Wednesday 30 December 2015

Block size consensus has been achieved (almost)!

Many moons ago we had the following actual/perceived/apparent/inferred block size options:Option A: Move to 20 MB by 1 March 2016Option B: Don't change now / don't change as much / review and analyse moreOver the following few months we have had many heated debates with multiple alternative options being put forward.Now, as the year draws to a close, we have 2 options which appear to have the majority of support:Option A: Implement Segregated Witness + other capacity improvements as a soft fork for a 2MB - 4MB effective block size increaseOption B: Implement a 2MB block size hard fork and in parallel implement Segregated Witness + other capacity improvements as a soft forkThese positions are demonstrably much closer than ever and objectively not that far apart. Everyone is likely tired and frustrated with how long this debate has been going on for, but if you take a step back and review the situation, it is clear that we are approaching consensus.TL;DR: I know it doesn't feel like it but we are closer than ever to agreeing a way forward with respect to the Blockchain's block size! via /r/Bitcoin

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