Tuesday 31 January 2017

FOMO-ing right now


Submitted February 01, 2017 at 08:12AM by classna http://bit.ly/2jAYjqC

Bitcoin price breaks $1000 again in Chinese markets while people are celebrating the Day to Welcome the God of Wealth

https://twitter.com/cnLedger/status/826606213542449152 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2keUxF6

Bitcoin Price Will Reach $10,000, Might Take Another Year: Tim Draper

http://bit.ly/2keXplI via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jtpNDm

Another Newbie in mining needing help

Hey so I want to start to learn how to do bitcoin mining. Any veterans out there know exactly what is the most efficient cost effective way to mine? What about to start? I have a 960 and while that is probably not a good start to bitcoin mining, where should I start? Anything I should avoid to keep my gpu healthy while under the stress of mining? Are those cloud based mining sites trust worthy? What's the best way to mine? I hope someone can enlighten me to your ways.

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 11:22AM by Lazylion777 http://bit.ly/2jBnI3h

FOMO-ing right now

http://bit.ly/2koXKob via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jAYjqC

From now on when people ask how Bitcoin is doing i'll show them this image.


Submitted February 01, 2017 at 03:14AM by crazyflashpie http://bit.ly/2jSlboY

PSA: first search result on google for electrum wallet is a paid ad which takes you to a scam site 'electrum dot is'.

Correct site for electrum is electrum.org.

Download links on the scam site take you to a dropbox account. Better not install that stuff!

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 01:05AM by joecoin http://bit.ly/2jzDMTc

From now on when people ask how Bitcoin is doing i'll show them this image.

http://bit.ly/2kdVRrR via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jSlboY

Warning: electrum[dot]is is a phishing site with a malware version of Electrum

A customer of our Bitcoin center in Paris (La Maison du Bitcoin) wanted to recover his Electrum seed on a new PC. He searched for "electrum" on Google and the first result was electrum[dot]is.

He downloaded the hijacked version of Electrum from there, installed the app and recovered his seed.

Immediately after restoration, his full balance (~5 BTC) was sent to the hacker.

When installing software wallets, always be extremely careful of what you are doing.

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 01:16AM by murzika http://bit.ly/2knCH5E

bmsc-options in cgminer

Hello! I'm another mining noob with dreams of becoming a bitcoin millionaire by mining with my 5 year old Dell laptop. lol.

Just kidding. But I am a linux noob and have a question about bmsc. Specifically, what is it? When I add the following to my sudo command to run cgminer, what I am asking for?

sudo ./cgminer --bmsc-options 115200:0.57

A comprehensive Google search did not reveal my answer. Thanks!

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 05:18AM by iftodaywasurlastday http://bit.ly/2koeFHD

Help on Getting Miner

Suppose I buy a miner that doesn't "ship" until march 1st, does that mean there is a big chance the power it has won't cover the cost of electricity? I don't understand why the price would be about 1000 dollars cheaper than buying it today on amazon. I know even at 8.00/day 1 month would be about 800 dollars which doesn't make up for the 1000 dollars you spend to get it early. How many are in a batch that are sold anyways? Is there some sort of hidden cost in getting from bitmain that I'm not seeing being in the usa. Thanks for the help !

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 04:46AM by Boneyg001 http://bit.ly/2jScESX

Ready for moon? Iran to dump the US dollar in response to Trump's travel ban


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 11:06PM by BitcoinHR http://bit.ly/2knQB7G

Nicolas Dorier: If #segwit passes on #Litecoin I will port NBitcoin to Litecoin.


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 07:08PM by nopara73 http://bit.ly/2kmq762

Ready for moon? Iran to dump the US dollar in response to Trump's travel ban

http://bit.ly/2jzRq99 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2knQB7G

PSA: first search result on google for electrum wallet is a paid ad which takes you to a scam site 'electrum dot is'.

