Wednesday 27 July 2016

A lot of us here hate on and criticize Ethereum and Altcoins, when in truth we can learn a lot about their respective success and failures

They're so many successful and failed cryptocurrencies which we may observe, this is a positive that comes with open sourced, decentralized communities which we should learn to love and not scorn. Let's look at a few examples from a popular Cryptocurrency which is under scrutiny and compare it to BTC:

  • The DAO had a critical attack happen which resulted in approximately 17% of the current ETH in circulation to be under 'seige'
  • After deliberation the Devs + community decided it was in the best interest of everyone to present the option for a Hard Fork returning the money to it's rightful owners, but not honoring their original intention which is clearly stated on their website "Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference." Having said that, Vitalik clearly pointed out in the earlier days that HF's will happen until things have been ironed out. These opposing situations have led to a growing division within their community.
  • Ethereum hard-forked and success was yelled from the mountain tops, 99% hashrate on the new chain was a clear indication of that (Or so they thought)
  • Poloniex creates the ETC market and starts trading and gaining momentum, social media picks up and speculators start gambling. People start convincing others to join the right side, the side that is not manipulated by anyone etc
  • Market cap blows up and hash rates zoom to 10%-20% creating an unsavoury situation for their entire community
  • We now have 2 tokens both trading at high volumes

Now let's take a moment and consider that a CLEAR majority agreed upon the HF and as such it was done.

  • Bitcoin is not as clear on the block size issue due in part to a few recognized players in the community, continually airing their grief about the situation
  • Bitcoin has decided to not go down this road due to the foreseen AND unforeseen vectors of attack which will present themselves thereafter
  • A lot of people vilified some key developers and members of the community, without understanding what the deeper impacts of a potential HF could have on the technology AND the community.
  • The repercussion and possible fallout in the media would be exactly the opposite of what we need which is strength
  • This demonstrative situation is positive for the Bitcoin community, let's watch how another active and intelligent community in this space deals with the situation. So we may better present future road maps based partly on the events which happened, As opposed to "theories."

This isn't to say that ETH won't get through this, I hope they do prevail and like other cryptocurrencies before them. Continue to power on and show us all through their actions, what possibilities exist and how the communities/developers/business owners/hackers/influential individuals/miners will react thereafter.

  • This is beneficial for all of the cryptocurrency community and we should approach it as such, after all. When the competitive civil war subsides. It is good to remember that big banks are the ones we should stand united against. Food for thought

Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:14PM by AnalyzerX7

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