Saturday 1 October 2016

Bitcoin economics and how Bitcoin has changed my life for the better!

Hi All,Just a warning this is nerdy and long so here is tl;dr: ever since I was introduced to Bitcoin I have been working harder than ever to be able to buy more Bitcoin. At work whenever I get a chance to pick up extra shifts, my answer is invariably “yes” because I can buy more bitcoin. My work attitude has completely changed. I have been promoted and my net income has doubled. My productivity, motivation, and drive are all at levels beyond what I thought possible. The only reason is bitcoin.The long version: There has been a lot of debate about whether bitcoin is good or bad for the economy. Reddit Bitcoin users usually fall into agnostic category, which is characterized by users who say that they “don’t care about macro-economy as long as it benefits them”. I agree that cat is out of the bag and bitcoin is here to stay for good. It will outlive any fiat currency whether or not it good for the macro-economy. On the other hand, economists take a different perspective. They use various models to try to predict the future and how a simple input change may affect the whole economy. The problem with these models is that they are seldom right and when they are right they incapable for predicting the full extent of the effects of the change in input. (in reality most of their models are developed retrospectively—not prospectively). Many say deflationary currency will make people save money and not spend it which results in less economic growth. In reality this has never been true for me and my friends who own bitcoin. Bitcoin’s deflationary supply only means one thing to us: the price will be higher in future than today. Hence we should work harder to buy as much as we can. We all have been working harder than ever to earn more to buy more bitcoin. That is the only effect deflationary aspect of bitcoin has had in our behavior. It has not changed our spending habits. I just came back from my 5th vacation this year. Our spending habits are always ruled by our lifestyle and the type of currency we use doesn’t affect that. The main effect of bitcoin is who hard me and my friends have been working. Our productivity significantly higher than before we knew of bitcoin. Our employers are much happier with us than our previous employers. Bitcoin gives people hope, motivation, drive and ambition. Introduction of Bitcoin main stream economy would be like injecting all workers with healthy steroid or an amazing simulant that does not have any side-effects. Also since I am much richer thanks to bitcoin I am actually spending much more that I would have otherwise. So I think the argument of deflationary currency will reduce customer spending and is bad for economy is nonsense. According to my experience and that of my friends Bitcoin makes employees work harder and increases productivity while not affecting people’s spending habits due to its deflationary nature. via /r/Bitcoin

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