Saturday 20 January 2024

Anyone else still in the red on their BTC investment?

So like many I jumped on the bitcoin bandwagon in 2021 hoping to make a quick buck, I put in a good amount of money for me - but not so much that I couldn't afford to lose. It then obviously collapsed in 2022.

I decided not to sell, as if I sell then I've definitely made a loss, but if I wait then chances are there'd be another bull run.

Since then I've educated myself properly on Bitcoin, how it works, it's reason for existence, and come to appreciate it for the asset it is and could become. I now won't sell as I believe it will be my best investment in the long run.

Edit: I couldn’t DCA for a lot of the dip because I’d bought a house and my money went to getting that set up.

However, with how much I have spent on BTC (inc transaction fees), compared to its current value in USD, I am still down -13%. I haven't been in 'profit' since Jan 2021. I'm hoping the numbers will turn black shortly once ETFs start to impact, and the halving limits supplies, but I will continue to hold. I imagine most people who bought back then haven't held.

Now I know this might annoy those who hate to see BTC as an investment, but I was wondering if any other longer term holders are also in the same situation.

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 07:50PM by Cut_out_of_the_sun

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