Tuesday 28 February 2017

Bitcoin ETF: A Fintech Marriage Ready To Happen


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 10:53PM by 21viking http://bit.ly/2m3RUZT

Bitfinex has been nuked for WA state customers.

Just got a message on my BFX account that they can no longer offer me services because I'm in Washington State.Picture.Still haven't received an email from them.3 days to withdraw. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lVcrxB

In the 20th century alone, there were 25 episodes of hyperinflation. Why wait for your savings to disappear when you can buy: Gold Bitcoin

https://twitter.com/NIRPUmbrella/status/836734222610087940 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mbD2cs

Three Platforms Paying Bitcoin for Uploading Images

http://bit.ly/2m5Sjeu via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mCSmfJ

Gemini has record auction day -2,054.00BTC USD $2.46M @ $1,196.015


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 05:31AM by woodburyman http://bit.ly/2m4JUrE

Has nullc been unbanned?

Submitted March 01, 2017 at 06:38AM by UKcoin http://bit.ly/2mauNgQ

I just reduced my transaction fee 99.2% by using the Litecoin network instead.

Can't show you the LTC transaction because it came from my personal wallet and would reveal private info but I can show you the exchange-to-exchange BTC transaction:http://bit.ly/2mIxAu8 LTC transaction cost me $0.0035, BTC network cost me $0.5,a jaw dropping 14185% increase in price.EDIT: And my LTC transaction achieved 6 confirmations in under 10 minutes. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2l9RP7Q

A short guide to Ledger Nano S firmware 1.3 features


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 11:07PM by murzika http://bit.ly/2lPW1IJ

The bitmex COIN contract just shot up to 70 from 44ish (i.e. someone is quite confident the ETF will be approved)


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 10:55PM by N_B_B http://bit.ly/2m98jg7

"With the approval deadline so close, a series of last-minute tweaks make little sense unless the SEC is seriously considering giving the Winklevoss ETF the green light."


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 12:02AM by _smudger_ http://bit.ly/2m4A3C3

Hey r/bitcoin, I'm a UCLA student who started a blog explaining to millennials why bitcoin is so important, check it out!


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 01:29AM by maxbron08 http://bit.ly/2m4K5mR

3rd largest BU miner is a ponzi

http://bit.ly/2isrZsv via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2maGh3U

Has nullc been unbanned?

http://bit.ly/1Sivz1Z via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mauNgQ

The decentralized altcoin wallet, MultiWallet now supports over 170 different altcoins with lightning fast sync speeds. Now with the option for advanced mining stats


Submitted March 01, 2017 at 06:03AM by daisypiggy http://bit.ly/2mHS06L

Gemini has record auction day -2,054.00BTC USD $2.46M @ $1,196.015

http://bit.ly/2mBRUya via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m4JUrE

"With the approval deadline so close, a series of last-minute tweaks make little sense unless the SEC is seriously considering giving the Winklevoss ETF the green light."

http://bit.ly/2mC1nFO via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m4A3C3

Hey r/bitcoin, I'm a UCLA student who started a blog explaining to millennials why bitcoin is so important, check it out!

http://bit.ly/2mBVsk0 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m4K5mR

Vinny Lingham: Preventing Another Bitcoin Bubble


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 02:21PM by blk0 http://bit.ly/2m6s5Zt

"Jokes on you when those who have bitcoins are rich. Yes, it is 'when' not 'if.'" Carry on..


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 09:14PM by identiifiication http://bit.ly/2m84szO

My final block size compilation post


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 10:26PM by afilja http://bit.ly/2m97hkh

Bitcoin ETF: A Fintech Marriage Ready To Happen

http://bit.ly/2lkPUIK via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m3RUZT

Many errors and single thread?

Hi, anyone using NiceHash Miner v1.7.5.1 for mining? I'm new to this. Why I get these errors and why miner only use one thread? My processor is i5-3210M 4 threads. My friend use i5-4210U 4 threads and his miner use all of his threads. Are there any reasons became like that?

Submitted March 01, 2017 at 12:44AM by fixedpoint123 http://bit.ly/2m9t5fw

CNBC poll gold or Bitcoin?


