Friday 1 July 2016

We expect a statement from Brian Armstrong regarding numerous recent user-impacting issues on Coinbase/GDAX platform.

To be frank, I give a damn what holiday weekend is coming up. This is getting out of hand and is a bit reminiscent of the type of bullshit we see from the financial sector.

To be clear - Coinbase Exchange/GDAX largely ran as a phenomenal, best-in-class platform until just about a month ago when a whole spectrum of issues began popping up.

I understand there are compliance requirements your company is dealing with right now left and right. But you don't pick this NetVerify app to do it with, you don't auto-lock users' trading/withdrawal capabilities, and you don't give an ultimatum that essentially 'there will be consequences' if this impossible task isn't completed by da-da-da-date.

This is maybe the fourth round of verification I've personally had to go through just to maintain an account with Coinbase. Why? You don't communicate any of the rationale behind it - there's a perfectly good notification box in the upper right of the GDAX UI that you blithely announced to the world that you'd be opening ETH trading with. That seems like a good place to start.

Now I'm sure somebody in your organization gives you daily incident reports, and hopefully gives you a total user cases figure on that report somewhere too, along with resolution times, support-FTEs-used per major issue, mean response time to user support requests, and so on.

$75M in funding can buy you a globally-scalable platform, sure, but nobody's going to give a damn if none of your legacy users find your platform reliable anymore. I don't think giving out $10 worth of Bitcoin for referrals is going to cut it this time if the status quo remains.

Anyone else, please feel free to add to this. After spending countless hours on the community support forums (which, yes, are a start), I know I'm not the only person customer having issues.

Submitted July 01, 2016 at 01:36PM by jjdub7

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