Wednesday 30 September 2015

In devouring fiat scrip wealth, Bitcoin will shatter the supporting mythos of economics. Bitcoin is to modern economics what Newtonian physics was to astrology. This invention will force an entire rewrite of that field.

“That's a large part of what economics is - people arbitrarily, or as a matter of taste, assigning numerical values to non-numerical things. And then pretending that they haven't just made the numbers up, which they have. Economics is like astrology in that sense, except that economics serves to justify the current power structure, and so it has a lot of fervent believers among the powerful.”― Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars“Economics was like psychology, a pseudoscience trying to hide that fact with intense theoretical hyperelaboration. And gross domestic product was one of those unfortunate measurement concepts, like inches or the British thermal unit, that ought to have been retired long before.”― Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars“Capital itself is simply the useful residue of the work of past laborers, and it could belong to everyone as well as to a few.”― Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars via /r/Bitcoin

The world's first decentralized lottery, implemented with Ethereum.

Ethereum's is making history tonight. We've seen the painful failures in the past when it comes to centralized markets. BitLotto anyone?One.Thousand changes it all now. See the full release notes here as to why it all works and why it was made.How it worksTickets are bought through a contract that's provably fair and publicly auditable. Every thousand tickets, one is drawn at random and the winner receives 1000 ETH.Why we're betterIt lives on the freaking blockchain. The code is public. It's completely decentralized and that means complete transparency, immunity to DDOS, immunity to exit scams, and much more. It doesn't get better than this!Pricing1-4 Tickets: 1.150 ETH5-9 Tickets: 1.100 ETH10-24 Tickets: 1.050 ETH25+ Tickets: 1.025 ETHHow do we decide who wins?The winner is decided using three key elements:A server secret of which the hash is revealed beforehand. We have 24 hours upon the termination of a round to reveal the server secret; otherwise everyone gets their money back.A client secret which is updated each time a transaction is sent within a round. Once the round ends, this is set in stone.The blockhash of the block following the round. This is also set in stone upon the end of a round.We can't cheat you because we can't easily modify (2 and 3). You can't cheat us because you don't know (1). It's to our advantage to pay you to keep the contract running.Where's the source code?It's in the release notes. It's also living on a contract on the blockchain at 0x2adfc2febf51d75d195ccd903251c099fdd22f20.Also github: price of Ethereum's been going through some tough times lately, and we need to show the world exactly what Ethereum can do that other cryptos can't. So let's show the world how to run a truly decentralized raffle with the best crypto around! Let's try to finish a round and make history.If you're a blog writer or press, contact us on FB/Twitter/Email and we'd be happy to help in any way we can. OneEther has removed all logins for ALL services. No need to enter addresses to use anything. via /r/CryptoCurrency now listed on German Stock Exchange

link, German

Trading in Düsseldorf, more to follow I am sure.

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 12:08AM by 2weiX

John McAfee accepting bitcoin donations (through Bitpay) for his presidential campaign via /r/Bitcoin

New Limits on Circle?

I accept Bitcoin and PayPal for a product I sell online. I usually withdraw my Bitcoins through Circle.Originally, my limit was around $2000/week I believe. So I deposited 8.4 bitcoins today to withdraw to my bank. Just to see that my limit has, without notification, been changed to $300/week.Then I went to send the bitcoin back to my wallet...$300/week limit for sending funds?So now are my funds basically locked in Circle? via /r/Bitcoin

Mike Hearn banned from #bitcoin-dev Sept/29

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 07:36AM by prezTrump

@GeminiDotCom Articles of Organization approved and filed on Sept. 23rd

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 11:57PM by _ich_

One interesting thing is that 21 inc.'s business model goes directly against blockstream. It will be nasty to see how this develops... via /r/Bitcoin

Rogue FBI Agent Searching for Lost Bitcoin, Silk Road Advisor Alleges

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:41PM by VivaLaPandaReddit

Bitcoin on the streets of NYC. Does this taxi go to the moon?

