Sunday 26 February 2017

I learn-did my wife today

I use Bread Wallet for cold storage, and just in general for holding coin, because I'm super skeptical of hodling it on exchanges (as most should be)(I also only hold a couple coins).I told my wife to download the app (breadwallet) and open it, "what does it say now?" I said...Had her start a fresh wallet and she got up and grabbed a pen and paper and wrote her phrase down. I showed her how to send and transfer bitcoin (I sent her some) and immediately she said, "wow. Is it really this easy?"A lot of people that I know, that have heard of bitcoin, say, "ya I've heard about it but I don't understand it really". As Hodlers, buyers, traders, sellers, believers... it's our job to spread the word. If I were to try to explain nodes and chains to my wife her eyes would roll into the back of her head. Quite frankly, she doesn't care. The average user won't care or even try to. The easier it is on a "future customer" the better.Long story short, spread the word. Simplify it. It's our job to. via /r/Bitcoin

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