Friday 22 January 2016

Bitcoin's Most Popular Cam Personality, Royal Tiffany, Receives 8.888 Bitcoin Tip

Just an FYI for those unaware:Bitcoin's Most Popular Cam Personality and Bitcoin Uncensored Featured Interviewee, Royal Tiffany, Receives 8,888 Millibitcoin Tip in Service of Obtaining a Lude and Lascivious Coca-Cola Fueled Splosh Fest (. . . a good time was had by all.)On the evening/nite/morning of 2016-01-20/2016-01-21 on her Xotika.TV channel Royal Tiffany received 8.888 bitcoins in one single tip from user "Placeb0". Her earnings from the entire cam session were 11.911 bitcoins. No definitive word yet as to if this is Mike Hearn's preferred dump strategy or simply a generous outpouring by an unusually amply supplied Bitcoin commoner like the rest of us.Also for those unaware/skeptical, there should be visual proof out there from at least one of the site's members's screen shots. Pop by her channel some time and they very well may be able to produce the visual testimony to allay your doubts. via /r/CryptoCurrency

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