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 04:16AM by ddmnyc

Access to Bitcoin Through 9,200 Bank Locations Could Make Vietnam A Hotspot via /r/CryptoCurrency

Well, it looks like Coinbase's $75 referral program is done. via /r/Bitcoin

Mike Hearn banned from #bitcoin-dev Sept/29 via /r/Bitcoin

Check out the artwork and unique trading cards for Spells of Genesis, a Bitcoin blockchain-based mobile game integrated with multiple coins using Counterparty via /r/CryptoCurrency

Mining Pool Recommended?

Have been using Eligius, I hate that it takes so long to get coins, though I like they are new generated coins. What pool is recommended? I am trying out btcmp again. (i used it back in 2011-ish and loved it). My favorite was bitclockers but they are no longer around.

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 05:42AM by alfredonoodles

Will Zerocash Re-Ignite The Anonymous Payments Debate?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 08:00PM by SBenka

4.66 TH/s Antminer S7

There exists a very small list of things I wouldn't do to review this miner.

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 04:25AM by DRKMSTR

Hosting: Just a friendly reminder

Great North Data hosting rates from $60/kW/month taxes included

E-mail me:

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 03:50AM by GreatNorthData

Bitcoin on the streets of NYC. Does this taxi go to the moon? via /r/Bitcoin

Europe’s Regulation on Digital Currency is Becoming a Top Priority via /r/CryptoCurrency now listed on German Stock Exchange

link, GermanTrading in Düsseldorf, more to follow I am sure. via /r/Bitcoin

They are not paying the rent. Support does not respond. someone has already tested. Thanks

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 01:43AM by luishmendes

Could Bitcoin enable the emergence of functional stateless societies? An interview with Noam Chomsky

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 08:27PM by Sherlockcoin

The biggest revolution in all of this is not bitcoin itself rather.....the reprogramming of everybody's mind to know that all forms of value are merely "virtual."

No text found

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 09:57PM by GrandDaddyBlockchain

CNBC: How Wall Street is Embracing Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

I've set up a Bitcoin node on Hyperboria [Wladimir on Twitter] via /r/Bitcoin

10 Most Upvoted Tweets on Bitcoin Subreddit via /r/CryptoCurrency

@GeminiDotCom Articles of Organization approved and filed on Sept. 23rd via /r/Bitcoin

Do you think it is possible to mine Bitcoins and Dogecoins with Raspberry Pi?

I had this crazy idea, but...I don't know if it is something possible with Raspberry Pi.Do you think it is possible to mine Bitcoins and Dogecoins with Raspberry Pi? If not, what about using Arduino? via /r/CryptoCurrency

The future of cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and beyond via /r/CryptoCurrency

ABC News:San Diego companies paying workers in bitcoin

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 06:34PM by _smudger_

#Blocktalk - Tinfoil Tuesday with Kazonomics via /r/CryptoCurrency

Bitmain is selling coupons with a 30% discount

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 09:34PM by Knatsam

The biggest revolution in all of this is not bitcoin itself rather.....the reprogramming of everybody's mind to know that all forms of value are merely "virtual."

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

The BTC Ring 2.1 has arrived!!!

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 08:17AM by theBTCring

Roger Ver (/u/memorydealers) is now the sole mod of /r/btc.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 03:01PM by AgrajagPrime

Could Bitcoin enable the emergence of functional stateless societies? An interview with Noam Chomsky via /r/Bitcoin

CoinReport: "What’s Killing Bitcoin? Bitcoiners" via /r/Bitcoin

Will Zerocash Re-Ignite The Anonymous Payments Debate? via /r/Bitcoin

Rogue FBI Agent Searching for Lost Bitcoin, Silk Road Advisor Alleges via /r/Bitcoin

What do you think of Online shops which use Cryptocurrencies?