Correct site for electrum is electrum.org.Download links on the scam site take you to a dropbox account. Better not install that stuff! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jzDMTc

Warning: electrum[dot]is is a phishing site with a malware version of Electrum

A customer of our Bitcoin center in Paris (La Maison du Bitcoin) wanted to recover his Electrum seed on a new PC. He searched for "electrum" on Google and the first result was electrum[dot]is.He downloaded the hijacked version of Electrum from there, installed the app and recovered his seed.Immediately after restoration, his full balance (~5 BTC) was sent to the hacker.When installing software wallets, always be extremely careful of what you are doing. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2knCH5E

Gemini Introduces Zero-Confirmation Bitcoin Deposits


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 11:09PM by FluxSeer http://bit.ly/2kcVgqD

Looking in the rearview mirror: Why Bitcoin adoption is bigger, faster and closer than you think


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 06:41PM by agustinf http://bit.ly/2kKGVkQ

Question to you guys that rock the latest Antminers at 2K

So I'm really thinking about taking my mining seriously and investing in a Antminer S9 with the good PSU getting a 208V outlet installed and just letting it sit.

With the cost of all of that compared to mining calculators I should be mining 29K a year with the miner. That is a huge ROI Is it legit? I have been doing small mining for things like litecoins, Dogecoins and selling hashing power to nicehash for years but It just seems to good to be true. So to you guys with your high dollar investments is it worth it in the end?

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 12:30AM by darthvote http://bit.ly/2jr1yG2

LibreTaxi - a free and open source alternative to Uber/Lyft - plan on adding bitcoin.


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 09:03PM by bigtuna711 http://bit.ly/2jQ6nXQ

Gemini Introduces Zero-Confirmation Bitcoin Deposits

http://bit.ly/2jQSB7n via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kcVgqD



Submitted January 31, 2017 at 08:12PM by silver_89 http://bit.ly/2jPwJco

LibreTaxi, free and open source Uber/Lyft alternative to connect passengers and drivers - bitcoin integration on the way!


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 07:39PM by boyber http://bit.ly/2jPESgU

Dutch Pirate Party pays 11,250 Euro deposit in Bitcoin to Electoral Council

https://twitter.com/allenscottoshi/status/826422249330765825 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kQmodT

prediction: Segwit will get hashrate bump on bitcoin once litecoin activates it

litecoin is a smaller network so it is much eaier to soft/hard fork. I imagine that what is going to happen is litecoin will rise % in value compared to other crypto once segwit is activated and this will give a signal to miners to start signalling segwith for increased monetary returns. I still don't see how segwit will ever get 95% of mining hashrate if there are already "other" pools greater than 15% of the network. anyone care to elaborate? I know variance is a thing but does that mean maybe 90% might be able to activate if they get lucky? via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jR8yrG

LibreTaxi - a free and open source alternative to Uber/Lyft - plan on adding bitcoin.

http://bit.ly/2jR4uHP via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jQ6nXQ

It's that time again...

http://bit.ly/2kmyTkM via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jyyasD

BTC.TOP (~6% mining power) mines first segwit block. Was previously mining with BU. Incompetency of BU devs becoming clear to miners?


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 04:17PM by ciphera http://bit.ly/2kKc34e


http://bit.ly/2kKWZmZ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jPwJco

LibreTaxi, free and open source Uber/Lyft alternative to connect passengers and drivers - bitcoin integration on the way!

http://bit.ly/2kKMNuu via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jPESgU

Looking in the rearview mirror: Why Bitcoin adoption is bigger, faster and closer than you think

http://bit.ly/2kmGBej via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kKGVkQ

Nicolas Dorier: If #segwit passes on #Litecoin I will port NBitcoin to Litecoin.

https://twitter.com/NicolasDorier/status/826382810478899200 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kmq762

We've relocated the Purse.io office to the moon ┗(°0°)┛


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 02:21PM by drkmntr http://bit.ly/2kK7TsV

BTC.TOP (~6% mining power) mines first segwit block. Was previously mining with BU. Incompetency of BU devs becoming clear to miners?

http://bit.ly/2km9oA0 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kKc34e

We've relocated the Purse.io office to the moon ┗(°0°)┛

http://bit.ly/2kmewUO via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kK7TsV

Is SegWit & LN worth it for miners?

Seems like signaling has stalled out on implementation. Any feedback from miners as to why or why not this is a good thing for the ecosystem?

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 01:57PM by DrewBlahDee http://bit.ly/2kMGl9P

Recommendations for miners?

I have tried mining using my GPU for quite sometime now and have had very little success. Would purchasing a device such as an ANTMINER S7 be optimal or would a small USB device suffice?