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 06:58AM by anonymous_user_x http://bit.ly/2m0d6jA

Shower thought: I've used #bitcoin to buy gold, but I've never used gold to buy anything


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 11:22PM by BTC_is_waterproof http://bit.ly/2lPOhGD

A short guide to Ledger Nano S firmware 1.3 features

http://bit.ly/2lv7L0v via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lPW1IJ

Muneeb Ali on Twitter: Arguments for scaling Bitcoin's bandwidth have clogged the community's mental bandwidth.

https://twitter.com/muneeb/status/836422458269827072 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lPT4aV

Observing forced narratives and manipulation of public opinion on /r/btc


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 08:53AM by shesek1 http://bit.ly/2myRfgY

Nice rug, WEF!

http://bit.ly/2lkygou via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lPUmCL

Shower thought: I've used #bitcoin to buy gold, but I've never used gold to buy anything

https://twitter.com/kenashe/status/836597229267914752 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lPOhGD

My final block size compilation post

http://bit.ly/2mH2Olt via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m97hkh

The bitmex COIN contract just shot up to 70 from 44ish (i.e. someone is quite confident the ETF will be approved)

http://bit.ly/2lIOYPO via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m98jg7

The normal person's explanation of BU vs Segwit:-

BU:-  1.) The original vision for Bitcoin was to increase block-size to up-scale. The creator had said this was how it would up-scale.  2.) Segwit is changes fundamental aspects of the code iin Bitcoin, what gives them the authority to make such changes over the original plan?  3.) The core developers are associated with Blockstream (a company) and we think that they have decided to make certain changes based on their influence and that is not impartial.  4.) Hardforking to bigger blocks is only not safe because Core have turned so many against the idea so it is hard to get consensus. Two "bitcoins" never occured in the past and historically we always hard forked without any issues to raise the block size.  5.) Segwit does not solve the scaling issue right now, it relies on later changes which might not work and so we will have to hardfork to bigger blocks anyway. Core:-  1.) BU team is too small, far smaller than ours, they work privately and don't peer review - in short, they are producing sub par work in comparison to ourselves and that is risky in itself.  2.) Segwit fixes a malleability issue of Bitcoin that has always been present (Don't know what this is, but from an online search some think this needs to be fixed).  It fixes this issue, but it also makes a couple changes to Bitcoins code that gives us some potential scaling options in the future. It also makes some minor changes now that gives us time to implement a new long term scaling solution.  3.) The problem with the original vision of Bitcoin scaling is that big blocks make it very hard to download the blockchain and run a node.  A node is what allows normal users to cast their vote on Bitcoin which keeps it decentralized, if the block became too big normal people could no longer run a node.  That job would then become solely the role of data centers or companies and takes out the "vote" of the average user.  We therefore propose we need a new scaling solution that does not ultimately lead to this situation occurring. I've been reading about this situation for a long time now, never pretending to know what is going on fully. However I now think the above is essentially every VALID argument on both sides. *Edit: New valid points to be added, once all the valid arguments are included it should be apparent what the best option is, to us 'normal' people. We might not be developers, but the nature of Bitcoin is that user opinion is important, so it must be possible to become objectively informed. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lk4i3S

BTC mining with free electricity and internet?

Hi, is it still profitable (possible to pay off the initial cost of equipment + make some returns later) to mine with free electricity and pretty good free internet? Thank you all in advance.

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 10:43PM by thetlp http://bit.ly/2m34mcg

Bitcoin ATM in Amsterdam.


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 03:13PM by noreasontogetshirty http://bit.ly/2m6qQK2

"Jokes on you when those who have bitcoins are rich. Yes, it is 'when' not 'if.'" Carry on..

http://bit.ly/2mGGRCR via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m84szO

Unanswered questions about the bitfinex hack

So maybe I just missed it, but has bitfinex ever discovered how the hack occurred? What have they done since the hack to protect users from a similar attack? It seems to me they just offered tokens and are trying to pay everyone back, but has anything really been done? Everyone seems to have completely forgiven them and went back. Am I missing something? Thanks via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2ljZ0Fr

Peter Schiff vs bitcoin debate


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 07:18AM by CosmosKing98 http://bit.ly/2mEQYIx

What’s the Difference Between a Bitcoin Hard Fork and an Altcoin?

http://bit.ly/2m7r1ET via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lRxAZG

Bitcoin ATM in Amsterdam.

http://bit.ly/2mFJDIQ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m6qQK2

Vinny Lingham: Preventing Another Bitcoin Bubble

http://bit.ly/2lQIrDd via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m6s5Zt

Johnny (of Blockstream) vs Roger Ver - Bitcoin Scaling Debate (SegWit vs Bitcoin Unlimited)


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 07:07AM by NimbleBodhi http://bit.ly/2li97ec

Monday 27 February 2017

Coinbase suspends operations in Hawaii


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 06:23AM by BitcoinHawaii http://bit.ly/2mxUxkw

