 6 March 2023

How Wallet Mobile Softwares deal with Wallet Balance and Transactions history?

Hi everyone! Hope ur doing well. I'm trying to develop a mobile software Bitcoin Wallet made in Flutter with a Bitcoin Core Full node that communicates with a Node.js backend.The problem I can't find the answer to is: how can wallet softwares keep up all the incoming transactions from potentially thousands of addresses?I wouldn't really like to rely on any third party APIs like but in the other hand Bitcoin Core and bitcoin-cli don't allow me to check transactions starting from an addresses other than the ones from manually imported wallets (which would be clearly impractical from a software that is expected to work fast, with multiple HD wallets and mostly of all, where I don't have to store the private key other than the user device.).So, how do wallets work in this regard? Do they rely on a third party and if so, how are those parties able to work as well as (for example) What am I missing?If the solution is to import into BC all the wallets created via Dart, is there a way to manage thousands of users in one or more Bitcoin Core nodes ensuring 100% security and speed?Thanks a lot!EDIT: I want to clarify that obviously the device won’t run a full node by itself but I have servers that deal with the backend and node. via /r/Bitcoin

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