Greetings everybody! I've some questions regarding online shops (where you can shop (only) with Cryptocurrencies). I would like to try one, but first I need to hear someone's opinions and thoughts:1) How do these online shops work? Do they work like Amazon?2) What can you tell me about shipping costs? Will they also be in Cryptocurrencies?3) What is, on the base of your knowledge, opinion and experiences (including past ones), the best (and safest) online shop where I could shop with Cryptocurrencies? via /r/CryptoCurrency

Bitmain is selling coupons with a 30% discount via /r/CryptoCurrency

[Bi-Weekly General Discussion] - Debates, questions, meta issues, etc are welcome. - September 30, 2015

Welcome to the Bi-Weekly General Discussion thread!The purpose of this discussion thread will be to draw in and merge most self-posts into one thread in order to incite a more fruitful discussion environment among contributors. It will be stickied for superior visibility and will have contest mode enabled so first comments won't have a senior advantage. As a side benefit, this thread will also leave more space for linked posts on the /r/CryptoCurrency front page. Here are some rules and suggestions below.Thread rules:Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency or other crypto based assets, e.g. Ethereum or Maidsafe.Be respectful to one another and follow the golden rule.Obvious shilling will not be tolerated.Suggestions on how to stay updated:This thread will be tagged with the General Discussion link flair to make it easier for readers to find.To automatically be notified of future weekly discussion threads as they are posted, click here to use an IFTTT recipe which sends notifications by Gmail.Click the RES subscribe button below if you want to be notified when comments are posted.Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! via /r/CryptoCurrency

Noobs guide to mining: first week impression

Thinking about mining? It's addicting, fun and awesome to be involved with.

As of now, it seems like the best miner to go with (dollar per hash) is an antminer s3. I have four of them running off of two power supplies.

Statement 1: noise. Don't plan on putting these in your living room. It won't work Statement 2: heat. Four of them with two psu in a bedroom will heat the room up 10 degrees it feels like. Doesn't sound like a lot but when the ac is set on 67 and you walk into an almost 80 degree room... It's a big deal

Do the math. There are online calculators showing what your electricity will run with these running. Price per kw, how long they run (24hrs), and how much the unit(s) pull. Then see if the mining is worth while to you. Don't forget to factor in cooling the Area down with the added ac if that is needed.

This should answer most noob questions. The future is unclear with BTC but that goes with everything.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 08:56PM by sixt5

Economics of Scaling Bitcoin - SF Bitcoin Meetup Live Stream via /r/Bitcoin

Is it possible to live off of bitcoin mining?

I'm having issues finding a job anywhere and I recently found out about bitcoin mining. It seems fairly easy to get into (as long as you have the hardware) and im wondering if I could at least make $200 a week from bitcoin mining.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:11PM by igetdownvoted-

The future of cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and beyond via /r/Bitcoin

Chinese Auto Giant Wanxiang Plans $50 Million Blockchain Fund

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 05:54AM by jmiehau

What's happening with the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF?

Still no news on that. Just wondering if there is any information I have missed.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 09:40AM by inv589

ABC News:San Diego companies paying workers in bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 29 September 2015

The BTC Ring 2.1 has arrived!!! via /r/Bitcoin

Protip - internet payment/donations for content made easy via /r/CryptoCurrency

I believe we are on the brink of a financial revolution (having just lived through the apex of the information revolution).

Taking a cursory look through history we see how bold and powerful new ideas have emerged from human creativity, the powers that be immediately panicked and derided it, and it eventually propagated through the population causing titanic advantages for our species.

  • Literacy Revolution: For example, starting around 1600 we saw a revolution of literacy (and by extension art and science) that initially threatened the powers that be, but whose advantages were so immense that they soon overwhelmed those same powers and led the societies that embraced them into a new age of prosperity which culminated in:

  • Industrial Revolution: The realization of factories and machinery ballooned in this well documented and studied time period that lasted through the early 20th century. But it wasn't the last 'revolution' our species has lived through.

  • Transportation Revolution: With the invention of the car, mankind entered into a new paradigm in productivity. The railroad may have marked the true beginning of this particular age, but it was upon the invention and popularization of the personal auto that it went full exponential on us. It no longer took weeks to cross the country, and within a few decades air power allowed world wide travel in mere days... an impossible feat in the previous century. The only flaw was when humans tried to reason - what comes next? The future world they imagined merely extended their existing transportation revolution; They didn't bother to consider that an entirely different revolution was awaiting them. It was around this time that the governments realized that restricting humans from partaking in these new technologies would be disastrous - it was far better to subtly shape how their citizens could partake in these new innovations. For example, see the idiotic rules that Britain tried to enforce regarding automobiles which lead to a retardation of their entire auto industry (the effects of which can still be felt today).