David Cameron was at the opening of Blockchain's new office in London


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 03:55AM by Pizpie http://bit.ly/2lNBJ2t

Peter Schiff vs bitcoin debate

https://youtu.be/9rdz2DWrHW8 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mEQYIx

Johnny (of Blockstream) vs Roger Ver - Bitcoin Scaling Debate (SegWit vs Bitcoin Unlimited)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JarEszFY1WY via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2li97ec

CNBC poll gold or Bitcoin?

https://twitter.com/CNBCFastMoney/status/836346459423387648 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m0d6jA

Segwit will never activate with miners. We need UASF


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 12:30AM by chek2fire http://bit.ly/2mn8ZPk

Coinbase suspends operations in Hawaii

http://bit.ly/2lZQwHT via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mxUxkw

First ever Bitcoin ATM spotted in St. Petersburg, Russia


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:36AM by Suberg http://bit.ly/2m3Ib69

David Cameron was at the opening of Blockchain's new office in London

https://twitter.com/David_Cameron/status/836294380281606144 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lNBJ2t

Is Satoshi Nakamoto now the most anonymous billionaire?

No text found

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 11:58PM by descartesii http://bit.ly/2lMTajL

FYI: Today @ 5pm EST Peter Schiff will debate a Bitcoiner on CNBC (I don't know who). Can someone who has the equipment please capture it?


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:40AM by Logical007 http://bit.ly/2lOZeX0

Gavin Andresen in 2011 "Bitcoin is an experiment: maybe it WILL fail as a currency, but succeed as a commodity: Gold 2.0 versus Dollar 2.0"


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 09:43PM by jaumenuez http://bit.ly/2mwlW6f

Segwit will never activate with miners. We need UASF

http://bit.ly/2lhlneU via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mn8ZPk

First ever Bitcoin ATM spotted in St. Petersburg, Russia

https://twitter.com/allenscottoshi/status/836268671865667585 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m3Ib69

FYI: Today @ 5pm EST Peter Schiff will debate a Bitcoiner on CNBC (I don't know who). Can someone who has the equipment please capture it?

Cheers! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lOZeX0

New prospectus for the COIN ETF filed with the SEC


Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:00AM by andrewbuck40 http://bit.ly/2lrw67f

Is Satoshi Nakamoto now the most anonymous billionaire?

No text found via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lMTajL

New prospectus for the COIN ETF filed with the SEC

http://bit.ly/2lMO7iY via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lrw67f

Cross-chain replays may be one of the biggest problem of potential contentious fork. It's surprising people mostly ignore this problem.

Ethereum split into ETC and ETH demonstrated that cross-chain transaction replay becomes a major problem if not planned for. Transaction created on one chain could be replayed on the other chain, moving both types of coins, perhaps contrary to the user’s intention.

Unfortunately, this problems does not receive adequate attention when people are discussing non-consensus fork of Bitcoin chain. Imagine that as a result of fork, you got both BTC (core bitcoins) and BTU (unlimited bitcoins) on the same addresses. Now, you want to pay for something with BTC — but to your surprise, the same amount of BTU is also moving to the seller’s address, even though they were not supposed to. Another example, you don’t believe in BTU value and want to get rid of them in OTC transaction. You get the payment and transfer your BTU to the buyer. What the hell?! Your precious BTC from the same address are now gone as well! What’s the deal with that?!

Imagine the confusion among Bitcoin users that may follow and the damage to user confidence and willingness to transact on-chain just this single problem could do. Unlike Ethereum, where the replay problem was mostly dealt with via splitter contracts, Bitcoin does not have adequate scripting capabilities. The only practical way to mitigate the issue would be mixing the legacy coins with post-fork mined coins of different flavors (either BTC or BTU). Which is well beyond the abilities of casual Bitcoin user.

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 01:24PM by bit_novosti http://bit.ly/2l2nN5X

BTCC CEO Bobby Lee: Bitcoin is Infinitely More Secure Than Bank Cards


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 07:06PM by AliBongo88 http://bit.ly/2l3ebrv

Bitcoin’s Capacity Increase from Segregated Witness Could Kick in Fast ["Customers have every incentive to upgrade as it cuts their fees in half," added CTO Davenport]


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 09:04PM by eragmus http://bit.ly/2lXYpxo

Banks! Bitcoin is the technology behind Blockchain. Simon Dixon explains.

https://youtu.be/Bphz8_Rpm_I via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mD7Dw7

If the COIN ETF is approved, how long before it actually begins trading?

