Saturday 23 January 2016

Bankers have a lot to lose from Bitcoin - and everyone needs to understand the magnitude of it.

Read page 6 through 9 if you do not want to read the whole thing. This is what is at stake!

They will do anything to keep the existing system going.


Thanks for overwhelming response!

In my humble opinion the entire Bitcoin Experiment is under attack. The Banking Industry (the few in charge of it) declared all-out war on this experiment. All means of war are acceptable.

Those in charge well understood that Bitcoin Experiment is far beyond the scope of how the material things are controlled. (but we understood it also :) )

If the experiment succeeds, the entire society will move up to the next step on the Maslow's pyramid of hierarchical needs.

If the experiment fails, we will step down to the world of techno-slavery. The Soviet Union 2.0 analogy comes to my mind.

The outcome of the experiment is the ultimate statement about us - the society. Will the GOOD prevail or will the EVIL succeed?

P.S. Check this link (bullet #3) and make your own judgement.

Submitted January 23, 2016 at 03:01PM by Unemployed-Economist

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