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 02:10PM by R_____9988 http://bit.ly/2kOEMUH

Choose which Mining Pool gets to handle your tx: PreferredMiner


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 06:59AM by Riiume http://bit.ly/2jxiSnS

Monday 30 January 2017

Choose which Mining Pool gets to handle your tx: PreferredMiner

http://bit.ly/2klCxLN via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jxiSnS

Federal Reserve Staffer Fined for Mining Bitcoins at Work

http://bit.ly/2kljilE via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kOhAWt

Bitcoin is 'term life insurance' for inflation

If you have ever bought term life insurance, which I have, it's insurance you buy for the unlikely case that you die when you are young and healthy. It's usually pretty inexpensive. You can buy like a million dollars of coverage for only $50 a month or so if you are young and healthy.If you die, well, your family gets a huge payout and you can rest in peace knowing that they are being taken care of.If you don't die, oh well, you lose your investment but that's just the gamble you are taking.I'm 55 years old. Overweight. Have high blood pressure. My days of getting inexpensive term life insurance are largely over.My focus these days is planning for my retirement. I know enough to realize that there's a whole lot that I don't know, so I engaged a professional financial planner to assist me. A financial planner acts as an expert who works with you to help plan for your retirement. They analyze what your goals are, and figure out how best to achieve them.Part of that planning is to take into account the catastrophic possibility that you might end up needing long-term care (say a nursing home). It's kind of like life insurance, well, it's really almost just exactly like life insurance, but it pays off if you end up having to go into a nursing home. Pretty depressing stuff, but it's a scenario you have to deal with. Everyone has heard the horror stories of a friend or family member ending up in a nursing home and watched their entire retirement nest-egg being completely consumed for long term care; leaving nothing at all behind for their children.You can buy a long-term care insurance policy to protect against that; and that's a good idea, spreading the risk out like that.When you begin working with a financial planner, you will tell them how much annual income you think you need to live a comfortable retirement. However, when you come up with that number there is something you need to consider.What if, during your retirement, you experience a period of high inflation, if not hyper-inflation? What is to protect you in that case? Suddenly your retirement income cannot come even close to keeping up with the rate of inflation and you could end up eating cat food instead of filet mignon.I now think the answer is bitcoin. Like term life insurance, it might not ever pay off. I guess the biggest concern still remains, that bitcoin itself just might not stick around long enough. That is certainly a significant risk.However, if bitcoin does stick around, I cannot think of a better 'insurance policy' against inflation or a major market correction.This is the reason I feel comfortable holding a certain amount of my portfolio in bitcoin. Maybe, in the end, it won't amount to anything. Just like I might never need long-term care either. However, just in case, it does provide a sense of comfort that I have a hedge against currency devaluation should it ever occur. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kO5exE

Former FED employee fined for installing Bitcoin mining software on FED server


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 04:29AM by mightymous95 http://bit.ly/2jwOpq6

How I feel when the price is stable


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 04:26AM by coinsprinkler http://bit.ly/2joqXjE

How I feel when the price is stable

http://bit.ly/2jPsZ8D via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2joqXjE

Abra overview


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 10:08AM by bitcoinglobe http://bit.ly/2klg3ds

My Experience Attending the Satoshi Roundtable in 2017


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 12:45AM by hoffmabc http://bit.ly/2jnrdiF

Bloomberg: Wyre CEO: "Bitcoin is a good investment for everyone." (VIDEO


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 04:11AM by Logical007 http://bit.ly/2jo8FPh

Former FED employee fined for installing Bitcoin mining software on FED server

http://bit.ly/2kldwjC via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jwOpq6

Newbie to these things needs help, please ...


I'm brand new to these things about bitcoins and stuff, so I don't understand most of it. What I do have is a decent gaming rig and an extra graphics card laying around doing nothing. From what I've managed to research, graphics cards can be used to mine these "crypto currencies", I think they're called?

I recently bought a Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming, to replace my old Gigabyte GTX 680 OC Edition. The GTX 680 is currently sitting in its box, waiting to be sold or used for something. I got the idea of putting it to work for some profit, since the GTX 1070 is perfectly capable of handling all my gaming needs alone - and it's actually better that way.

What I wanted to ask of you guys is a few questions:

1 - I've researched around, and despite my fears, I think that it is possible to have both my cards working on my rig, just not in SLI. After I pop it in and have it working, what else do I need to do to get started? I've read something about a wallet of sorts?

2 - I also found out that using graphics cards is no longer viable to mine bitcoins specifically. What other currencies should I look for, or where should ask for if it breaks any rule here?

3 - I recon that this is not just plug and play stuff, it needs specific software. What do I need or where should I go to get it? And while I'm at it, how do I configure said software?