  • Information Revolution: Starting with the internet we began to experience the most radical revolution of all, one of information itself. The first seeds of this can be traced all the way back to the telegram, but it didn't really go exponential until digital computer networks began to light up across the country in the 1960's. This threatened governments more than ever before as they (and the other powers that be) realized that humans would have infinitely more sources to get their information from that before, and state controlled media (and by extension, thoughts) would become a thing of the past. Imagine how tough it was for someone in the 1960's to form a truly unbiased opinion about the world and their nation! They had only a limited amount of news channels and work gossip to go on, and if they stepped too far out of line ("hey, you aren't a commie are you?") they risked the destruction of their livelihood. These days we are encouraged to question everything, and the results of our new informational abilities has propelled us into a dizzying rocket of scientific and cultural progress: it seems like every day we are making moral and scientific breakthroughs across the globe now that the brightest minds in our species are no longer limited by distance.

  • Financial Revolution: Though informational innovations aren't finished, I think its safe to say that with the majority of our species online the largest hurdle has been crossed in the information 'revolution'. Now we face one of money, and by extension influence. The first catalyst in this new social earthquake? Bitcoin. With it, we have created true financial innovation for the first time in centuries. True, stocks and bonds are neat, but they are artificial and social constructs: tricks of faith. Bitcoin was the first time that money itself emerged in a new and powerful form (made possible by the culmination of previous revolutions). Now, we have expanded on even that. We now have even newer and more impressive forms of money (including my favorite, Monero) which allow for the first time in human history the vision of true electronic cash that is untraceable and private.

Like all the other revolutions, this one is going to be filled with idiots who say that it's just a cheap parlor trick:

"What can be more palpably absurd than the prospect held out of locomotives traveling twice as fast as stagecoaches?" - The Quarterly Review, England (March 1825)

"That the automobile has practically reached the limit of its development is suggested by the fact that during the past year no improvements of a radical nature have been introduced." - Scientific American, Jan. 2, 1909.

"The truth is no online database will replace your daily newspaper, no CD-ROM can take the place of a competent teacher and no computer network will change the way government works ..." -Newsweek, 1995.

Just as well it will be filled with fools who say it is the "devil". They must all be ignored, as mountains as invincible as the Bethlehem Steel itself will crumble into ashes in its wake.

But once the apex is crossed? Humans will be able to transact with anyone on the planet, instantly and freely. Our economy (due to productivity) is going to see such a mind-boggling acceleration that even you dear futurist would call me a loon if I could tell you about the world of 2045. Right now what is the value of all 'money' on Earth? A paltry $100 trillion? Foolishness!

Imagine a world where there are a hundred corporations the size of Apple and Google and the money supply of our civilization is measured in the hundreds of quadrillions. This is the power of increased connectivity - an exponential increase in the ability of a system to generate useful ideas and inventions that we have seen play out time and time again through the history of our world.

What comes next after this financial revolution? A revolution of consciousness itself as virtual reality and nano-machines let us connect our neurons with each other and AI in ways that would seem preposterous at the present? A revolution of medicine and biology? A revolution of intelligence? Who knows - if the past has taught us anything its that those who attempt to extrapolate too arrogantly are inevitably humbled by the awesome power of exponential progress in unexpected areas.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 06:25AM by americanpegasus

San Diego companies paying workers in bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Transaction Remote Release, a Tor-Inspired Proposed Change to Bitcoin Protocol for Anonymous Transactions

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:50AM by davidbaileybtcmedia

Coinbase Exchange now available in South Dakota.

Buy / sell is already available on Coinbase throughout the US. We have been steadily making Coinbase Exchange available in each state and today it's South Dakota being added to the list. via /r/Bitcoin

Chinese Auto Giant Wanxiang Plans $50 Million Blockchain Fund via /r/Bitcoin

What's happening with the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF?

