Wednesday 30 December 2015

Thinking about starting an experimental crypto - need help

First, a little history about me. I am a very small Bitcoin holder with holdings from mining in 2011. I was part of the loose knit team of 4 people or so that founded Litecoin, although I hold no Litecoin currently (bad move, I know). I developed a service called Nakapay, wherein Bitcoin merchants could communicate a short 6 character paycode to their customers, and the customers could pay using this code (no qr codes, addresses, long amounts, etc...). That project had no community support so I sold it and so far as I know, nothing is being done with it. I say this so you know that I have history and I didn't just walk in off the street, although, in full disclosure, I hold no special expertise in any of subjects relating to cryptocurrency.I've had this idea or various iterations of it floating around for about a year now and would like to see if it might be feasible.Elevator Pitch - All current crypto is either designed to have an unguided floating exchange rate or be pegged to some other currency. Both are useful.What I have not seen is a crypto intended to follow a set exchange rate curve, enforced purely by a community who sees a benefit to keeping the curve predictable.Proposal: Proof of Stake coin (CC) with 21,000,000 coins. Announce with a 30 day initial sale window with a constant exchange rate of .0001 BTC per CC. A math function is published such that at each moment, the exchange rate is changed slightly higher along a shallow S-Curve. Over the course of 5 years, the target exchange ratio gradually changes from .0001 BTC per CC to a 1:1 rate. The sale goes on for 30 days and on day 31 the unsold coins are burned and the exchange rate goes live. (All numbers above are up for debate.)At the end of the 5 years, a proof of stake alternative to Bitcoin has been created for people to park and increase their holdings through staking (rather than mining, which most speculators do not do).This is to be treated as an experiment in group behavior. The experiment will likely show that people cannot handle a target exchange rate, but I think there is a better than zero chance that people will see a long term benefit to a predictable and financially beneficial exchange rate. The suggested behavior for all actors is to work as a team to build enormous bid/ask walls on all participating exchanges right at the thresholds of the target rate.Prediction: If a target rate can be achieved and maintained for a period of time, it becomes a little easier to maintain for the remainder of the time. If, for example, the exchange rate for the first year is set to gradually rise from .0001 BTC to .001 BTC, and such a target is achieved, people (especially the large very early holders) will see the benefits of maintaining the curve. The exchange rate becomes a kind of self fulfilling prophecy.What do I need help with?I would be willing to start the coin, pay for its development, etc... There are some things that need to be in place though, such as exchange support, and the makeup of the target exchange rate curve needs to be established. Also... Need a name for it. Need to host a block explorer, etc...Would anyone like to assist in a project that goes along these lines? via /r/CryptoCurrency

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