Saturday 1 October 2016

OneCoin is now bigger than Bitcoin, according to OneCoin.

After the doubling of Onecoins today, the total number of Onecoins is about 2 billion coins according to Ruja. That means OneCoin is now the biggest cryptocurrency in the world, according to Ruja and other onecoinists.Ruja: "The new blockchain will mine 50 000 coins per minute, and we plan to go public with the coin the second quarter of 2018. Then Onecoin will go to the whole world without any limitation." value is now about 6.95€ per coin and not expected to decrease. 50 000 coins per minute mining speed means 2.19 billion coins in a month. This means that Onecoin "market cap" will increase over 15 billion euros per month, every month.The famous Onecoin rep Ken Labine reaction:"BITCOIN is no longer number 1 in market cap!!! WE ARE :)More coins, More Members,Now Higher Market Cap! :)WELL!!! Its gonna mine 50,000 yes !!! 50,000 EVERY 1 minute :)Wait times drastically reduced :)We will be mining up to 72 MILLION A DAY!!! Have fun trying to catch up bitcoin :-p(They have TOTAL supply of 21 Million)" via /r/Bitcoin

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