Thursday 30 June 2016

How a double charge ruined my Hawaii trip, and why bitcoin is so necessary to change the status quo.

After arriving and booking my Alamo car rental in Honolulu on a friday, they put a double hold charge on my credit card.When I was supposed to have $800 free for book various Luau, Snorkeling and other activities, I instead had a $-42 balance on my card and rejections for the bookings.I had no idea what had happened because my online banking showed nothing and the bank was closed.These legacy pull systems where merchants can accidentally make these kinds of mistakes that ruin experiences is unacceptable. That we have been force fed these kinds of experiences for decades, my entire life, is unacceptable.This is why I never use my credit card, but unfortunately when you need to make reservations its either present a card or get no reservation. Without a reservation during tourist season on one of the most tropical lush places on earth, good luck on getting that activity done.You should never be able to spend money you do not have, and no one should be able to pull money from your account without authorization. The system forces everyone into debt slavery and cash/bitcoin is the only true way to free yourselves from their iron grips. Take it from someone who had credit card debt and took years to pull myself out of it. I swore then to never charge up a card again and have never since spent a penny I do not have.That hold put my account in the negative over 4 days, and was finally cleared late monday. It was not until I got back from my trip that I looked at my banking, and saw the $800 mysteriously returned to my account balance. It was only after calling the bank and put on hold for 15 minutes while they researched everything that we found out what caused it. The whole time I just assumed I had made some sort of mistake in my calculations.Im so sick and tired of the banking establishment forcing these rules down our throats and then raping us for every turn of the way.VIVA LA BITCOIN! via /r/Bitcoin

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