Still no news on that. Just wondering if there is any information I have missed. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin micropayments in exchange for seeding. via /r/Bitcoin

Nu architect Jordan Lee: "I created Nu to answer this question:"

"I created Nu to answer this question: Is it possible to supply society with the money needed to coordinate human activity without simultaneously creating mechanisms that reliably result in the slaughter and abuse of large numbers of people? Centrals banks are lucrative businesses. Governments capture central banks. Essentially the deal that is made is that if the central bank will fund the government then they can have their lucrative business. In recent times, the Federal Reserve has done much to fund war and terrorism. Shall we blame Janet Yellen? Hardly. She is powerless to stop it. If you were her, would you want to tell the Pentagon and CIA they are getting their funding cut? She is a quite vulnerable to personal threats against her from the US government. She is captured.Let's consider reform on the political side. Some naive people would say an anti-war US president could be voted in to fix it. Perhaps a racial minority would be more sensitive to the destruction of brown people. Oh, wait, that has already happened, to no effect. Obama is constantly surrounded by armed US agents. He must be very afraid to take any action to cut Pentagon, CIA or NSA funding or interfere with their operations. He is captured.Think this is just a problem with uncivilised Americans? Let's consider Canada, the land where everyone is eager to say "sorry" and produce a cohesive, egalitarian and respectful society. Surely such an advanced and enlightened society would not engage in the kind of brutality we see emerging from the US government funded by the Federal Reserve, right? Yet, the government of Canada has recently funded and carried out brutal and lawless attacks against people in Libya and Afghanistan without the slightest regard for due process. It isn't because Canadians are cruel or because Prime Minister Harper is evil. It is because both the United States and Canada employ the same flawed protocol that leads to such abuses.I have come to the same conclusion as so many of you here: These problems cannot be fixed by getting the right person in power. I seek neither reform of the current system nor revolution. Rather, I struggle to create a separate and alternative system that meets the very real need for money. If people want to participate in our system and stop participating in the broken protocol that preceded us they are welcome to do so. If enough people do so we can transform governments and militaries in the same way the Catholic church or the British monarchy has been transformed into powerless figure heads. I dream of the day when the principle measure of US military force effectiveness will be expressed as the number of tons of food and water that could be delivered to a random location within 24 hours, in the case of an emergency such as a tsunami. It can happen. What is needed is the adoption and support of superior protocols, such as our own. It is the structure of the system, the protocol if you will, that is the problem here. So we have proposed an alternate protocol we believe can provide people with advanced modern money without the problem of destabilising and alienating violence. And it is no vague suggestion. Rather, it is an extremely precise collection of mathematical statements which can be calculated with great precision and is described in its entirety in our public code repository." via /r/CryptoCurrency

I believe we are on the brink of a financial revolution (having just lived through the apex of the information revolution).

