Wednesday 30 September 2015

In devouring fiat scrip wealth, Bitcoin will shatter the supporting mythos of economics. Bitcoin is to modern economics what Newtonian physics was to astrology. This invention will force an entire rewrite of that field.

“That's a large part of what economics is - people arbitrarily, or as a matter of taste, assigning numerical values to non-numerical things. And then pretending that they haven't just made the numbers up, which they have. Economics is like astrology in that sense, except that economics serves to justify the current power structure, and so it has a lot of fervent believers among the powerful.”― Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars“Economics was like psychology, a pseudoscience trying to hide that fact with intense theoretical hyperelaboration. And gross domestic product was one of those unfortunate measurement concepts, like inches or the British thermal unit, that ought to have been retired long before.”― Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars“Capital itself is simply the useful residue of the work of past laborers, and it could belong to everyone as well as to a few.”― Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars via /r/Bitcoin

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