Thursday 30 March 2017

SegWit failures on segnet

There appear to be issues in segnet (Segregated Witness testnet) where by the network-topology forks into two groups (segwit and non-segwit).Since communication doesn't bridge between these groups effectively, block announcements are not flood-filling the segnet as expected leading each fork to mine their own subchain, until finally a major reorg happens.As a blockchain developer, and someone who has used testnet and mainnet for storing assets (color coin), I know there are significant differences between the testnet/mainnet and it is unclear what effects Segregated Witness would have if activated on mainnet.Since the network literally forks into two groups, it is essentially a hard-fork. Would not the best approach be to implement a clean hard-fork for segwit rather than letting non-adopters linger in an unreliable, high-orphan subnet which reorgs unpredictably? via /r/Bitcoin

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