Seems like there would be a great buying opportunity on current exchanges before more money starts flowing in via the ETF if there's a gap between the approval announcement and actual start of trading of the ETF. Obviously the price will go up on the announcement but not as much as once the fund starts trading. Anyone know the details?

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 07:06AM by nickmatic http://bit.ly/2lKTs92

Bitcoin Core 0.14 gui change allows to disconnect multiple peers simultaneously

"Multiple peers can now be selected in the list of peers in the debug window. This allows for users to ban or disconnect multiple peers simultaneously instead of banning them one at a time."Now is very easy to sort by user agent and with Shift+left click disconnect all BU peers connected.Just gives me joy. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lqOlKc

Bitwala wins Fintech Pioneers in Berlin: Bitcoin companies start to outperform mainstream Fintech

http://bit.ly/2lYcISx via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mw9gMT

Gavin Andresen in 2011 "Bitcoin is an experiment: maybe it WILL fail as a currency, but succeed as a commodity: Gold 2.0 versus Dollar 2.0"

https://twitter.com/gavinandresen/status/78914939301007361?s=09 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mwlW6f

Trezor's Fastest Growing Market is Japan, Transforming into Major Bitcoin Hub

http://bit.ly/2lMl1jK via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lqTvGd

Bitcoin’s Capacity Increase from Segregated Witness Could Kick in Fast ["Customers have every incentive to upgrade as it cuts their fees in half," added CTO Davenport]

http://bit.ly/2mvucn0 via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lXYpxo

Anyone Eyeballing March 15? Debt Ceiling Will Create Havoc.


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 03:28AM by Playful12 http://bit.ly/2mvYjL9

what is a bearwhale?

I know what a whale is. I know what a bear is. I know what a bull is.

but I do not understand what a bearwhale is....

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 10:32AM by omnifecint http://bit.ly/2lp0100

Om Nom

http://bit.ly/2lqCCLM via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lMarcM

Hype is insane for the ETF if Google Trends is correct. HODL.


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 02:01PM by Zack http://bit.ly/2lWdvmQ

Know what is more amazing than last Sunday's weekly CNY volume number? This Sunday's weekly CNY number!


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 02:34PM by cointastical http://bit.ly/2l2x8KP

Upcoming Rental Marketplace Portion Uses Bitcoin and Smart Assets


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 03:48AM by helmsk http://bit.ly/2lKLjBe

Is bitcoin Quantum-proof? -Andreas explains.


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 04:37AM by Sadimatsu http://bit.ly/2m0vj0O

Why More And More Single-Family Offices Are Investing In Bitcoin

http://bit.ly/2lMZcyX via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2l38sSA

BTCC CEO Bobby Lee: Bitcoin is Infinitely More Secure Than Bank Cards

https://youtu.be/ac6p6gH-_9Q via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2l3ebrv

Roger Ver (BU) vs Tone Vays (SegWit) - Bitcoin Scaling Debate


Submitted February 27, 2017 at 01:14PM by pimpingken http://bit.ly/2mBe4jg

Mentor Monday, February 27, 2017: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:If you'd like to learn something, ask.If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.Any question about bitcoins is fair game.And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginnersYou can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet.Please check our Newcomer Sticky for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2muXHFs

Know what is more amazing than last Sunday's weekly CNY volume number? This Sunday's weekly CNY number!

http://bit.ly/2muFV5B via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2l2x8KP

Cross-chain replays may be one of the biggest problem of potential contentious fork. It's surprising people mostly ignore this problem.

Ethereum split into ETC and ETH demonstrated that cross-chain transaction replay becomes a major problem if not planned for. Transaction created on one chain could be replayed on the other chain, moving both types of coins, perhaps contrary to the user’s intention.Unfortunately, this problems does not receive adequate attention when people are discussing non-consensus fork of Bitcoin chain. Imagine that as a result of fork, you got both BTC (core bitcoins) and BTU (unlimited bitcoins) on the same addresses. Now, you want to pay for something with BTC — but to your surprise, the same amount of BTU is also moving to the seller’s address, even though they were not supposed to. Another example, you don’t believe in BTU value and want to get rid of them in OTC transaction. You get the payment and transfer your BTU to the buyer. What the hell?! Your precious BTC from the same address are now gone as well! What’s the deal with that?!Imagine the confusion among Bitcoin users that may follow and the damage to user confidence and willingness to transact on-chain just this single problem could do. Unlike Ethereum, where the replay problem was mostly dealt with via splitter contracts, Bitcoin does not have adequate scripting capabilities. The only practical way to mitigate the issue would be mixing the legacy coins with post-fork mined coins of different flavors (either BTC or BTU). Which is well beyond the abilities of casual Bitcoin user. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2l2nN5X