4 - Any other info that I should be aware of?

This is just something I'd like to do as a hobby. I've read enough to know that this is not efficient to pay the electric bill, much less to make a living out of it, for that I have other means. I'd like to have this setup with 2 objectives in mind:

A - As an experiment, to see how much I can earn with this setup. Maybe I can earn enough to pay for some gaming expenses (account subcriptions, micro-transactions, etc).

B - For fun, because why not? I have a leftover card, may as well use it for something.

In case someone is interested, here are my rig specs:

CPU: i7 3770K @ 4.4GHZ

RAM: GSkill RipJaws DDR3 16GB @ 1600MHZ

GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming 8GB (Gigabyte GTX 680 OC Edition 2GB in stock)

HDD: OCZ Vortex 4 128GB SSD + WD 500GB HDD

MB: Asus Maximus V Extreme

PSU: Aerocool Strike-X 800W

OS: Windows 7 SP1

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 06:08AM by Kam0laZ http://bit.ly/2kaiY6R

What pool to use as a noob?

I have about 21 TH/s right and I am using slushpool. I heard kano.is is pretty good? What are some good alternatives to slushpool at my hash rate?

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 06:24AM by Icethrone5 http://bit.ly/2kkNAEN

Still too many SegWit/Lightning network sceptics. Litecoin miners start SegWit signalling today. Could this be our test case for Bitcoin network to convince critics?

  • Litecoin miners will starts signalling SegWit later today
  • threshold is 75% instead of 95%
  • f2pool has 45% market share, could block block Segwit, but also if they decide to signal it could be implemented quite quickly
  • Lightning network could also run on Litecoin

Given that Segwit will be implemented it would be the best live test bitcoin can imagine, the resistance of mining pools could start vanishing every week after Segwit runs without any faults.

Can I have your opinion on this?

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 02:28AM by bitking74 http://bit.ly/2ka7DDL

Former Fed Employee Fined for Installing Bitcoin Software on Fed Server

http://on.wsj.com/2kan5zQ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jof7FW

Bloomberg: Wyre CEO: "Bitcoin is a good investment for everyone." (VIDEO

http://bloom.bg/2kaaQTY via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jo8FPh

This is what I like to see when checking daily's finances.


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 11:33PM by PoCaMiQu http://bit.ly/2kMnJ5o

Still too many SegWit/Lightning network sceptics. Litecoin miners start SegWit signalling today. Could this be our test case for Bitcoin network to convince critics?

Litecoin miners will starts signalling SegWit later todaythreshold is 75% instead of 95%f2pool has 45% market share, could block block Segwit, but also if they decide to signal it could be implemented quite quicklyLightning network could also run on LitecoinGiven that Segwit will be implemented it would be the best live test bitcoin can imagine, the resistance of mining pools could start vanishing every week after Segwit runs without any faults.Can I have your opinion on this? via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ka7DDL

My Experience Attending the Satoshi Roundtable in 2017

http://bit.ly/2k9UmLp via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jnrdiF


https://twitter.com/Excellion/status/825967179463921664 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2k9Mw4z

Why Bitcoin is the new gold - Business Insider

http://read.bi/2kk5xni via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jvVPts

We are looking for English Writers capable of writing interesting and unique 700word+ articles for our blog. Use contact form for details.


Submitted January 31, 2017 at 02:47AM by Dkandyk http://bit.ly/2jw0WKp

Argentina: Banks to start charging businesses 1% fee for cash deposits


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 08:19PM by vivab0rg http://bit.ly/2jmTd64

Why hyperinflation is coming

https://yhoo.it/2kH6bZw via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kjNjSK

Europe Lays Out Roadmap to Restrict Payments in Cash and Cryptocurrencies


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 11:10PM by helmsk http://bit.ly/2kM3C7L

With Another $30 Million Investment, BitFury becomes the Highest-funded Bitcoin Company


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 02:57PM by castom http://bit.ly/2kKVtQJ

This is what I like to see when checking daily's finances.

http://bit.ly/2kjEYP8 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kMnJ5o

What Old Hardware Can I use to mine?

I have 2 broken laptops and 2 broken Computers, 1 tablet (with a broken screen) and a new Raspberry Pi 3 model B.

I dont know what to do with with all this, but what can I reuse to mine?

Also, i was thinking of using my RPi as controller...