Taking a cursory look through history we see how bold and powerful new ideas have emerged from human creativity, the powers that be immediately panicked and derided it, and it eventually propagated through the population causing titanic advantages for our species.Literacy Revolution: For example, starting around 1600 we saw a revolution of literacy (and by extension art and science) that initially threatened the powers that be, but whose advantages were so immense that they soon overwhelmed those same powers and led the societies that embraced them into a new age of prosperity which culminated in:Industrial Revolution: The realization of factories and machinery ballooned in this well documented and studied time period that lasted through the early 20th century. But it wasn't the last 'revolution' our species has lived through.Transportation Revolution: With the invention of the car, mankind entered into a new paradigm in productivity. The railroad may have marked the true beginning of this particular age, but it was upon the invention and popularization of the personal auto that it went full exponential on us. It no longer took weeks to cross the country, and within a few decades air power allowed world wide travel in mere days... an impossible feat in the previous century. The only flaw was when humans tried to reason - what comes next? The future world they imagined merely extended their existing transportation revolution; They didn't bother to consider that an entirely different revolution was awaiting them. It was around this time that the governments realized that restricting humans from partaking in these new technologies would be disastrous - it was far better to subtly shape how their citizens could partake in these new innovations. For example, see the idiotic rules that Britain tried to enforce regarding automobiles which lead to a retardation of their entire auto industry (the effects of which can still be felt today).Information Revolution: Starting with the internet we began to experience the most radical revolution of all, one of information itself. The first seeds of this can be traced all the way back to the telegram, but it didn't really go exponential until digital computer networks began to light up across the country in the 1960's. This threatened governments more than ever before as they (and the other powers that be) realized that humans would have infinitely more sources to get their information from that before, and state controlled media (and by extension, thoughts) would become a thing of the past. Imagine how tough it was for someone in the 1960's to form a truly unbiased opinion about the world and their nation! They had only a limited amount of news channels and work gossip to go on, and if they stepped too far out of line ("hey, you aren't a commie are you?") they risked the destruction of their livelihood. These days we are encouraged to question everything, and the results of our new informational abilities has propelled us into a dizzying rocket of scientific and cultural progress: it seems like every day we are making moral and scientific breakthroughs across the globe now that the brightest minds in our species are no longer limited by distance.Financial Revolution: Though informational innovations aren't finished, I think its safe to say that with the majority of our species online the largest hurdle has been crossed in the information 'revolution'. Now we face one of money, and by extension influence. The first catalyst in this new social earthquake? Bitcoin. With it, we have created true financial innovation for the first time in centuries. True, stocks and bonds are neat, but they are artificial and social constructs: tricks of faith. Bitcoin was the first time that money itself emerged in a new and powerful form (made possible by the culmination of previous revolutions). Now, we have expanded on even that. We now have even newer and more impressive forms of money (including my favorite, Monero) which allow for the first time in human history the vision of true electronic cash that is untraceable and private.Like all the other revolutions, this one is going to be filled with idiots who say that it's just a cheap parlor trick:"What can be more palpably absurd than the prospect held out of locomotives traveling twice as fast as stagecoaches?" - The Quarterly Review, England (March 1825)"That the automobile has practically reached the limit of its development is suggested by the fact that during the past year no improvements of a radical nature have been introduced." - Scientific American, Jan. 2, 1909."The truth is no online database will replace your daily newspaper, no CD-ROM can take the place of a competent teacher and no computer network will change the way government works ..." -Newsweek, 1995.Just as well it will be filled with fools who say it is the "devil". They must all be ignored, as mountains as invincible as the Bethlehem Steel itself will crumble into ashes in its wake.But once the apex is crossed? Humans will be able to transact with anyone on the planet, instantly and freely. Our economy (due to productivity) is going to see such a mind-boggling acceleration that even you dear futurist would call me a loon if I could tell you about the world of 2045. Right now what is the value of all 'money' on Earth? A paltry $100 trillion? Foolishness!Imagine a world where there are a hundred corporations the size of Apple and Google and the money supply of our civilization is measured in the hundreds of quadrillions. This is the power of increased connectivity - an exponential increase in the ability of a system to generate useful ideas and inventions that we have seen play out time and time again through the history of our world.What comes next after this financial revolution? A revolution of consciousness itself as virtual reality and nano-machines let us connect our neurons with each other and AI in ways that would seem preposterous at the present? A revolution of medicine and biology? A revolution of intelligence? Who knows - if the past has taught us anything its that those who attempt to extrapolate too arrogantly are inevitably humbled by the awesome power of exponential progress in unexpected areas. via /r/Bitcoin

How Can Crypto-currencies Democratize Society? via /r/CryptoCurrency

Made a lowball offer on another miner. Ebay seller accepted. Accidently bought a sp30

Been mining since last Sunday. I'm hooked. Monitoring my stats throughout the day. Currently on eligus pulling 1.8th/s so it looks like I'm adding another 4.2 ish.

Free electricity. Blah blah blah.. Calculator says roughly 90 bucks a week. Not shabby.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 06:07AM by sixt5

TIL Blockstream also hired Litecoin's top developer

No text found

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 11:00PM by zero_interest_rates

Peer to Peer Since the Beginning

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 06:32PM by spottedmarley

Decoupling Financial Indices with Decentralized Bitcoin Fact Generators

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 11:37PM by jgarzik

R3 CEV: "Hot off the press: 13 additional global banks, inc @BofAML @deustchebank @MorganStanley have joined our initiative"

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 10:54PM by eragmus

What Bitcoin Ban? Mexican IRS Says it Did Not Ban Bitcoin

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 08:23PM by Tradingnews

[VIDEO] Andreas Antonopoulos: "50 currencies today have less intrinsic value than goat shit"

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:43AM by xentagz

Pretty neat for amatures.