Sunday 26 February 2017

I learn-did my wife today

I use Bread Wallet for cold storage, and just in general for holding coin, because I'm super skeptical of hodling it on exchanges (as most should be)(I also only hold a couple coins).I told my wife to download the app (breadwallet) and open it, "what does it say now?" I said...Had her start a fresh wallet and she got up and grabbed a pen and paper and wrote her phrase down. I showed her how to send and transfer bitcoin (I sent her some) and immediately she said, "wow. Is it really this easy?"A lot of people that I know, that have heard of bitcoin, say, "ya I've heard about it but I don't understand it really". As Hodlers, buyers, traders, sellers, believers... it's our job to spread the word. If I were to try to explain nodes and chains to my wife her eyes would roll into the back of her head. Quite frankly, she doesn't care. The average user won't care or even try to. The easier it is on a "future customer" the better.Long story short, spread the word. Simplify it. It's our job to. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2muxqqR

Hype is insane for the ETF if Google Trends is correct. HODL.

http://bit.ly/2muvlLJ via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lWdvmQ

Roger Ver (BU) vs Tone Vays (SegWit) - Bitcoin Scaling Debate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdyIJ-BUPaU via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2mBe4jg

The Bitcoin Dream Is The Same Dream As The Psychedelic Dream

I just realized that people who preach bitcoin thinks that it could save the World, just as people who are passionated about psychedelics think that LSD, shrooms, DMT and ayahuasca could save the world.

Maybe we are the same community? Maybe we are two different communities that help each other get what we want, and we want the same.

What ever it is, i think that all of us interested in bitcoin should also get involved in the psychedelic community, and vice versa.

Maybe LSD is the LSD of the 60ies, and the internet is the LSD og the 90ies, but bitcoin is the LSD of today. Maybe every generation will make a "LSD"? I think we could learn from eachother, and help eachother to reach the goal.

Strength in numbers. Peace, love and understanding.

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 07:54AM by CaptainBloodArm http://bit.ly/2m0hTlb

what is a bearwhale?

I know what a whale is. I know what a bear is. I know what a bull is.but I do not understand what a bearwhale is.... via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2lp0100

What exactly would be the negatives with a 2Mb + 17% per year increase to blocksize that activates on Bitcoin's 10th birthday if 95% consensus is achieved?

I'm not really against a HF that has widespread support and after extensive reading I honestly think this proposal would be pretty safe. And I don't mean this as an "appease the other side" option either. I actually just think this is a good idea and HFs only worry me in a contentious environment, if it can gain wide support then I'm on board.

This proposal suggests nothing that assumes unlimited resource availability, or that a hard fork is not a risk. In the meantime we would have another year+ to activate SegWit and implement many other scaling solutions as well as allowing technology/bandwidth/resource costs to continue to decline before implementation. It would give everyone ample time for preparation, and if 95% wasn't achieved, then business as usual and we have far less to worry about when it comes to some terribly incentivized system like BU.

Summary: I prefer Soft forks as the more conservative option, but I don't see any significant downside to a long-term scheduled hard fork that doesn't drastically shift Bitcoin game theory into ridiculously untested waters like BU.

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 12:53AM by Cryptoconomy http://bit.ly/2mkawWw

This makes me happy. More searches more awareness more adoptiom more money for me!


Submitted February 26, 2017 at 08:23PM by j_blinco http://bit.ly/2ldtN73

We are officially less then "2 weeks" away from the ETF approval.

No text found

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 12:49AM by froureal http://bit.ly/2lKf4SL

Is bitcoin Quantum-proof? -Andreas explains.

http://bit.ly/2loYyqF via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m0vj0O

The Bitcoin Dream Is The Same Dream As The Psychedelic Dream

I just realized that people who preach bitcoin thinks that it could save the World, just as people who are passionated about psychedelics think that LSD, shrooms, DMT and ayahuasca could save the world.Maybe we are the same community? Maybe we are two different communities that help each other get what we want, and we want the same.What ever it is, i think that all of us interested in bitcoin should also get involved in the psychedelic community, and vice versa.Maybe LSD is the LSD of the 60ies, and the internet is the LSD og the 90ies, but bitcoin is the LSD of today. Maybe every generation will make a "LSD"? I think we could learn from eachother, and help eachother to reach the goal.Strength in numbers. Peace, love and understanding. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2m0hTlb