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 11:19PM by 4bezi http://bit.ly/2kM2eBV

I don't know about you guys, but whenever it gets really quiet like this. I start to buy.

Not saying it's going to spike any moment (though this could happen time), but I've always found that whenever it gets steady like this, it never really goes down any further than what it is now.

And I've never regretted buying. Only selling.

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 09:29AM by iluvceviche http://bit.ly/2jkZlf6

If a hardfork comes to reality, what happens in practical terms to:

End users: What happens to the coins I hodl? Will they be doubled/copied/proportionally-moved into the other network? Do I have to worry about what online wallet I use? And hardware wallet?Online wallets and other bitcoin services: Will they have a hard time integrating a HF-coin?Bitcoin ecosystem and economy. What are the consequences?I know some of the answers and I have my opinions but I'd like see other's pov. I accept decent sources too. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2k9kzdf

Argentina: Banks to start charging businesses 1% fee for cash deposits

http://bit.ly/2k9dGs4 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jmTd64

Europe Lays Out Roadmap to Restrict Payments in Cash and Cryptocurrencies

http://bit.ly/2kjCkJ3 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kM3C7L

Seems like we got lucky the entire network didn't fork like with BIP66 due to SPV mining. Miners need to start taking responsibility.


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 04:45PM by afilja http://bit.ly/2kL0t83

Why are Coindesk & CoinJournal still asking for donations?

http://bit.ly/2jJWbQL via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kFuoPC

Luke-Jr, could you clarify your comments here where you state 'Satoshi's design doesn't work' ?


Link above to context.

Submitted January 29, 2017 at 09:55PM by ReasonableIndividual http://bit.ly/2kHr4qO

With Another $30 Million Investment, BitFury becomes the Highest-funded Bitcoin Company

http://bit.ly/2kJFBCe via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kKVtQJ

Seems like we got lucky the entire network didn't fork like with BIP66 due to SPV mining. Miners need to start taking responsibility.

https://twitter.com/WhalePanda/status/825981343926464512 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kL0t83

BU nodes drop by ~60 nodes, after attempting to disrupt the network by trying to hardfork(unintentional?) - Miners _please_ don't run untested software.


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 10:39AM by linktype http://bit.ly/2jM90HC

Sunday 29 January 2017

LOL! Miners running latest BU need to set their max block size lower than Core to avoid mining invalid blocks

Because the latest version of Bitcoin Unlimited is running some faulty code, in order for miners running BU to avoid mining invalid blocks, they need to manually set their max block size to a lower amount.

"The workaround, which can be inserted "live" is for miners to set their max block size to 999000. ./bitcoin-cli setminingmaxblock 999000"

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 09:40AM by Chakra_Scientist http://bit.ly/2jHHEFj

With increasing regulation, border control, and fear, it's worth remembering that Bitcoin has no borders


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 03:27AM by GeologyisGneiss http://bit.ly/2khaAo1

BTC price without bubbles - Log scale


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 08:14AM by bitwager http://bit.ly/2jLUrUN

I don't know about you guys, but whenever it gets really quiet like this. I start to buy.

Not saying it's going to spike any moment (though this could happen time), but I've always found that whenever it gets steady like this, it never really goes down any further than what it is now.And I've never regretted buying. Only selling. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jkZlf6

Poll: When is the earliest you would consent to block sizes over 1 MB in a hardfork?


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 06:38AM by luke-jr http://bit.ly/2kJfzuJ

BU nodes drop by ~60 nodes, after attempting to disrupt the network by trying to hardfork(unintentional?) - Miners _please_ don't run untested software.

http://bit.ly/2jHNhTC via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jM90HC

LOL! Miners running latest BU need to set their max block size lower than Core to avoid mining invalid blocks

Because the latest version of Bitcoin Unlimited is running some faulty code, in order for miners running BU to avoid mining invalid blocks, they need to manually set their max block size to a lower amount."The workaround, which can be inserted "live" is for miners to set their max block size to 999000. ./bitcoin-cli setminingmaxblock 999000" via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jHHEFj

BTC price without bubbles - Log scale

http://bit.ly/2jHIYaY via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jLUrUN

Poll: When is the earliest you would consent to block sizes over 1 MB in a hardfork?

http://bit.ly/2kIqk4D via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kJfzuJ

bitcoin.com loses 13.2BTC trying to fork the network: Untested and buggy BU creates an oversized block, Many BU node banned, the HF fails

http://bit.ly/2kJbl6o via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kIjpIJ

bitcoin.com loses 13.2BTC trying to fork the network: Untested and buggy BU creates an oversized block, Many BU node banned, the HF fails


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 07:00AM by belcher_ http://bit.ly/2kIjpIJ

Looking buy gpus that can be used for mining during downtime ~~1200 to spend on gpus alone (1050 if I need a new mobo to support 3 gpus)

Nvidia only since I want to be able to use CUDA as well. Thoughts on which to buy?

