Sunday 29 January 2017

What is up with BitMain?

They have the s9 antminer listed at 1445 USD for the 13.5 TH/s and the 13 TH/s 1378 USD. They don't ship until march 1st? On all other websites, I see the same machine about 2300 dollars! A 1000 Dollar difference? Is this because by the time the march ones ship they will have a new product doing 18 TH/s for 2300 and now all the other websites will have to lower their prices? Is this some sort of merchant thing where people are just buying them to sell for more profit? If I were to buy one and wait the full month and save nearly 1000 dollars it seems like that would be a better payoff than buying it now for that up against the price? Is bitcoin mining controlled all by one company? Seems like they could just use their machines and mine up all of it without releasing even one to the public?

TL-DR: Just seems to me like "anyone can mine" isn't as true as it seems if only one company holds a monopoly on the things required to mine effectively.

Submitted January 30, 2017 at 05:19AM by Boneyg001

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