Thursday 28 July 2016

Any tips on scheduling mining to take advantage of TOU electricity pricing?

With the falling hashrate, I'm thinking about getting into mining (counterintuitive, I know). I think if you buy equipment now, it'll be useful for a couple of years (instead of "spoiling" quickly when hashrates were skyrocketing).

In my area we have time of use (TOU) pricing, which means that for part of the day electricity is really cheap, most of the day it's reasonable, and only occasionally it's expensive. So I want to mine when electricity is not expensive.

I was looking at the s9 Antminer documentation, and there doesn't seem to be any scheduling mechanism, or API that I could use to query electricity prices and turn the mining on/off.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Submitted July 29, 2016 at 07:20AM by xmantipper

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