Wednesday 29 June 2016

Costs me 4% premium to pay with bitcoin rather than my credit card on every single purchase... Killer app is to pay more and get no consumer protection???

So I wanted to buy something with some bitcoins but bitpay is the payment processor, and their exchange rate is $10 below bitfinex/GDAX/Gemini/Itbit prices...The thing is Ill pay less if I use a credit card, plus get 2% cashback from the Credit card (any purchase always gets 2% cashback)... so I pay 3.5% to 4% less (2% cashback and 2% less than paying with bitcoin) by using a legacy payment method, that provides me with consumer protection and other benefits (extended warranty, purchase protection etc etc... ).This is an actual experience and Im interested in hearing what other people think about these kinds of situations.Edit: this isnt even factoring in the costs of purchasing the bitcoins like wire transfers and exchange fees. Likely will be at least another .5% or more. via /r/Bitcoin

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