Friday 1 July 2016

Did everyone here turn into pussies?

LOL why is everyone so conservative these days. You think the market crash coming in in a year or so will leave bitcoin at anything lower than 10,000? I call THAT conservative, I'm literally laughing at the people calling 1000-2000 new highs.

Shit, bitcoin hit $1000 because people were willing to pay that price back then for kicks and the entryway was the size of a mousehole back in gox times. The new folks on here are fucking SPOILED with coinbase and xapo and circle. Trust me, the on-ramp is way fucking accommodating now, and this time, the world is not only watching but paying attention with both eyes and ears, with their wallets on their laps. Don't believe me? If you watch the news or any recent pieces about bitcoin on mainstream media, look carefully and you'll see what I see; even the "experts" aren't sneering anymore, they lean in, they try to understand, their minds are opening

These aren't anecdotes, or conjecture, I personally know highly intelligent investors, people ready and waiting to buy in to bitcoin as a lifeboat. They've been paying attention and they fully expect anything less than 10,000 as a good buy in price. People aren't stupid, they've made the connection between gold and gold 2.0. The next time a storm hits and bankers are jumping off roofs, just get ready to hang on.

Also, during the last run up, NOTHING WAS HAPPENING, no markets were crashing, no bailouts, no bank runs. Sure the economy was shit and trust in the authorities is ever decreasing but truth be told, the world didn't even actually need digital gold back then and it hit $1000.

Please, stop with all these lowball predictions. They make me sad and I make a tsssss sound and then smirk in a scoffing way. I don't like the way it makes me feel.

Shit, am I taking crazy pills or what?

Upvote because you know I'm right. You know it in your heart of hearts.

Submitted July 01, 2016 at 07:39AM by ZionCluster

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