Wednesday 28 September 2016

8th Gemini Auction: 2,073 BTC for $602.75 USD

I'm not going to be posting this daily, but I started keeping a log of the data at as some were interested.

Date Day Volume Price
2016-09-28 8 2,073 BTC $602.75 USD
2016-09-27 7 2,117 BTC $603.20 USD
2016-09-26 6 793 BTC $605.01 USD
2016-09-25 5 1,002 BTC $599.45 USD
2016-09-24 4 1,050 BTC $598.51 USD
2016-09-23 3 3,098 BTC $599.50 USD
2016-09-22 2 2,090 BTC $595.75 USD
2016-09-21 1 2,104 BTC $593.67 USD
{ "closed_until_ms":1475096400000, "last_auction_price":"602.75", "last_auction_quantity":"2073.4067377", "last_highest_bid_price":"603.76", "last_lowest_ask_price":"604.34", "next_auction_ms":1475179200000 } 

Submitted September 29, 2016 at 04:53AM by kysarkoin

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