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 07:29AM by ayrnee http://bit.ly/2khlGtQ

Front page of PC magazine. February 2017


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 03:34AM by nanadze http://bit.ly/2jGwtMI

What is up with BitMain?

They have the s9 antminer listed at 1445 USD for the 13.5 TH/s and the 13 TH/s 1378 USD. They don't ship until march 1st? On all other websites, I see the same machine about 2300 dollars! A 1000 Dollar difference? Is this because by the time the march ones ship they will have a new product doing 18 TH/s for 2300 and now all the other websites will have to lower their prices? Is this some sort of merchant thing where people are just buying them to sell for more profit? If I were to buy one and wait the full month and save nearly 1000 dollars it seems like that would be a better payoff than buying it now for that up against the price? Is bitcoin mining controlled all by one company? Seems like they could just use their machines and mine up all of it without releasing even one to the public?

TL-DR: Just seems to me like "anyone can mine" isn't as true as it seems if only one company holds a monopoly on the things required to mine effectively.

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 05:19AM by Boneyg001 http://bit.ly/2jGOjiN

With increasing regulation, border control, and fear, it's worth remembering that Bitcoin has no borders

https://twitter.com/Fullbeerbottle/status/825781074764693504 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2khaAo1

Bitcoiner interrupts Shia LaBeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" stream with chant that Bitcoin Will Unite Us!


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 04:05AM by theswapman http://bit.ly/2jGnNX0

Front page of PC magazine. February 2017

http://bit.ly/2kCPe27 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jGwtMI

Bitcoiner interrupts Shia LaBeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" stream with chant that Bitcoin Will Unite Us!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_In4NRYCUc&feature=youtu.be via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jGnNX0

Exactly about how many S9s would be needed to average 1 block per day?

Like, assume a mining pool is made up of a bunch of people with only s9 mining it. I understand it's all about "chance" but about what number would be enough to have a good chance at average 1 a day. I suppose what I mean is how much power do pools have that average 1 a day... I understand not every day for certain 1 is mind but if you were to take an average?

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 03:54AM by Boneyg001 http://bit.ly/2kCBzIo

Podcast: Andreas Antonopoulos The Broader Economy II

http://bit.ly/2jsHqOQ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2jGpfbH

Segwit talk by Pieter Wuille. 25 minutes talk time


Submitted January 30, 2017 at 12:56AM by belcher_ http://bit.ly/2kgA8l7

Bitcoin Network Status Update Sunday, January 29, 2017

Status of the Bitcoin network as of Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 12:00:02 EST:Total bitcoins: 16,132,489.795303Height: 450,604Difficulty: 392,963,262,344.370422Statistics for the past 24 hours:Number of blocks mined: 160Total bitcoins output (amount sent): 1,298,863.114567Total fees: 128.134413Average time until block found: 9 minutes, 0 secondsEstimated hashrate: 3,125,489,555.795857 gh/sCurrent price: US$921.91Data provided by Smartbit.com.au.Iamabot.Mycommands |/r/crypto_bot|Messagemycreator |Sourcecode via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kgMV7b

Adam Back: "21 takes us full circle from Hashcash to Bitcoin antispam"


Submitted January 29, 2017 at 11:36PM by wegotothem00n http://bit.ly/2jFA7Xt

Bitcoin new gold?


Submitted January 29, 2017 at 05:25PM by Invictus200 http://bit.ly/2kfDHYT

So how does one mine btc?

Where do I even start? Where can I find info to even start? Thanks to anyone that helps

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 01:12AM by Xanzibarr http://bit.ly/2kIbG9r

Segwit talk by Pieter Wuille. 25 minutes talk time

https://youtu.be/zchzn7aPQjI?t=110 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kgA8l7

Luke-Jr, could you clarify your comments here where you state 'Satoshi's design doesn't work' ?

http://bit.ly/2kHYQbp above to context. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2kHr4qO