Friday 31 March 2017

Another day another lie on /r/btc [part 2]

Yesterday one of the /r/btc trolls was spreading the typical Blockstream bullshit on /r/Bitcoin. Sadly he wasn’t banned right away, so I decided to waste some time debating him. I was naïve enough to think I might be able to talk some sense into him.

An hour later, Greg sees his comments and starts to join the discussion (apparently Greg was as naïve as I was). Of-course the troll uses the exact same lies he used in the debate he had with me. So apparently he didn’t learn a lot.

Not much later his motives become clear, because he turned it into a personal attack on Greg at /r/btc. :(

So I asked him wtf was wrong with him and why he did all of this. Of-course I got downvoted to oblivion as is standard protocol on /r/btc. And of-course not much later someone asks me to kill myself. :(

Which is also standard protocol on /r/btc.

Finally the /r/Bitcoin mods ban the troll (bit late).

And today all of this turned into the top post at /r/btc.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 05:27PM by -Hayo-

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