Thursday 28 January 2016

I have a few stupid questions to ask

I am very new to this mining thing and I find it quite interesting. I have a few beginner questions to ask so I apologize if they may sound dumb.

How many ghash/s do you need to make it even worth your time? After watching a few guides I realised that it is the gpu which is doing the "mining" so I figured a gaming computer would be decent for this since the gpu is also the most important factor for gaming. However, I tried with my gtx 970 and I only get .5 ghash/s. When I put this into some calculators it says I will make like 3 cents a month not accounting for electricity costs lol. So my other question is how are these mining computers able to get 1000s of ghash/sec or more? I mean even if you had like 4 titans wouldn't that only be like say 10 ghash/s assuming the 970 is .5? And the cost of that would be far more than the price I see most of these mining machines going for. So is the gpu actually the only thing that matters or is there more to it?

Submitted January 29, 2016 at 09:23AM by T4keTheShot

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