It is an auto mining site you wont get rich like these guys that buy the fancy stuff but its cool for the average person I have made a few bucks.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 03:04AM by bigs21024

Funding the Future [Expanse] via /r/CryptoCurrency

End-to-end music business in the blockchain via /r/CryptoCurrency

BTC JAM losing steam?

I've "invested" for about 8 months now. I hit a few scams, but I'm profitable. The problem isn't that I want to leave the site, its that there aren't many loans to invest in anymore. Theres only 29 listings. I guess they're losing appeal, I did get hit with three scam investments in a row that all looked pretty solid.. Maybe they upped the security for applying for loans, who knows... but I doubt they can survive on so few loans. via /r/Bitcoin

Using order books instead of volume to rank exchanges

Especially with zero fees models, volume doesn't feel like a very good indicator of how big an exchange is.

I wanted to sort currencies and exchanges on bitcoinity in some more meaningful way so I came up with a ranking system which detailed explanation you can find here.

Chart of rank for different exchanges over time

It can be also used to tell which currencies are the most active (which, when based on volume is biased toward those with most zero fees exchanges).

Charts above focus on comparison, but when you switch the chart type it can also be some kind of indicator of how much fresh money flows into order books.

I'd love to hear some feedback about the ranking, I tried to make it as sane as possible and I'm open to change it if something better comes up in the discussion.

You can see how it compares to volume and some other indicators on the exchanges list.

I'm sure it's not perfect, but when trying to use just a single number it seems to be much more meaningful than volume.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:35PM by comboy

we're not closing the loop for business use

I've seen endless pleas for businesses to accept bitcoin.

Mostly what this means is use a processor that transfers bitcoins back into dollars instantly. This is counterprouctive, and misses the whole point of why bitcoin is useful.

This means each time you spend your bitcoin, some processing company is making 8% moving it back and forth across the fiat line. ug. This eats up all teh air in the room for the benefits of peer to peer money.

What do businesses need?

(1) Holding and using bitcoins, securely. Huge problem: how does a business hold their coins? Somebody needs to solve this for both small and large businesses. What does a company like IBM do with a reasonable store of bitcoins? How do the manage 25M in bitcoins without an IT tech walking out teh front door? Unsolved. How does Bob corner Greek restaurant hold and use the bitcoins he's been paid? How does it integrate with his accounting system? Unsolved.

(2) Businesses need to make payroll. How does a business who holds coins pay people with them who want them? Currently most businesses outsource payroll, just like the outsource banking services. Someone else deals with it. Want to pay people with bitcoin? Not solved.

(3) Businesses need to pay suppliers, this works with invoices usually. That means businesses need to be able to issue invoices to other businesses with bitcoin payment as an option. Bob's corner Greek restaurant needs to pay the janitorial service, and the tomato delivery guy - both of which send him invoices to pay. Those businesses have problems 1 and 2 above, and need to issue invoice to Bob's with bitcoin QR code on it. Not solved.

People are getting tired of banging on the doors of business asking if they will accept bitcoin, because the businesses don't have a solution that keeps the financial flow in the bitcoin system.

Who's working on this problem? Until this is solved, Bitcoin will remain entirely fringe as a niche consumer interest.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 10:29AM by jmdugan

Beginners Guide to Trading Crypto Currency via /r/CryptoCurrency

Transaction Remote Release, a Tor-Inspired Proposed Change to Bitcoin Protocol for Anonymous Transactions via /r/Bitcoin

Imperial College London opens The Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering via /r/Bitcoin

MUST WATCH: Max Keiser has a manic break at re.invent money conference in Rotterdam

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 03:22AM by scott4044

[VIDEO] Andreas Antonopoulos: "50 currencies today have less intrinsic value than goat shit" via /r/Bitcoin

Nick Szabo on ‘Permissioned Blockchains’ and the Block Size

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 01:14AM by davidbaileybtcmedia

FBI Agent Threatens to Kill Silk Road Architect, Ulbricht’s Family for Bitcoin !

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:06PM by trymad

Thirteen More Top Banks Join R3 Blockchain Consortium

By REUTERS via NYT Business Day

Blockchain takeover: from universal identification to digital assets and smart contracts via /r/CryptoCurrency

Decoupling Financial Indices with Decentralized Bitcoin Fact Generators via /r/Bitcoin