Tuesday 29 September 2015

Nu architect Jordan Lee: "I created Nu to answer this question:"

"I created Nu to answer this question: Is it possible to supply society with the money needed to coordinate human activity without simultaneously creating mechanisms that reliably result in the slaughter and abuse of large numbers of people? Centrals banks are lucrative businesses. Governments capture central banks. Essentially the deal that is made is that if the central bank will fund the government then they can have their lucrative business. In recent times, the Federal Reserve has done much to fund war and terrorism. Shall we blame Janet Yellen? Hardly. She is powerless to stop it. If you were her, would you want to tell the Pentagon and CIA they are getting their funding cut? She is a quite vulnerable to personal threats against her from the US government. She is captured.Let's consider reform on the political side. Some naive people would say an anti-war US president could be voted in to fix it. Perhaps a racial minority would be more sensitive to the destruction of brown people. Oh, wait, that has already happened, to no effect. Obama is constantly surrounded by armed US agents. He must be very afraid to take any action to cut Pentagon, CIA or NSA funding or interfere with their operations. He is captured.Think this is just a problem with uncivilised Americans? Let's consider Canada, the land where everyone is eager to say "sorry" and produce a cohesive, egalitarian and respectful society. Surely such an advanced and enlightened society would not engage in the kind of brutality we see emerging from the US government funded by the Federal Reserve, right? Yet, the government of Canada has recently funded and carried out brutal and lawless attacks against people in Libya and Afghanistan without the slightest regard for due process. It isn't because Canadians are cruel or because Prime Minister Harper is evil. It is because both the United States and Canada employ the same flawed protocol that leads to such abuses.I have come to the same conclusion as so many of you here: These problems cannot be fixed by getting the right person in power. I seek neither reform of the current system nor revolution. Rather, I struggle to create a separate and alternative system that meets the very real need for money. If people want to participate in our system and stop participating in the broken protocol that preceded us they are welcome to do so. If enough people do so we can transform governments and militaries in the same way the Catholic church or the British monarchy has been transformed into powerless figure heads. I dream of the day when the principle measure of US military force effectiveness will be expressed as the number of tons of food and water that could be delivered to a random location within 24 hours, in the case of an emergency such as a tsunami. It can happen. What is needed is the adoption and support of superior protocols, such as our own. It is the structure of the system, the protocol if you will, that is the problem here. So we have proposed an alternate protocol we believe can provide people with advanced modern money without the problem of destabilising and alienating violence. And it is no vague suggestion. Rather, it is an extremely precise collection of mathematical statements which can be calculated with great precision and is described in its entirety in our public code repository."http://bit.ly/1GfJoHw via /r/CryptoCurrency http://bit.ly/1L37kU1

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